News 5 22 - Horse system issues: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 20:42, 4 September 2016

NEWS article 5-22:

Dateline 6/23/2002: HORSE SYSTEM ISSUES

Important information on horses!

Bug abuse and consent!
The ability to attack and kill a horse is NOT an intended "feature" of the current horse system. It is a BUG. Therefore, attacking another player's horse may be considered abuse of a known bug, and it is REPORTable for the GMs to handle. If the owner of the horse chooses NOT to report the offense, they are considered to have consent against the attacker. In other words, if someone attacks your horse, you may either REPORT or handle it yourself. Not both!

If you fail to properly stable your animal before leaving it unattended (this includes exiting the game) we are in no way held responsible for the well being of your animal or any items left on the horse.

Tack items lost due to crash-related situations will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Horse system INSTRUCT has been updated to provide more information as well as being more player friendly. If the target of your instruction logs off or leaves the area the class will now pause instead of resetting, leaving it up to the instructor to either stop instructing or wait until their target is once again available to continue the class.

For those Paladins that own a warhorse, you have a new SIGNAL to communicate with the animal when it is in combat on its own. SIGNAL HORSE RETREAT will allow you to command the horse to disengage when it would rather fight on for days.

Rangers -- If you still have problems controlling your wild horse after a successful capture try YANK ROPE ON HORSE.