RanikMap137: Difference between revisions

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m (Re-saved so Wizened Ranger shows up)
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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The ranger does not go to RanikMap149, She goes to RanikMap148 North and NW of "climb crevice to map 149k". A ranger can scout a trail at both locations and skip taking the ride. My scouting is at 187 and I have to use WS to find the trails. 05/18/2020 - Telendrious

Latest revision as of 20:00, 18 May 2020

Hag's Crag
Forfedhdar Province
Notable People:
Landmarks: none


Creatures (level): none
Return to map index
Ranik's Map Key
Standard Room RanikMapStandard.gif
Point of Interest RanikMapInterest.gif
Store / Shop RanikMapShop.gif
Train Stats RanikMapStats.gif
Throughpoint / Portal RanikMapPortal.gif
Homes RanikMapHomes.gif
Water Room RanikMapWater.gif
Underwater RanikMapUnderwater.gif
Minable RanikMapMine.gif
Lumber RanikMapLumber.gif
Start of Ranger Trail RanikMapTrailHead.gif
End of Ranger Trail RanikMapTrailEnd.gif
Multiple purpose (example) RanikMapShare.gif
Unidirectional Movement Ranikkey unidir.gif
Swing to <Direction> Ranikkey swing.gif


The ranger does not go to RanikMap149, She goes to RanikMap148 North and NW of "climb crevice to map 149k". A ranger can scout a trail at both locations and skip taking the ride. My scouting is at 187 and I have to use WS to find the trails. 05/18/2020 - Telendrious