Dwarven Lexicon, Volume 3 (book): Difference between revisions

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==The Dwarven Lexicon, Volume III (M through R)==
==The Dwarven Lexicon, Volume III (M through R)==
Line 47: Line 46:
money, riches, wealth awdh
money, riches, wealth awdh
month tungalhvil
month tungalhvil
moon (n) tungal
moon (n) tungal
Moon Mage nenavskan (pl. -sken)
Moon Mage nenavskan (pl. -sken)
more mag
more mag
Line 65: Line 64:
murder mawrdh
murder mawrdh
music (n) slifar
music (n) slifar
mute, dumb (adj) malab
mute, dumb (adj) malab
my, mine (poss.) agmark
my, mine (poss.) agmark
myself, yourself, etc. (intensive pronouns) tos- (added to the pronoun)
myself, yourself, etc. (intensive pronouns) tos- (added to the pronoun)
myself, yourself, etc. (reflexive pronouns) -tos (suffix added to pronoun)
myself, yourself, etc. (reflexive pronouns) -tos (suffix added to pronoun)
Line 163: Line 162:
parent (n) fedh
parent (n) fedh
part (n) hlut
part (n) hlut
pass shalhaad
pass shalhaad
pass (v) gane
pass (v) gane
passion gaarur
passion gaarur
Line 208: Line 207:
potential (n) motur
potential (n) motur
potter thakhwrit
potter thakhwrit
pour (v) spewa
pour (v) spewa
praise (n) hreth
praise (n) hreth
praise (v) hrethae
praise (v) hrethae
Line 214: Line 213:
predict (v) forgradhe
predict (v) forgradhe
pregnant (adj) thungudh
pregnant (adj) thungudh
prepare (v) fordina
prepare (v) fordina
preserve, protect, keep safe, save (v) halde
preserve, protect, keep safe, save (v) halde
press (v) krache
press (v) krache
Line 226: Line 225:
prophecy (n) sap
prophecy (n) sap
prophesy (v) sape
prophesy (v) sape
prophet/prophetess (n) sapkarl/sapkwon
prophet/prophetess (n) sapkarl/sapkwon
proud dramlor
proud dramlor
Prydaen (n) Pridaan (pl. Pridaanren)
Prydaen (n) Pridaan (pl. Pridaanren)
Line 262: Line 261:
rake (n) talil
rake (n) talil
Ranger gwadhis, gwadhing
Ranger gwadhis, gwadhing
rare (adj) laerk
rare (adj) laerk
rat (n) knaw
rat (n) knaw
razor snalth
razor snalth
Line 304: Line 303:
rose knarn
rose knarn
rough hruf
rough hruf
round (adj) valnik
round (adj) valnik
row (v) fale
row (v) fale
rub (v) charfe
rub (v) charfe
Line 316: Line 315:
[[Dwarven Lexicon, Volume 1]] (A through F)<br>
[[Dwarven Lexicon, Volume 1]] (A through F)<br>
[[Dwarven Lexicon, Volume 2]] (G through L)<br>
[[Dwarven Lexicon, Volume 2]] (G through L)<br>
[[Dwarven Lexicon, Volume 3]] (M through R)<br>
[[Dwarven Lexicon, Volume 4]] (S through Z)
[[Dwarven Lexicon, Volume 4]] (S through Z)

{{Cat|Dwarf,Book,Language Book,Dictionaries}}

Latest revision as of 16:01, 17 October 2013

The Dwarven Lexicon, Volume III (M through R)

Letter M

magic                                        galdrur, sviidh
mail (n), coat of mail (n)                   birn
mainland (n)                                 mikdar
make                                         skape
male (adj)                                   kwonik
man, husband, male (n)                       karl
manifold                                     marka
many                                         marg
march (v)                                    grestae
market, marketplace                          garun
marriage (n)                                 erd
marry (v)                                    liwga
marsh (n)                                    fnor
mason                                        staanwrit
mast                                         apkran
master                                       drotis
mead (n)                                     mowdh
meadow (n)                                   thirf
meal (n)                                     verdh
meal, flour (n)                              meel
mean (v)                                     thida
meaning                                      thid
measure (v)                                  mita
meat (n)                                     kowt
medicine (n)                                 leknistawf
meet (v), happen upon (v)                    hrika
memory                                       hvol
merchant                                     mangis
metal                                        kert
middle (adj)                                 midhik, midh-
milk (n)                                     mluk
milk (v)                                     mluka
mill (n)                                     kvaarn
mind                                         hugar
mirror                                       skugwag
miser                                        gaarnis
mist (n)                                     thok
mistake, error                               dwol
mix (v)                                      blande
mock (v), deride (v), laugh at               virhlake
mold (n)                                     traek
money, riches, wealth                        awdh
month                                        tungalhvil
 moon (n)                                    tungal
Moon Mage                                    nenavskan (pl. -sken)
more                                         mag
morning                                      maarg
mortar (for brick)                           chawkgaan
most                                         magast
mother (n)                                   awtham
mother-in-law (n)                            magkwon
mountain (n)                                 shal
mouse (n)                                    chal
mouth (n)                                    munar
move (v)                                     hrare
mow, reap (v)                                strita
much                                         kach
mud (n)                                      liir
mule (n)                                     mul
murder                                       mawrdh
music (n)                                    slifar
mute, dumb (adj)                             malab
my, mine (poss.)                             agmark
myself, yourself, etc. (intensive pronouns)  tos- (added to the pronoun)
myself, yourself, etc. (reflexive pronouns)  -tos (suffix added to pronoun)

Letter N

nail                                         spiik
nail (finger-, toe-), claw (n)               ingen
name                                         naflun
napkin                                       towl
narrow                                       trowng
navel (n)                                    imbal
near (adv)                                   nagos
near (prep, adv)                             nak, nak-
neck (n)                                     svir
necklace                                     bask
need (n), necessity                          tharf
need (v), lack (v)                           tharfe
need to (v), must (v), ought                 skale
needle                                       neth
neigh (v)                                    hnegae
neighbor                                     nakdwelis
neither...nor (conj)                         ewndis...ewntaw
nephew (n)                                   entar
never                                        ewnstund
new                                          chaan
nice, kind                                   agik
niece (n)                                    nipat
night                                        nakt
nine                                         twel
no                                           ewn
no, not                                      ewn
noble, royal, princely (status)              knaldkarlik
nod (v)                                      kate
noon                                         midhlaath
north                                        nordhar
nose (n)                                     nasar
now                                          chek
nude, bare (adj)                             nakwath
number                                       tal
nut (n)                                      hnut

Letter O

oak                                          iik
oar                                          rot
oat                                          ler
obey (v)                                     atgware, gware at
obscure                                      orch
of (prep)                                    ut
off (prep)                                   knar
offering (n)                                 sawth
often                                        skenig
oil (n)                                      alv
ointment                                     ongaan
old                                          forn
omen                                         furdh
on (prep)                                    svot
on behalf of (prep)                          hind
once (adv)                                   dangig
one                                          dan
one                                          dan
one's native country                         fewdhdar
only                                         danagi
only                                         danagi
open (v)                                     apina
or (conj)                                    ataw
ore                                          mown
original (adj)                               hlefik
orphan (n)                                   tawrlaws
other (adj)                                  aflik
our, ours (poss.)                            virmark
out (adv), outside (adv)                     svoragi
out of (prep)                                svort
outside (adj)                                svorik
outside (n)                                  svor
oven (n)                                     awkhan
over (prep), across (prep)                   ufar
owe                                          skula
own, possess (v)                             ange

Letter P

pack (n)                                     relk
pack (v)                                     marne
page                                         saad
pain, suffering                              balv
paint (n)                                    dind
paint (v)                                    dinda
Paladin                                      sverthaldis
pan (n)                                      aag
pants, trousers                              brewkren (sing. brewk)
paper (n)                                    vadthin
parchment (n)                                grafskawd
parent (n)                                   fedh
part (n)                                     hlut
pass                                         shalhaad
pass (v)                                     gane
passion                                      gaarur
pasture (n)                                  hag
pasture (v)                                  biita
path                                         trak
pay (v)                                      galde
pea (n)                                      art
peace  (n)                                   fridh
pebble (n)                                   khalili, kakhal
pen                                          stil
penalty, punishment                          molk
people (nation)                              gwern
people, populace, citizenry                  stedred
pepper (n)                                   feba
permission, license                          liif
person                                       throk
pig (n)                                      gris
pin                                          nest
pine                                         glag
pitcher, jug (n)                             krowg
pity (n), mercy                              owkt
pity (v), have mercy on (v), spare (v)       owkta
place (n)                                    stad
plain (n)                                    stath
plaintiff  (n)                               varfilgis
plait (v)                                    birka
plant                                        hesk
play (v)                                     klucha
please (v)                                   tolna
Please! (polite phrase)                      Toln.
pleasure, gratitude, thanks                  tolnur
plot, conspiracy                             flagiidhur
plow (n)                                     trod
plow (v)                                     troda
poem (n)                                     renar
point                                        odadh
poison (n)                                   iitar
politics (n)                                 boltik
poor                                         almik
port                                         port
possible                                     gorvalisk
pot (n)                                      krok
potential (n)                                motur
potter                                       thakhwrit
pour (v)                                     spewa
praise (n)                                   hreth
praise (v)                                   hrethae
pray                                         gwitha
predict (v)                                  forgradhe
pregnant (adj)                               thungudh
 prepare (v)                                 fordina
preserve, protect, keep safe, save (v)       halde
press (v)                                    krache
price                                        verdh
print (v)                                    printa
prison, jail                                 mirkstof
profit, gain                                 godha
promise (n), oath                            iidh
promise (v)                                  iidha
property, possession                         ang
prophecy (n)                                 sap
prophesy (v)                                 sape
prophet/prophetess  (n)                      sapkarl/sapkwon
proud                                        dramlor
Prydaen (n)                                  Pridaan (pl. Pridaanren)
Prydaenese, Prydaen (adj)                    Pridaanish
punish (v)                                   molka
pupil                                        nemis
purse                                        shodh
pursue                                       varfilga
push (v), shove                              skova
put to flight (v), cause to flee (v)         anafthrage
put, place (v), set, establish, set up       legae

Letter Q

quake (n), earthquake (n)                    threrg
quality (n)                                  gwalur
quantity                                     kachur
quarrel                                      haaf
queen, empress, princess, noblewoman         knaldkwon
question (n), inquiry                        fret
question mark (at beginning of questions)    gwor
quiet (adj)                                  rimik

Letter R

race (n) (Human, Dwarf, etc.)                mikstok
raft                                         nok
rage, fury                                   mordh
rain (n)                                     glan
rainbow (n)                                  sklarbrug
raise (v), lift                              bosta
Rakash (adj)                                 Rakash
Rakash (n)                                   Raka (pl. Reka)
rake (n)                                     talil
Ranger                                       gwadhis, gwadhing
 rare (adj)                                  laerk
rat  (n)                                     knaw
razor                                        snalth
read                                         gaame
ready                                        vutmundik
recite (v)                                   virgaabe
red                                          rawdh
refuse                                       stonga
region, territory                            svit
regret (v), repent                           hriga
relative, kin (n)                            nidhar
release (v)                                  hleta
religion                                     trew
remain, stay (v), wait (v)                   bida
remember                                     hvola
remove (v), take away (v)                    afthiga
repel (v), ward off (v)                      afklowta, knarklowta
rescue (v), save (v)                         hreda
resolute (adj),                              danhug
restore (v)                                  edbosta
retreat (n)                                  afthrag
rhythm (n)                                   patur
rib (n)                                      rif
rich, wealthy                                awdhik
ride (v)                                     ake
right (adj vs. left)                         hewg
right (adj), correct                         garat
ring                                         hring
rise (v)                                     radhe
rivalry (n) (an instance of)                 viikli
rivalry (n) (of competitive spirit)          viikur
river (n)                                    lewkar
road                                         vard
roast (v)                                    stiika
rock (n)                                     karaag
roll (v)                                     volta
roof                                         hrot
room                                         stof
root                                         sklan
rope                                         kord
rose                                         knarn
rough                                        hruf
round (adj)                                  valnik
row (v)                                      fale
rub (v)                                      charfe
rudder                                       stiiril
rule (v), govern                             knalde
run (v)                                      thrage
rye                                          flarn

See Also

Dwarven Lexicon, Volume 1 (A through F)
Dwarven Lexicon, Volume 2 (G through L)
Dwarven Lexicon, Volume 4 (S through Z)