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You hear the sounds of a busy workshop, a team of craftsmen working on looms which methodically clack as the heddles shift back and forth and the beater pounds the fabric. The warp appears threaded with fine metallic thread, while the shuttles appear wound in softly glowing fiber. As the tapestry grows, a shifting mosaic pattern emerges, pulsing with chaotic and ominous geometries. The craftsmen periodically pause and call out in alarm, pointing at a new form or remarking on a strange quirk of the piece. As the finished product gathers onto rollers, you notice the edges crackling angrily, bending space and leaving jagged edges of reality. The craftsmen continue their work, and the vision fades.
You hear the sounds of a busy workshop, a team of craftsmen working on looms which methodically clack as the heddles shift back and forth and the beater pounds the fabric. The warp appears threaded with fine metallic thread, while the shuttles appear wound in softly glowing fiber. As the tapestry grows, a shifting mosaic pattern emerges, pulsing with chaotic and ominous geometries. The craftsmen periodically pause and call out in alarm, pointing at a new form or remarking on a strange quirk of the piece. As the finished product gathers onto rollers, you notice the edges crackling angrily, bending space and leaving jagged edges of reality. The craftsmen continue their work, and the vision fades.

Revision as of 20:01, 23 January 2020

This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2020.

Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.

Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.


Date and Time: 01/23/2020
You hear the sounds of a busy workshop, a team of craftsmen working on looms which methodically clack as the heddles shift back and forth and the beater pounds the fabric. The warp appears threaded with fine metallic thread, while the shuttles appear wound in softly glowing fiber. As the tapestry grows, a shifting mosaic pattern emerges, pulsing with chaotic and ominous geometries. The craftsmen periodically pause and call out in alarm, pointing at a new form or remarking on a strange quirk of the piece. As the finished product gathers onto rollers, you notice the edges crackling angrily, bending space and leaving jagged edges of reality. The craftsmen continue their work, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 01/23/2020
You blink, and before you crouches a strange creature with six muscular arms, embracing itself and wiping its face as it weeps. Brilliant silver streams from the creatures face, glistening in flows along its muscular torso, down its legs, and pooling around its feet. As the silver pool grows, strange ripples skitter across its surface, crisscrossing in complex interference patterns.

The creature continues to weep, the pool grows and grows, and gradually, streams begin branching outward and carving a pattern across an unseen surface, illuminating the landscape. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 01/23/2020
You see a disfigured scholar kneeling before an altar, the chapel dark save for a single torch providing flickering light. The scholar's features are a mess of scars, a triple line raked across his brow and cheek, and a simple linen patch covers one eye. His right hand is locked in a tight fist, gray skinned and streaked with black veins. The scholar prays fervently, prostrating himself before the altar as he beseeches the Immortals for forgiveness. The altar shifts imperceptibly, and the scholar gasps. He draws a simple knife from his belt, and without hesitation, places it on the altar. The pupil of his remaining eye dilates and he looks around in wonder, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 01/04/2020
You find yourself looking up at a brilliant star scape, the three moons high in the sky. The broad faces of Xibar and Yavash cast an almost blinding purple that competes with the dull shadowy haze of Katamba's face. A meteor streaks across the sky, shattering as it etches a long arc above, the pieces further fragmenting as they spread, a celestial fractal etched across the sky. Over the course of long moments, they slow to a gradual stop and hover in place, cooling from a sharp yellow through a dull red, and finally dimming, nearly invisible next to the blackness beyond. Against the inky backdrop, dozens of points can be vaguely seen slowly descending, spiraling and darting back and forth. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 01/04/2020
You see a broad dock and a riverboat captain presenting paperwork to a custom inspector. The inspector peruses the list and shakes his head, and begins to argue with the captain about the bill of goods, claiming that inventory is not properly accounted for. The captain calmly listens to the inspectors claims, and then she holds up a single hand to silence him.

"I've seen this routine before, inspector," she says, "so let's skip it and you tell me how much you need to allow me to unload here."

The inspector snarls, produces a vial of naphtha, and as the captain goes wide-eyed, tosses the naphtha casually onto the deck of the vessel, causing it to explode with a flat *woomph*. As the flames begin to consume the boat, the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 01/04/2020
A cool wind caresses your face, carrying the scent of crisp autumn dry grass and hard earth. An open field stretches before you, glistening with morning frost, and the bright sun burns in the pale blue sky. To the distant west, a storm cloud gathers, and the air begins to smell of rain. You reach down, and gather a fist full of dirt, letting it fall between your fingers and scatter in the breeze. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 01/04/2020
You are surrounded by darkness, the musty scent of hewn rock and damp air filling your nostrils. A flint is struck, and a torch flares with light, revealing a massive cave, the bare rock walls and ceiling disappearing beyond the small circle of illumination. You are circled by robed figures, their faces obscured by masks made of bramble and clay, streaked with stark white paint. The figure holding the torch steps forward, touches your forehead, and the ground begins to ripple like water. Suddenly, you fall, submerged in gloom. From the depths you flail, reaching upward for air, and you watch as the figures begin to one by one walk away from the light, until your lungs burn and only the torchbearer remains. Tilting its head curiously, the figure snuffs the torch against the flowing ground, and there is only darkness. Air suddenly fills your lungs and with a shuddering breath, the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 01/04/2020
You find yourself in a broad tent, a ring of enormous warriors gathered around a low smoldering fire. Adorned in blood red paints and animal pelts, crisscrossed with rippling scars and burns, each carries a weapon in their calloused hands. They argue, shouting and swearing in foreign tongues, gesturing threats and spitting into the fire. A heavy rain can be heard outside, the staccato hammering on the tent surging and ebbing like a heartbeat, though not loud enough to drown out the argument unfolding before you.

A child walks in, wearing nothing but a hide loincloth, his thin body and bloodied knuckles seemingly out of place among these giants. He holds up a hand and the warriors immediately fall silent. The rain continues to thunder against the tent as the child softly begins to tell a tale, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown