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Paladin thumb.jpgPaladin Guild

Footman's Strike
Abbreviation: FST
Prerequisites: none
Signature: No
Spell Slots: Unknown
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: Unknown / Unknown
Difficulty: Unknown
Prep (min/max): 3 / 58
Skill Range (min/max): Unknown / Unknown
Valid Spell Target: Others, Critters
Duration (min/max): Unknown minutes /
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: At the first step on the road to being a combat magician, the Paladin is still attached to the martial training of his guild. Footman's Strike draws on the caster's melee weapon in hand as a focus for the spell, which dictates the shape of its manifestation. A rapier will produce a piercing force, while a claymore will invoke a spell that slashes and slices at the target. Holding a missile weapon or being unarmed causes the spell to fail.
Effect: Unknown
Example Messaging: Holy Weapon messaging:

You gesture at <target> with your <holy weapon>, letting out a war cry to Chadatru!

Gesture messaging reflects amount of mana put into the spell:
A few golden sparks 3-15 mana
A spray of silver sparks 16-27 mana
A shower of white sparks 28-40 mana
A powerful, bright white light 41-58 mana

You gesture at <target> with your <slicing weapon>.
A powerful, bright white light flashes along the edge of the <weapon>, blinking out of sight near-instantly.
A multitude of swiftly inflicted lacerations reduce <target>'s chest into a diced wreck, as if assailed by the full force of several phantom claymores!

You gesture at <target> with your <impact weapon>.
A powerful, bright white light flashes on the surface of the <weapon>, blinking out of sight near-instantly.
<Target> stumbles momentarily as a heavy blow bruises its chest.

You gesture at <target> with your <piercing weapon>.
A powerful, bright white light flashes about the tip of the <weapon>, blinking out of sight near-instantly.
A series of bloody dots appear on <target>'s head in a colander-like pattern.

You gesture at <target>.
With no melee weapon to define the magical pattern, your spell fizzles.

Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.

Per GM Grejuva, the Holy Weapon messaging is purely cosmetic, and does NOT use a strike when used. Also, weapon stats do not influence damage done by the spell, except to determine type of damage dealt.

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