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It seemed an eternity, hiding in the woods with her little sister, wondering and worrying about the fate of her home. Tucked tightly under some fallen trees, she held Mysty close, trying to sooth the child as the sounds of battle began to reach them. Growing in intensity the sounds of battle raged, the clash of blades ringing through the air, yells, battle cries, the screams of horses all rending the air in a terrible symphony that Shiri wondered wether it would ever end. Darkness fell, unnatural in its suddenness, like the gods had snuffed out the very sun. The sudden darkness could only be magical in it's totality and a coldness began seeping into Shiri's soul as fear took hold. Shaking it off she slid forward and looked out through the branches up at the sky. Dark and foreboding, eerie and almost evil feeling the sky rolled with dark clouds cracking with unnatural electricity, sudden bolts leaping out and flashing down, followed by crashing booms as it hit the ground, adding to the roar of the battle. Scooting back she pulled Mysty with her deeper into their hiding spot, whispering a prayer to Damaris.
It seemed an eternity, hiding in the woods with her little sister, wondering and worrying about the fate of her home. Tucked tightly under some fallen trees, she held Mysty close, trying to sooth the child as the sounds of battle began to reach them. Growing in intensity the sounds of battle raged, the clash of blades ringing through the air, yells, battle cries, the screams of horses all rending the air in a terrible symphony that Shiri wondered wether it would ever end. Darkness fell, unnatural in its suddenness, like the gods had snuffed out the very sun. The sudden darkness could only be magical in it's totality and a coldness began seeping into Shiri's soul as fear took hold. Shaking it off she slid forward and looked out through the branches up at the sky. Dark and foreboding, eerie and almost evil feeling the sky rolled with dark clouds cracking with unnatural electricity, sudden bolts leaping out and flashing down, followed by crashing booms as it hit the ground, adding to the roar of the battle. Scooting back she pulled Mysty with her deeper into their hiding spot, whispering a prayer to Damaris.


Silence…sudden and complete silence was almost more terrifying then the sounds of battle. Sitting and waiting, expecting the terrible noises to start again as suddenly as it had stopped, for anlaen she sat with her sister..waiting…until suddenly deciding that it must be over she began pushing her sister out of their hiding spot. “Move Mysty, I think it’s over…” she whispered as she gave her another shove. Crawling out she stood and stretched gazing around, seeing only the forest and the sky about, now normal from what she could see in the late afternoon. Moving cautiously and quietly at first, she took her sisters hand and crept towards the tree line, once there the sight stopped them both in their tracks.
Silence…sudden and complete silence was almost more terrifying then the sounds of battle. Sitting and waiting, expecting the terrible noises to start again as suddenly as it had stopped, for anlaen she sat with her sister..waiting…until suddenly deciding that it must be over she began pushing her sister out of their hiding spot. “Move Mysty, I think it’s over…” she whispered as she gave her another shove. Crawling out she stood and stretched gazing around, seeing only the forest and the sky about, now normal from what she could see in the late afternoon. Moving cautiously and quietly at first, she took her sisters hand and crept towards the tree line, once there the sight stopped them both in their tracks.

Revision as of 15:36, 5 October 2017

Shiriann Caerleon-Voorhees
Status Active
Race Elf
Gender Female
Guild Cleric
Instance Prime
Relatives Erixx Voorhees, Rekon, Mystylaine, Dainera, & Raeyel

You are Soul Sunderer Shiriann Caerleon, Resurrector of Elanthia, an Elf. You have a generous mouth, pointed ears, thick-lashed blue-grey eyes and dimples. Your blonde-streaked honey hair is shoulder length and wavy, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a black diamond comb shaped like a scorpion with a ruby-tipped stinger. You have tanned skin and a shapely figure. You are young. You have a tattoo of a blood-red scorpion curled around a black rose on your shoulder. A brilliant orb of rippling cerulean light hovers like a will-o-wisp, following you diligently. You are in good shape. You are wearing a midnight black helm, a gold and cambrinth hair-clasp etched with a sunrise scene, a silver jadeite gwethdesuan, a platinum kyanite gwethdesuan, a silver eyebrow ring, a serpentine cambrinth earcuff carved in the shape of an adder, some exquisite raven earrings carved in black diamond, a ruby pendant, a delicate ruby necklace shaped like a scorpion whose tail is raised to strike, a fiery red velvet corset laced with black silk cords, a bronze-beaded black suede haversack, a lumpy bundle, a crimson leather frontlaced bodice trimmed with black seed pearls, some perfect firecat-skin leathers, a sinuous cambrinth armband coiled in the shape of a striking adder, a thin silvery armband etched with an unusually formed Clerics' Guild crest, some basilisk fang elbow blades, a crocodile-skin buckler, a matte black bison-hide wrist sheath, some wickedly spiked knuckles, a heavy iron ring set with a pentagonal garnet, a diamond ring, an albredine crystal ring, a wide sword belt with platinum studs and star rubies riveted in an alternating pattern, a glossy raven black silk dance veil, a blood-red prayer sash stitched with dark holy symbols, a scarlet satin gem pouch clasped with a silver cobra, a wicked silver belt knife, an elegant red leather bullwhip with a black-wrapped handle, an embroidered black satin laulivas laufisana, a long supple split skirt of midnight black silk charmeuse, a black silk garter with a delicate lace fringe, a ruby anklet, some steel-toed footwraps with dark steelsilk straps, some low scarlet suede boots with polished ebonwood heels and a silver-hued parry stick with reinforced silken straps.

You affirmed your vows with Erixx before the gods in the 6th month of Arhat the Fire Lion in the year of the Iron Toad, 424

'The Beginning…..'

Making her way as quickly and carefully as she can, a willowy elven woman moves silently through the swamp that surrounds the mountain side encampment of the clan on three sides. Whispering a prayer of thanks to Tamsine that she was finally able to find an opening to escape from nearly two years of capture, Sylthana continues to the forest in the distance as fast as her very pregnant body will allow. Staying vigilant and moving mostly at night, to avoid soldiers on both sides, cursing the war that put her in this situation, Sylthana continues to make her way steadily back to her smoi (husband) Erren and her clan's fall settlement on the plains.

Arriving just before dawn Sylthana finally reaches her clan , weak and exhausted she collapses after whistling out her greeting for the sentries….. Awakening hours later in her bed, home for the first time in just over two years she sees her smoi Erren, and young daughter Shiriann at her bedside. Clutching his hand and hugging her daughter as the child falls across her, Sylthana tells of her capture, confinement, and her current condition. Exhausted again she drifts back in to blackness …

Weeks later, she again finds herself back in bed, this time caught in the thrones of labor. Hours later as dawn colors the sky the first wails of a newborn fill the air. Knowing the new addition to their family had finally arrived, and immensely curious, Shiriann crept to the door of her parents room and peered around the door frame into the small room. Hearing her Towis as about naming "her" she smiled happily knowing she had a little shostro (sister). Jumping in surprise when her mother says “yes, I was talking about you, come meet your new sister…”. Shiri cautiously approached her parents she asking “what is her name Gemia (mother)?” Her mothers expression turns thoughtful, then lights up as a small sparrow lands on the window sill and begins it's warbling song. “We will call her Licuti Cimi… Mystylaine to those not of the clan.” Smiling at the name, she leans in and coos at her new sister.

'War Reaches Home......'

Helping her mother straighten up the tiny home her family uses in the fall, Shiri pauses and listens closely... horses are coming, several and fast, and there is yelling not quite clear yet. Pausing in her work, Shiri walks over to the window as many of the clan's warriors near come into the village riding hard and coming to a sudden stop. Bows slung over their shoulders, swords at their sides, they dismount and run further into the village yelling urgently. The voices of the warriors now quite clear as they warn of forces descending on the village....the war was here. Her Gemia and Towis hearing the warning as well jump up simultaneously exclaiming "Licuti Cimi!" as they rush for the door. Realizing her sister must has not come in from playing yet, rushes out the door after her parents.

Shiri watches her Towis stop to grab his weapons before sprinting out of the house, her mother also grabs her bow and sword and heads out, as Shiri steps outside her Gemia kneels down and put her hands on her shoulders "Altan Gul, you must go get Licuti Cimi and find somewhere safe to hide. We will come for you as soon as we can, but you must stay hidden and protect your sister, do you understand my Gul?" her Gemia asks. Nodding her understanding she looks about for her sister the follows her mothers gaze and spots Mysty just as her mother motions towards her. Unsure for a moment where to go, she is shaken from her thoughts by the prodding of her mother and takes off at a run for Mysty.

Skidding to a stop in front of her and grasping her arm tightly she exclaimes “come Mysty we must hide, they are coming!” Trying to twist out of her grasp Mysty asks “What is coming Shiri?” her violet eyes fearful as she looks at Shiri. “The war has reached us, we must hide Mysty…..NOW!!” she cries as she drags her little sister towards the tree line on the opposite side of the village from where the clan warriors and defenders were gathering......

It seemed an eternity, hiding in the woods with her little sister, wondering and worrying about the fate of her home. Tucked tightly under some fallen trees, she held Mysty close, trying to sooth the child as the sounds of battle began to reach them. Growing in intensity the sounds of battle raged, the clash of blades ringing through the air, yells, battle cries, the screams of horses all rending the air in a terrible symphony that Shiri wondered wether it would ever end. Darkness fell, unnatural in its suddenness, like the gods had snuffed out the very sun. The sudden darkness could only be magical in it's totality and a coldness began seeping into Shiri's soul as fear took hold. Shaking it off she slid forward and looked out through the branches up at the sky. Dark and foreboding, eerie and almost evil feeling the sky rolled with dark clouds cracking with unnatural electricity, sudden bolts leaping out and flashing down, followed by crashing booms as it hit the ground, adding to the roar of the battle. Scooting back she pulled Mysty with her deeper into their hiding spot, whispering a prayer to Damaris.


Silence…sudden and complete silence was almost more terrifying then the sounds of battle. Sitting and waiting, expecting the terrible noises to start again as suddenly as it had stopped, for anlaen she sat with her sister..waiting…until suddenly deciding that it must be over she began pushing her sister out of their hiding spot. “Move Mysty, I think it’s over…” she whispered as she gave her another shove. Crawling out she stood and stretched gazing around, seeing only the forest and the sky about, now normal from what she could see in the late afternoon. Moving cautiously and quietly at first, she took her sisters hand and crept towards the tree line, once there the sight stopped them both in their tracks.

'Life Forever Changed......'

The village was gone….great plumes of black smoke rose darkening the sky and flames consumed much of the village. The houses burned, collapsed or collapsing, sending showers of sparks upward, the destruction total. With a cry of horror, Shiri took off at a run towards the devastated village, leaving Mysty standing alone.

Broken bodies, of her clan and the opposing forces were everywhere among the destruction. The air hard to breathe with all the smoke burning her lungs and the cloying smell of burned flesh and blood. Walking slowing between the building and rubble, her eyes darting about as she searches for her parents... the cold stillness that had begun to seep into her soul in the forest now feeling as if a great fist was wrapping around her heart and squeezing. Gasping at the sudden pain filling her she struggled to breathe for a moment, pushing her feelings aside she let the cold numbness fill her...her breath evening out as a cold stillness settle over her leaving her feeling nothing at all as her sister ran up to her and threw her arms around her waist, clinging tightly.

Glancing around as sounds once again fill her ears beyond the crackle of the burning village, voices…faint but growing louder and the whiny of horses… “More…there are two more over here!” a male voice called out as forms began to take shape through the smoky haze… As the man stopped in front of them, she glanced up to fully see him. Dressed in full plate the man was massive, and not an Elf. Mysty in all her innocent curiosity blurted out "Why are you so tall?" as she nearly fell backwards trying to look up at him. “Because we Kaldar are made this way little Elf” he replied as he scooped Mysty up motioned for her to follow him towards the others that had not walked the Starry Road…

Her parents, two that were taken by the Starry Road were ceremoniously buried with honor along with the rest of the fallen by the remaining members of her clan and the other Wind Elf clans from the area. Those left with no living family were sent to the orphanage in Crossing, run by clerics. Shiri and her little sister were two of these luckless orphans, wards now of the province... victims of the Gorbesh and now Sorrow Wars. Having so idea of orphanages and knowing that they would be just one of very many the clerics would care for, Shiri knew she'd have to take care of Mysty, there was no one she could turn to for help... what childhood she'd experienced was now over for her at the age of 14.. still considered, as an Elf, very much a child herself....