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==[[race association is::kaldar|Kaldar]]==
==[[race association is::kaldar|Kaldar]]==
*{{tt|sweat}} - You furrow your brow as sweat begins to pour down your face. Get a grip!
*{{tt|sweat}} - ?
: ''?''
: ''?''
*{{tt|sweat}} ''<creature>'' - ?
*{{tt|sweat}} ''&lt;creature&gt;'' - You begin to sweat as you hesitantly turn toward <creature>.
: ''?''
: ''?''
*{{tt|sweat}} ''&lt;object&gt;'' - ?
*{{tt|sweat}} ''&lt;object&gt;'' - You casts a sidelong glance at <item> and begin to fidget nervously.
: ''?''
: ''?''
*{{tt|sweat}} ''&lt;person&gt;'' - ?
*{{tt|sweat}} ''&lt;person&gt;'' - Sweat coats your brow as you nervously appraise <person>.
: ''?''
: ''?''
*{{tt|sweat}} ''&lt;self&gt;'' - ?
*{{tt|sweat}} ''&lt;self&gt;'' - You roughly brush sweat from your brow with the back of your hand.
: ''?''
: ''?''

Revision as of 08:32, 28 March 2009

Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Lacking race info
  • Please see Category:Incomplete articles for more articles that are incomplete.

This command has different outcomes depending on your race.


  • SWEAT - You perspire and twist your beard nervously.
  • SWEAT <creature> - You consider the size of a <creature> and tug your beard nervously as sweat breaks out on your brow. Maybe this thing should be approached from below.
  • SWEAT <object> - You ponder <item> and tug your beard nervously as sweat breaks out on your brow. What would be the best way to mine this thing?
  • SWEAT <person> - You glance at <person> and tug your beard nervously as sweat breaks out on your brow. Things would be easier if <she/he> was a nice block of granite.
  • SWEAT <self> - You wring out your beard, releasing a surprising amount of sweat trapped there.


  • SWEAT - You flush briefly.
  • SWEAT <creature> - You glance at a <creature>, your eyes widening as you evaluate the threat it poses.
  • SWEAT <object> - You glance at <item>, twitching slightly as you debate how best to deal with it.
  • SWEAT <person> - You glance at <person> and blink several times.
  • SWEAT <self> - You pause for a moment, closing your eyes to refocus your thoughts.


  • SWEAT - You break into a sweat.
<Person> breaks into a sweat.
  • SWEAT <creature> - You regard a <creature> with a worried gaze, but decide it's nothing to sweat over.
<Person> regards a <creature> with a worried gaze for a moment.
  • SWEAT <object> - You regard a <object> with a worried gaze, but decide it's nothing to sweat over.
<Person> regards a <object> with a worried gaze for a moment.
  • SWEAT <person> - You glance over at <person> nervously, but soon realize that he is entirely beneath your concern.
<Person> glances at you nervously for a moment before looking away with a faintly amused smile.
  • SWEAT <self> - A fine line of perspiration starts to form along your brow, beading into faint droplets as your discomfort increases.  With a quick swipe to your forehead you brush away the moisture, unsure if anyone noticed.
<Person> furrows his brow and quickly sweeps a hand along his forehead.


  • SWEAT - Your face flushes as you break into a sweat.
  • SWEAT <creature> - You pale and begin to sweat as you glance nervously at <creature>.
  • SWEAT <object> - You look apprehensively at an <object> and begin to sweat.
  • SWEAT <person> - You mop your brow as you stare up at <person> nervously.
  • SWEAT <self> - You rub the back of your neck as you begin to sweat profusely.


  • SWEAT - A drop of sweat glides down from the top of your head as you contemplate your sticky situation.
Unimpeded by hair, a drop of sweat glides smoothly down <person>'s head.
  • SWEAT <creature> - You glance at the <creature> and sweat as you wonder if you can eat all that in one sitting.
  • SWEAT <object> - You glance at a <object> and sweat as you wonder just what you're supposed to do with it.
  • SWEAT <person> - You glance at <person> and sweat. He's probably going to make things difficult.
  • SWEAT <self> - You mop the sweat from your brow, taking a moment to buff your scalp while you're up there.


  • SWEAT - Your face flushes brightly as you begin to perspire.
  • SWEAT <creature> - You look at <creature> and furrow your brow as you begin to perspire.
  • SWEAT <object> - You look at <item> and furrow your brow as you begin to perspire.
  • SWEAT <person> - Your breath catches in your throat as you glance at <person>. Sweat forms on your brow as you contemplate what to make of him/her.
  • SWEAT <self> - Sweat beading on your brow, your breath quickens as you glance around nervously.


  • SWEAT - ?
  • SWEAT <creature> - ?
  • SWEAT <object> - ?
  • SWEAT <person> - ?
  • SWEAT <self> - ?


  • SWEAT - You furrow your brow as sweat begins to pour down your face. Get a grip!
  • SWEAT <creature> - You begin to sweat as you hesitantly turn toward <creature>.
  • SWEAT <object> - You casts a sidelong glance at <item> and begin to fidget nervously.
  • SWEAT <person> - Sweat coats your brow as you nervously appraise <person>.
  • SWEAT <self> - You roughly brush sweat from your brow with the back of your hand.


  • SWEAT - Your breath quickens as you begin to pant slightly, trying to cool off.
  • SWEAT <creature> - ?
  • SWEAT <object> - You look at an <object> and tense, bending your knees slightly in case you need to run.
  • SWEAT <person> - You glance at <person>, and your ears give an involuntary twitch. Shifting from foot to foot nervously, you eye him cautiously.
  • SWEAT <self> - As your discomfort grows, one ear quirks sideways with a twitch. Your facial expression doesn't change as the ear comes upright again, but the other flicks out to the side of your head almost of its own volition. With effort, you get your ears back under control.


  • SWEAT - ?
  • SWEAT <creature> - ?
  • SWEAT <object> - ?
  • SWEAT <person> - ?
  • SWEAT <self> - ?

S'Kra Mur

  • SWEAT - You wrack your jaw wide open and expel a few hot breaths, releasing some of your excess heat. Once you feel sufficiently refreshed, you close your jaw again.
  • SWEAT <creature> - You eye a <creature> carefully, trying to determine how much it will interfere with your plans. Maybe you should stay clear, just in case.
  • SWEAT <object> - You glance at <item> and try to figure out whether it will pose a significant problem for you or not.
  • SWEAT <person> - Your eyes widen as you fix your gaze on <person>, assessing that things may become difficult. Perhaps you should stay on your toes, just in case.
  • SWEAT <self> - You glance around nervously as your pupils dilate, trying to take in your surroundings quickly.