Saragos/Logs/Othersight Attempt at Asemath: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Othersight Attempt on 7/6/2024. Conversation Window only. POV: Navesi. [18:28] Casari says, "About six years. Nice to see you." [18:28] Ayrell asks Casari, "Oh, is that all?" [18:28] Belzor softly says to you, "Good evening Planesweaver." [18:29] Casari says, "I heard there was a party. Couldn't stay away from that." [18:29] Ayrell says, "For those who have just arrived, I was cousneling everyone to be watchful of the shadows. When I arrived in town, I felt a d...")
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Othersight Attempt on 7/6/2024. Conversation Window only. POV: Navesi.
Othersight attempt on 7/6/2024. Conversation window only. POV: Navesi.

[18:28] Casari says, "About six years. Nice to see you."

[18:28] Ayrell asks Casari, "Oh, is that all?"

[18:28] Belzor softly says to you, "Good evening Planesweaver."

[18:29] Casari says, "I heard there was a party. Couldn't stay away from that."

[18:29] Ayrell says, "For those who have just arrived, I was cousneling everyone to be watchful of the shadows. When I arrived in town, I felt a distinct feeling as if I was being watched. These days, one can never be too careful."

[18:29] Gwenddolyn says, "That has been going on for awhile, especially in the Lost Grounds."

[18:30] Dantia quietly says, "I anyone would like a class not already in progress, let me know."

[18:30] Gwenddolyn says, "Its almost like they are watching us to see what we will do, like they are testing us."

[18:30] Eyst says, "I wonder who would need to keep their interest in this a secret."

[18:30] Karthor says, "Ah, the ol' mysterious "they". That'll get ya every time."

[18:30] Gwenddolyn says, "Good question."

[18:31] Ezerak asks Casari, "Did you bring the old man back with you?"

[18:31] Gwenddolyn says, "I get the feeling it is a jealous god."

[18:31] Casari says to Ezerak, "No, it's just me."

[18:31] Ayrell says, "I also feel I should be open at the start to let everyone know there is no guarantee the Commodore will meet with us this evening. I let him know the date, time, and location. But, if he is otherwise detained, it may just be us for the night."

[18:32] Miskton says, "Good evening, all."

[18:32] Tirost says to Miskton, "Good to see you as always, Miskton."

[18:33] Ayrell says, "It is good to see so many people here."

[18:34] Ayrell says to Allye, "It is good to see you. We are all looking forward to your catering at the upcoming Blood Ball."

[18:35] Gwenddolyn says, "Oh her catering is awesome."

[18:35] Allye says to Ayrell, "I'm looking forward to it. Still sorting out a new outfit, though."

[18:35] Gwenddolyn asks, "New dress code?"

[18:36] Ayrell says to Allye, "I am not yet decided on what to wear myself."

[18:36] Illiya says, "You people with your expansive wardrobes."

[18:36] Ayrell says to Gwenddolyn, "Always."

[18:36] Illiya says, "I have one fancy dress and that makes it easy."

[18:36] Allye says to Illiya, "If it's a fantastic fancy dress, that's all you need, really."

[18:36] Ezathiel softly says, "Could always go nekkid. That will always wow them."

[18:37] Ayrell asks Casari, "What do you think of it?"

[18:37] Valynn asks Casari, "Any good?"

[18:37] Shaylynne says to Haxen, "I rememember you, smoking lounge guy."

[18:38] Casari says, "The grapes seem to have fermented."

[18:38] Haxen exclaims to Shaylynne, "Good to see you again!"

[18:38] Shaylynne exclaims to Haxen, "You as well!"

[18:39] Ayrell says to Tirost, "Just being cautious."

[18:39] Illiya asks Ayrell, "I may have missed it, was there a bit of a recap on what we knew from the Commodore previously?"

[18:39] Ayrell says to Illiya, "No, we are mostly only just arriving."

[18:40] Atvus says something in Rakash.

[18:40] Dantia says to Atvus, "Long time no see."

[18:40] Ayrell says, "The area is a bit out of the way and not a common gathering place for most of us, so I wanted to give plenty of time for people to arrive."

[18:40] Tirost says, "This place brings back memories... memories of the Basalt Isle."

[18:40] Atvus says to Dantia, "Aye, has been a bit. Still rubbin' the sleep outta me eyes, not entirely sure how I ended up here, to be honest."

[18:41] Atvus says to Dantia, "But that's not too far off from me normal day."

[18:41] Ayrell says, "As for a recap, I can certainly provide some information, but it will likely not be much. I am not the most well-versed in matters of the Bulwark. Which was... why we were hoping the Commodore would join us."

[18:41] Gwenddolyn says, "Yes none of us know much about it."

[18:42] Ayrell says, "Our interest in it, however, is because of what the Paladins have sensed in their research regarding this... wild magic."

[18:42] Illiya asks, "Oh, what did the Paladins sense?"

[18:42] Gwenddolyn says, "I do wonder if it is tied to the Bonding."

[18:42] Atvus says, "I'll jus' be here for immoral support if it's needed, otherwise I've got some catchin' up to do."

[18:43] Malorna says, "Sorry must step out."

[18:43] Ayrell says, "They had a sense that the changes in Holy mana's behavioir is attributed to long-standing and widespread lopsided practices of magic. That an imbalance is shaking the Bulwark loose, which seems bafflingly vulnerable against this menace."

[18:43] Tirost says to Ayrell, "If the Bulwark is a method by which the laws of our plane are maintained, as it seemed on the Basalt Isle, it seems very relevent to the current situation."

[18:43] Atvus says, "Somethin' wrong with holy mana? Ah, that musta been why the Crossin' guards arrested me earlier."

[18:44] Atvus says, "At least that's the story I'm gonna go with now."

[18:44] Ayrell says, "It is certainly something about which we could benefit from additional information."

[18:44] Karthor says, "Oy, ya don't want yer Bulwark to be vulnerable no matter what it really is, assumin' its name was chosen deliberately."

[18:44] Illiya asks, "What is the Bulwark exactly?"

[18:44] Ezerak says to Illiya, "That is a good question."

[18:44] Ayrell says to Illiya, "That is a good question. And one we have very little information on."

[18:45] Illiya says, "Ahhh..."

[18:45] Shaylynne says, "I thought the word had something to do with defense for some reason."

[18:45] Zalinyar says to Illiya, "It depends on which book you read, and which oppinion you side with as to what the Bulwark truly is."

[18:45] You say, "I have a few thoughts on the Bulwark."

[18:45] Illiya says to you, "Chief."

[18:45] Gwenddolyn says, "Using a paladin's soul to empower it seems as if it would be tied to the Bonding."

[18:45] Ayrell says to you, "You are welcome to share them, if you like. Beyond it being some kind of cosmic phenomenon, I know very little."

[18:46] You say, "If you wish, I will share then."

[18:46] Dantia says, "Commodor Khoheke has previously told us that the Bulkwark 'is nothing more and nothing less than a reinforcement of cosmic order, the bars on the cell that keeps entropy and hostile extraplanar entities away from our plane.'."

[18:46] Dantia says, "Ah, just to answer that question."

[18:46] Ayrell says to Dantia, "Far more detailed than my own explanation. Thank you."

[18:47] Dantia says to Ayrell, "I made sure to write that one down and have it handy for tonight."

[18:47] You say, "First, I might say that for a detailed account of the work of Sir Khoheke at Basalt Isle, there is a Herald article one could read. I can provide copies if you like, but it is called 'Basalt Isle Assaulted'."

[18:47] Aerhys quietly says, "Bassaulted."

[18:47] You say, "Dantia is of course absolutely right. And we all witnessed it in action that day at Basalt Isle, though many of us did not know what we were seeing."

[18:48] Eyst says, "Interesting choice of words comparing our plane to a barred cell."

[18:48] Zalinyar regretfully says, "I saw the dark side of a cave."

[18:49] You say, "Essentially, as I understand it, the Bulwark is what keeps the rules of our Plane of Abiding stable. Other Planes like to... encroach on ours, for lack of a better term. When they do, their rules start to affect ours, and that is when we see areas of strangeness."

[18:50] You say, "For example, where our Plane is close to the Plane of Electricity, one finds seordmaors -- panther-like creatures of electricity. Where it is close to the Plane of Probability, on Taisgath, there were once shadow creatures."

[18:51] Shaylynne asks Eyst, "Entropy is also an interesting choice of words, if I'm considering what wild magic is...chaos really?"

[18:51] You say, "The Zaulfung area was affected by the rules of... Maelshyve. A demon who I believe may be a form of Plane, or plane-like."

[18:52] You say, "The closeness between the planes is what allowed us to open a portal to the Plane of Electricity in the location that we did, near the Suur Pillar and the seordmaors."

[18:52] You say, "The Bulwark is, therefore, something like a support system. Walls, maybe. A cage. But one made of rules, or made to reinforce OUR rules. Up is up, down is down, etc."

[18:53] Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Hm."

[18:53] You say, "It's conceivable that without the Bulwark protecting us, things such as magic could go awry."

[18:53] Gwenddolyn asks, "I wish we knew exactly what we were keeping contained. What is it imprisoning?"

[18:53] Shaylynne says, "Preserving...order."

[18:53] Tirost says to you, "Perhaps the walls of an island fortress, sorrounded by dangerous creatures and ravaging pirates."

[18:53] Illiya asks, "What is the Bulwark's relation to Paladins?"

[18:54] Karthor says, "Hm, an' it was said the Paladins attributed it to lopsided magical practices, eh? Maybe the bars've shifted to one side an' left a gap, or somesuch."

[18:54] Ayrell says to Karthor, "It is very possible."

[18:54] Gwenddolyn says, "I think it has something to do with Syal's Bonding, he was keeping something contained."

[18:54] You quietly say, "Or maybe whatever is powering the Bulwark is failing."

[18:54] Karthor says, "One o' these days we'll need somethin' other than metaphors to ponder all this."

[18:54] Gwenddolyn says, "A paladin's soul seemed to be needed."

[18:54] Ayrell says to Illiya, "It is said that it has a relation to Paladins and their sanctified soul."

[18:55] You say, "Here, a passage from the article I mentioned, which shows the use of the Sanyu Aes weapon, which is said to strengthen the Bulwark."

[18:55] You say, "'As Sir Khoheke started his use of the weapon, hair-like wisps of billowing light blew from him and wrapped around unseen lines and forms stretching throughout the area, centered around the Sanyu Aes. The weapon thrummed to life, rods sliding along their swivels around the orb, which began to softly glow, golden flashes of light flickering at its base. In time, the lines of golden light built around it, expanding in a series of concentric circles, ordered and exact, but with some gaps. The pattern continued to expand and became ever more complex, circles overlaying squares overlaying octagons composed of billowing triangles.'."

[18:55] You say, "It's all very... orderly."

[18:56] Gwenddolyn says, "He became spectral, as if it was consuming his soul."

[18:56] You say, "As he continued, his form began to waver until a spectral version of himself left his body and hovered above the ground, arms wide, a missing left hand the only distinguishing feature. He directed the Paladins present to expand the designs, and they grasped them physically somehow, reinforcing them and binding them more tightly about the weapon's core. The gaps in the ordered lines of the pattern shrank, the structure becoming increasingly indomitable. Sir Rileos felt an undeniable weight building, uncomfortable though reassuring, pushing him away and then toward the weapon.'."

[18:56] Dantia says, "The Sanyu Aes was a weapon devised by the Temple that appeared to be powered by the santified souls of Paladins as some sort of focal lens by which to bring the Bulwark to bear over the island that day."

[18:57] Eyst says, "One might wonder if bringing the Bulwark to bear in such a way had some kind of adverse effect on it."

[18:57] Shaylynne asks, "Could that have caused a weakness somewhere else?"

[18:57] You say, "'The pattern flared with brilliance, blinding light swirling and involuting, snapping between two and three dimensional forms. The orb roared like the sun, the kertig bars holding it aloft glowing red hot. Sir Khoheke's specter somehow managed to flow downward, merging into the orb itself as the bars began to spark.'."

[18:57] Gwenddolyn says, "It makes sense that it originated with the bonding."

[18:57] You say, "'He called for everyone to energize it. They poured themselves into it, wisps of silvery light flowing from their hands, coalescing into the pattern. Tridecagons, those most Holy of shapes, snapped into place. The pattern churned with blinding speed and radiant light, a whirlpool of structure and order, and as one, the group braced against the pattern, shield arms forward. Razor-edged vertices spun faster and faster, and the pressure became almost unbearable. Sir Rileos dug deep within his soul, shifting his right leg slightly and pressing forward, his shield arm aching with the effort.'."

[18:57] Ezerak says to Dantia, "We were hoping Khoheke might provide us with a contact that could tell us more about how the Sanyu Aes worked, and the Bulwark."

[18:57] Gwenddolyn says, "Actual bars, how interesting."

[18:57] Tirost says to Eyst, "Considering the alternative and the time between its deployment and wild magic, I doubt it."

[18:58] Ezerak says to Dantia, "Desperate times, and such."

[18:58] You say, "There are several more passages to read, but I suppose I won't take up all our time."

[18:58] Gwenddolyn says, "Oh it is interesting."

[18:58] Miskton says to Tirost, "A weakness can take some time before it becomes a failure, or gets exploited."

[18:58] Dantia says to Ezerak, "In the past he has continuously pointed us to the Temple as the creators of the weapon, saying that his fleet was simply used to mount and deliver the weapon to the island."

[18:58] Ezerak says to Dantia, "I was hoping he could be more specific."

[18:59] Ayrell says, "I think we are were. At this point, we are grasping at any straw we can for information, however large or little that morsel may be."

[18:59] Ayrell says, "All were... pardon."

[18:59] Khearkrash asks, "Has anyone tried to break bread with Tallis over it?"

[19:00] Ayrell says, "Not yet, to my knowledge. I think we hoped the Commodore might be more... available."

[19:00] Ayrell says, "But, if he does not show, we may need to reach out anyway."

[19:00] Gwenddolyn says, "Perhaps he knows of its true origin and can explain it to us."

[19:01] Miskton says, "Ah. Time to be on good behavior."

[19:01] Khearkrash says, "My opinions of the Moglin aside, his primary direct link to the temple is no more,."

[19:01] You say, "Ah, very good."

[19:01] Ezerak says, "Oh, it seems he has arrived."

[19:01] Gwenddolyn says, "Interesting."

[19:01] Eyst asks, "The Inn to be... boarded?"

[19:01] Karthor says, "Boardin' the inn, that's a fun choice o' words."

[19:01] Aislynn curiously asks, "Will this involve cannons?"

[19:01] Allye says, "And we don't even have a proper mangonel in here."

[19:01] Dantia quietly says, "I would caution against stepping out of line with the Commodore. His guards have been quick to deal with those who interrupt."

[19:01] You say to Aislynn, "Boarding does not typically involve the cannon."

[19:02] Valynn quietly asks Dantia, "Have you met this fellow?"

[19:02] Ezerak says to Ayrell, "Well, this is exciting. I've never had an inn boarded before."

[19:02] Dantia quietly says to Valynn, "He was one of our key allies in the Assault."

[19:02] Shaylynne says, "Glad we didn't hurry to clean up or anything."

[19:02] Ayrell says, "Hmm."

[19:03] Khearkrash asks, "Why arent these the regular House Moglin Marines?"

[19:03] Ayrell says, "Yes, I am curious of that as well."

[19:03] Allye quietly asks Khearkrash, "Changes afoot in Ratha, perhaps?"

[19:03] Zalinyar asks, "It's a farce?"

[19:03] Gwenddolyn says, "Perhaps."

[19:03] Tirost says, "Let's find out."

[19:03] Khearkrash says, "Our answer may come up short."

[19:03] Eyst asks Khearkrash, "They aren't? Are they House Moglin at all then?"

[19:03] Ezathiel softly asks Ayrell, "May I hide behind you?"

[19:04] Zalinyar says, "I suggest we prepare."

[19:04] Ezerak says, "Certainly odd that he's been demoted since we last saw him."

[19:04] Ayrell says to Ezathiel, "You may, if you like. But I do make a terrible wall, at times."

[19:04] Khearkrash says, "I dont think they are."

[19:04] Tirost says to Ezerak, "An honorable fellow, in all of my experiences."

[19:04] Gwenddolyn says, "Very suspicious."

[19:05] Khearkrash says, "Before anyone says anything, i had nothing to do with this."

[19:05] Miskton says, "Ah."

[19:05] Ayrell says, "I should have known..."

[19:05] Khearkrash says, "Its been a long time Captain."

[19:05] You exclaim, "Show yourself, pirate!"

[19:05] Dantia says, "I feel your presence, pirate."

[19:06] Zalinyar asks, "Hey, isn't that the same guy wiath the fake mustache?"

[19:06] Eyst says, "Oh dear, oh dear."

[19:06] Dantia says, "We have unfinished business, Srinoja."

[19:06] Ayrell says, "Everyone, be on guard."

[19:06] Ezerak says to Miskton, "Thank you."

[19:06] Khearkrash says, "Srinoja, wait, this bar has real booze."

[19:06] Belzor says, "They did not come through the main entry."

[19:07] Gwenddolyn says, "Yes but no whiskey."

[19:07] Ayrell asks, "Must we fight? Perhaps we could ask questions of a different sort before we shed blood?"

[19:07] Tirost asks Ayrell, "You leading this unit, My Lady?"

[19:07] You say, "Srinoja, if you have an ounce of care for the world you reside in, you'll let us work to protect it from these mana storms."

[19:07] Khearkrash says, "This drowning man's dream is pretty nice."

[19:07] Dantia asks, "Years later and you still try to negotiate with this traitor?"

[19:07] Zalinyar yells, "Bar Fight!"

[19:07] Ayrell says, "Not negotiate, no."

[19:08] Miskton says, "Doesn't sound like they're interested in negotiations."

[19:08] Zersha says to Aerhys, "You might want to stay here."

[19:08] Zyros says, "Woa."

[19:08] Karthor asks, "Sounds like...outside then, eh?"

[19:08] Ayrell says, "I thought perhaps they might have heard something, but it seems we should protect the town instead."

[19:08] Valynn says, "Not much to raid. Sleepy little fishing village."

[19:08] Ezerak asks, "No parley, eh?"

[19:08] Aerhys exclaims, "I want to be where the action is!"

[19:08] Aislynn quietly says, "Ouch."

[19:09] Aerhys exclaims, "I changed my mind!"

[19:09] Haxen says, "Eww webbing."

[19:10] Khearkrash says, "Should be safe here."

[19:10] You say, "Not easy out there."

[19:10] Khearkrash says, "Ill work on a banner for you guys."

[19:10] You ask, "Sure you're on our side this time?"

[19:11] Khearkrash says, "Were not on my home turf, that was situational."

[19:12] You ask Saragos, "Spell me up?"

[19:12] Khearkrash says, "Guess fighting the pirates it is."

[19:15] You ask Khearkrash, "Any good at leading?"

[19:15] Khearkrash says, "Im fair at it."

[19:15] You say, "Go on then. Prove it."

[19:16] You say to Saragos, "Join him, love."

[19:16] Saragos says, "I have."

[19:16] Khearkrash says, "I grabbed him."

[19:16] You say, "Good good."

[19:16] Khearkrash asks, "Do we hold a position, or grab others?"

[19:16] You say, "Let's take out these veterans first, then try to link up with a group."

[19:17] You say, "Join Khearkrash if you want to fight."

[19:17] You say, "Khearkrash, show us what you've got. Let's go."

[19:18] Harsh quietly asks, "Where?"

[19:18] You hear the ghostly voice of Belzor say, "N."

[19:21] Khearkrash says, "Hows everyone doing."

[19:21] Onara gently says, "I love shadow web."

[19:21] You say, "Healthy enough."

[19:22] Khearkrash asks, "Anyone need an extra shield?"

[19:22] You say, "Give it to Onara."

[19:22] Onara gently says, "I have a shield."

[19:22] You say, "Not that kind."

[19:24] Khearkrash asks, "What was that?"

[19:24] You ask, "What?"

[19:24] Khearkrash asks, "Saragos are you okay?"

[19:24] Saragos asks, "I think so?"

[19:24] You say, "Hm, can't cast."

[19:25] Saragos says, "Ah. That."

[19:25] Khearkrash says, "Something feels wrong."

[19:25] You say, "Thanks, Dantia."

[19:25] Dantia says, "Of course."

[19:25] Haxen says, "What a fun meeting."

[19:26] Dantia says, "Haxen, I cannot heal you. Watch your wounds."

[19:26] Khearkrash says, "Thank you."

[19:29] Khearkrash says, "Could someone check east of the inn? Zersha is requesting Aid."

[19:30] Fiasko says, "The larcenist is west."

[19:30] Khearkrash says, "Moving."

[19:31] Saragos says, "Nice work."

[19:31] You say, "Not bad."

[19:31] Comfrin asks, "Hm?"

[19:31] Khearkrash says, "Oh thats a neat weapon."

[19:32] Khearkrash says, "Sorry forgot to say moving."

[19:34] Khearkrash says, "Moving."

[19:35] Khearkrash says, "Theres one pirate to the south, checking the inn."

[19:35] You say, "Srinoja in the Inn."

[19:35] Harsh quietly asks, "She saw me in here and ran away you see that?"

[19:35] You say, "Would love to give her a taste of my naga."

[19:35] Tirost says, "She defintely finds me as often as she can."

[19:35] Gwenddolyn says, "I am sure it was me."

[19:35] Dantia says, "Slowly whittling them down."

[19:35] Tirost says to Maintain, "Thanks for joining us."

[19:35] You ask Tirost, "What'd she say?"

[19:35] Khearkrash says, "Captain, this invasion is over."

[19:35] Gwenddolyn says, "Well done everyone."

[19:35] Khearkrash says, "If youre in here."

[19:36] Zalinyar seriously says, "But that one time, I was sitting outside my house making grass baskets, and she showed up and told me the Ravens stole all the supplies from lord whoever whatsamawho up north, for that new bridge."

[19:36] Tirost asks Khearkrash, "The pirates have retreated or been destroyed?"

[19:36] Onara gently says, "I feel somewhat useful."

[19:36] Khearkrash says, "From what i could tell."

[19:36] Ezathiel pleasantly asks, "So, did you all win?"

[19:36] Ayrell says, "Destroyed, I believe."

[19:36] Casari exclaims to Ezathiel, "Thanks!"

[19:36] Saragos says to Tirost, "We killed a lot out there. They were getting pretty sparse."

[19:36] Zyros says, "Destroyed and retreated."

[19:36] Ezathiel pleasantly exclaims to Casari, "Welcome!"

[19:36] Maintain says, "This monk is fine, but he thanks the benefactors."

[19:36] Karthor says, "Well, tha'was...not the commodore."

[19:36] Harsh quietly asks Maintain, "Are you able to see that head pirate hide with the gods revelation?"

[19:36] Ayrell says, "Not at all, but considering the sense I felt on my way here, I cannot say I am surprised."

[19:36] Gwenddolyn says, "No but he should show up after all that."

[19:37] Illiya asks Ayrell, "What sense do you mean?"

[19:37] Ezathiel pleasantly asks, "So. Anyone else have the question as to how a pirate knew people were waiting here for the commodore?"

[19:37] Damoone says, "Don't join me I will join you."

[19:37] Sekmeht says, "Great, thanks."

[19:37] Ayrell says to Illiya, "That I was being watched from the shadows."

[19:37] Belzor says to Ayrell, "I am glad at least I was able to warn you."

[19:37] Tirost says, "Srinoja's far more dangerous than I gave her credit for. Dropped me twice."

[19:37] Belzor says, "Before I fell."

[19:37] You say to Ezathiel, "She is... surprisingly good at stealing letters."

[19:37] Maintain says to Harsh, "This one doubts it, Brother Harsh. The Revelation is only so capable."

[19:37] Khearkrash says, "Reiterating, it wasnt me."

[19:37] Karthor says, "I need to be off though I 'm afraid. Well fought folks."

[19:37] Gwenddolyn says, "Still here listening."

[19:37] Sekmeht asks, "Any kind of ward here?"

[19:37] Harsh quietly says, "I cannot."

[19:37] Sekmeht says, "Banner I mean."

[19:37] Illiya says, "She reads Berries & Ink so I thought she couldn't be that bad."

[19:37] Onara gently asks, "Is it over?"

[19:38] Dantia says, "She is a known criminal and is wanted in at least three Provinces."

[19:38] Zalinyar asks Illiya, "Really?"

[19:38] Sekmeht says, "Unless she wants to make juice from them."

[19:38] Belzor says to Onara, "I am unsure, to be honest."

[19:38] You say to Illiya, "Villains can be complicated. Even nice, sometimes. You must remember when they are villains."

[19:38] Ayrell says to Onara, "Srinoja is still around, so I would not say it is over just yet."

[19:38] Khearkrash says, "If i wished to drink with the Captain I would not do it somewhere crowded, it always turns to pillaging."

[19:38] Tirost says to Harsh, "Thanks as always for returning me to life, Harsh. Not the first time, and most certainly not the last."

[19:38] Fiasko says, "Just saw Srinoja."

[19:38] Zyros says, "Where."

[19:38] Haxen says, "Here."

[19:38] Fiasko says, "Moved rooms and when I went back she was gone."

[19:38] Zyros says, "Oh."

[19:38] Gwenddolyn says, "Srinoja has been here in the safe room."

[19:39] Zalinyar says to Illiya, "Thats perfect, really, the most known criminal in this world reading the Ink and Berries."

[19:39] Binu says, "I'm going to go look around again."

[19:39] Ayrell says to Gwenddolyn, "She has been moving around, as she tends to do."

[19:39] Haxen says, "Keep your wit's about you. even you Gor'togs."

[19:39] Dantia quietly says, "This is the first I've seen her attack here, though. Will need to update my map..."

[19:39] Fiasko asks, "Like a safe with valuables? or safe for Ayrell's revenge?"

[19:39] Harsh quietly says, "Always anytime. You have done your part in earning their favor pal, I will do mine in honoring their gift."

[19:39] Gwenddolyn says, "We should be able to smell her."

[19:39] Ezerak says to Ayrell, "Quickly and stealthily."

[19:39] Illiya asks, "I wonder if this means that something happened to Khoheke?"

[19:39] Aislynn quietly asks, "Anyone need a touch?"

[19:39] Harsh quietly says, "Oh someone got my rash."

[19:39] Khearkrash says, "Unlikely."

[19:39] You say to Illiya, "Sir Khoheke."

[19:39] Harsh quietly says, "Thank you whoever."

[19:39] Belzor asks, "Any healers available?"

[19:39] Saragos asks, "What happened? A fake Khoheke showed up?"

[19:39] Harsh quietly says, "I excploded."

[19:39] Gwenddolyn says, "I have a scratch I got from the fire."

[19:39] Aislynn quietly exclaims to Harsh, "Huzzah!"

[19:39] Belzor says, "'I seem to have some issues casting."

[19:39] Zalinyar asks, "A safe with valuables, that is interesting. I wonder what she could give us with information on missing artifacts?"

[19:39] Allye says, "Might mean the letter to him was intercepted."

[19:39] Onara gently says, "I'm gonna open a gate to Crossing."

[19:39] Dantia says, "I would bet Srinoja intercepted the letter to the Commodore. She was very well adapt at that during the planning of the Assault."

[19:39] Damoone exclaims, "Big thanks to all the Healers keeping everyone in the fight, Great work!"

[19:39] Khearkrash says, "The Moglins wouldnt sweep that under the rug."

[19:40] Tirost says to Dantia, "I've never interacted with her before this, but she has my attention."

[19:40] Illiya says, "Or merely that the letter to Sir Khoheke was intercepted perhaps."

[19:40] You say, "And Sir Khoheke may be indisposed, or perhaps Srinoja merely intercepted the letter meant for him, and he is none the wiser."

[19:40] Gwenddolyn asks, "What?"

[19:40] Zalinyar says to Gwenddolyn, "She's a priate after all."

[19:40] Gwenddolyn asks, "Aloof gannet?"

[19:40] Ayrell says, "And there so goes."

[19:40] Onara gently asks, "Anyone for Crossing?"

[19:40] Ezerak says, "Well, there goes the airship."

[19:40] Maintain says, "This monk believes your pirate has absconded with their booty."

[19:40] Khearkrash says, "I agree with Navesi on the second point."

[19:40] You say to Saragos, "Srinoja did not make a very convincing Sir Khoheke."

[19:40] Miskton says to Saragos, "Srinoja showed up with a... disguise."

[19:40] Aislynn quietly says, "She's more than that."

[19:40] Riverlynn says, "The ship is gone."

[19:40] Onara gently says, "Moongate closing in 5."

[19:40] Khearkrash says, "As she has intercepted my letters to the great houses before."

[19:40] Harsh quietly asks, "What did she nab?"

[19:40] Comfrin says, "This wont work but I can try."

[19:40] Ayrell says to Miskton, "Not a very good one, at least."

[19:40] Vaerek says, "Looks like Aloof Gannet flew away."

[19:40] Tirost asks Aislynn, "Say more. Is it possible she knows something?"

[19:40] Zalinyar says to Miskton, "Just like she did in the jail visits."

[19:41] Illiya says, "She even got his title wrong, which should have tipped us off."

[19:41] Gwenddolyn says, "It did."

[19:41] Gwenddolyn says, "Too many pointing her out."

[19:41] Eyst says, "I suppose the Inn is going to smell a bit like a fireplace for awhile."

[19:41] Comfrin says, "This area is safe, cannot banner it."

[19:41] Ayrell says, "At least the village should be safe now."

[19:41] Binu says, "I see nothing in the main part of the village."

[19:41] Khearkrash says, "You get used to the smell."

[19:41] Khearkrash says, "Adds character."

[19:41] Maintain says, "This one believes the need for intercession has abated. He must return to his mana research."

[19:41] Zalinyar says, "Binu is here, it's safe now."

[19:41] Eyst says, "But well done, defenders. I witnessed your battle from the clifftop. Hard fought indeed but I never countenanced a pirate victory for a moment."

[19:41] Comfrin asks, "Is there another area you need a banner?"

[19:41] Maintain says, "Remain well, benefactors."

[19:41] Dantia says to Maintain, "Thank you for your assistance."

[19:41] Khearkrash says, "Be well Maintain."

[19:42] Binu says, "I saw Srinoja's ship disappear into the sky."

[19:42] Sekmeht asks, "I didnt see anything either but did see a few folks mentioning sightings?"

[19:42] Myrable says, "Did anyone hear the yelling outside."

[19:42] Shaylynne asks, "Into the sky?"

[19:42] You say to Binu, "Did you? Hmph."

[19:42] Binu says, "Yes."

[19:42] You hear the voice of Myrable say, "I heard a female voice yell from the south, "Whoev'r ate them strange beans, stop leavin' em glow clouds. 'srude. Crew, grab what you want, and meet us back at the ship. We're taking off."

[19:42] You say to Shaylynne, "She has the airship."

[19:42] Tirost says to Binu, "Her ship...."

[19:42] Shaylynne says, "Ahh."

[19:42] Dantia says, "Oh yes, that would be the airship she stole."

[19:42] Tirost says, "Not for long, I hope."

[19:42] Aislynn quietly says, "And the gnomes."

[19:42] Binu says, "Yes, the Aloof Gannet."

[19:42] Dantia says, "From what's his name. Uroi."

[19:42] Ayrell says, "Thank you to everyone who helped with defending and triage. Thanks to your quick action and skill, we at least can call this a victory, despite the village being less a few barrels of rum."

[19:42] Gwenddolyn says, "Myrable saw her."

[19:42] Belzor says, "Might a healer be available to check on me, by chance? I am having some difficulties casting."

[19:42] You hear the voice of Myrable say, "Heard."

[19:42] You hear the voice of Myrable say, "Saw the ship rise and leave thou."

[19:43] You whisper to Khearkrash, "Well, you did well enough today. Good work. Hope you stay on the right side."

[19:43] Harsh quietly says, "Ok so i just have one question."

[19:43] Tirost says to Dantia, "Thanks for all the healing and dragging, Dantia. You're a source of stillness amid chaos."

[19:43] Harsh quietly asks, "Did we win and is anyone still dead?"

[19:43] Gwenddolyn says, "That is 2."

[19:43] Aerhys says, "That was enough excitement for me for an evening, I think."

[19:43] Belzor says, "Thank you, healers, for your help. I am very grateful."

[19:43] Zersha says, "I think me too."

[19:43] Khearkrash says, "We broke the raid, yes."

[19:44] Saragos whispers, "OOC: WTF."

[19:44] Harsh quietly says, "Stay livin pals and say yur prayers."

[19:44] You whisper to Saragos, "OOC: It's the MY name and the parser, hah."

[19:44] Saragos whispers, "OOC: that was, 'rub my scim'."

[19:44] Zalinyar says, "And I think we have answers as well, He's still a captive."

[19:44] Belzor exclaims, "Thank you, master cleric!"

[19:44] Binu says, "I didn't see any other dead people outside."

[19:44] Vaerek says, "My eye's are droopin. I'm gonna head off. Thank you everyone."

[19:44] Gwenddolyn says, "My armor is rather scuffed up."

[19:44] You whisper to Saragos, "OOC: I know. I couldn't help reacting..."

[19:44] Binu says, "I didn't check outside the village though."

[19:44] Malorna says, "Bah i missed it all."

[19:44] Fiasko says, "Looked good outside."

[19:44] Illiya asks Ayrell, "Have we learned anything from this?"

[19:44] Khearkrash asks, "Need a brush Gwen?"

[19:44] Fiasko says, "I went up the cliff a bit and nothing."

[19:44] You ask Binu, "Would you mind describing the ascent of Srinoja in a little more detail?"

[19:44] Gwenddolyn says, "Nah I will let my trader sis do it."

[19:44] Sozinho says, "The ones outside the village just got finished up."

[19:44] Ayrell says to Dantia, "Thank you for your assistance. As for my suggestion of talking, I hope you know it was merely a poor attempt at getting her to not attack the village."

[19:45] You say, "Apprentices, I do hope you are taking notes."

[19:45] Haxen asks, "Did the wine survive the attack and the fire?"

[19:45] You say to Haxen, "Seems intact."

[19:45] Sekmeht says, "Im gonna wait outside, see what I see. There's a lot of people here, using much smarter wards then me. I know how to throw things hard and think I can best serve that way."

[19:45] Zyros says, "Look on tab."

[19:45] Haxen says, "Excellent."

[19:45] Ayrell says, "Sadly, I think it is safe to say we will not be learning anything further about the Bulwark this evening."

[19:46] You hear the voice of Myrable say, "Oh i saw a dropped bottle of dandilion wine outside."

[19:46] Dantia says to Ayrell, "I understand the goal. But when it comes to Srinoja, I would prefer to not even spend the time to ask. We know what her answer will be."

[19:46] You hear the voice of Myrable say, "Seems that survived."

[19:46] Tirost asks Ayrell, "What do you make of this? Why did Srinoja arrive instead of Khoheke?"

[19:46] Casari says, "The evening really was all about shields, after all."

[19:46] Zalinyar says, "Folks, we've spent all night out here, fighting the pirates, and Srinoja's swain. we did good. I praise you all for the efforts you put into fighting off the known enemy."

[19:46] Gwenddolyn says, "I would nae drink anything left on the table."

[19:46] You say, "If anyone wishes to learn more, I urge you to read the rest of the passages in the Herald article I mentioned, 'Basalt Isle Assaulted.'."

[19:46] Gwenddolyn says, "Since srinoja was here."

[19:46] Ayrell says to Tirost, "I could speculate a few possibilities."

[19:46] Belzor says to Ayrell, "I will be outside, if needed."

[19:46] Shaylynne says, "I wonder if he'd be interested in knowing she impersonated him."

[19:46] Ayrell says to Tirost, "The first being... perhaps she intercepted the letter."

[19:46] Dantia says, "Ah, and for those who were not in triage, she made sure to soak the place in rum and set it on fire."

[19:46] Gwenddolyn says, "That is a good thought shaylynne."

[19:46] Khearkrash says, "Likely she just intercepted the letter."

[19:46] Ezerak says to Ayrell, "Furthering the cause of chaos springs to mind."

[19:47] Aislynn quietly says, "I'll mail him a likeness."

[19:47] You say, "I am also willing to discuss more theories related to the Bulwark, if anyone wishes."

[19:47] Gwenddolyn says, "Perhaps ayrell should send him a letter telling him that."

[19:47] Eyst says, "I got the sense she was looking for Khoheke herself, or at least information related to him."

[19:47] Illiya says, "She might intercept that letter too."

[19:47] Gwenddolyn says, "That is likely."

[19:47] Ayrell says to Eyst, "That is another possibility."

[19:47] Ezathiel pleasantly asks Ayrell, "Does Srinoja make a habit of keeping a watchful eye on couriers heading to the commodore?"

[19:47] You say, "She has a bit of beef with Sir Khoheke."

[19:47] Tirost asks Eyst, "What makes you say so?"

[19:47] Casari asks, "Next time, in Ratha?"

[19:47] Miskton says, "Thanks to those who braved the flames to help get me back on my feet. Those boarding spikes of hers packed quite a punch."

[19:47] Aislynn primly says to Illiya, "Then I'll attach an invoice."

[19:47] Ayrell says to Ezathiel, "She keeps a watchful eye on a great many couriers, it seems."

[19:48] Dantia says, "She has intercepted and responded back to the original sender of many communications."

[19:48] Khearkrash says, "She has intercepted my letters to the houses in the past when i was trying to get the other houses to convince Khoheke to not host a war on Reshal waters."

[19:48] Eyst says to Tirost, "The ruse the pirates began with. If you recall they were trying to draw whatever we meant to say to Khoheke from us with their ill-disguised Khoheke lookalike."

[19:48] Binu says to Malorna, "You, madam, are a warbling skainsmate!"

[19:48] Illiya says, "She was threatening to steal newsletters before too so I just added her to the mailing list."

[19:48] Malorna says to Binu, "You, sir, are a rank, lily-livered gargoyle-lover!"

[19:48] Binu says to Malorna, "Those gargoyles do have good skins."

[19:48] You say to Illiya, "A cheap enough solution, even if she is a scoundrel."

[19:48] Khearkrash says, "The ruse broke down quickly."

[19:48] Tirost asks Eyst, "Do you think she had any design if she were to learn what we know of wild of magic?"

[19:48] Aislynn quietly says, "Does she have someone in the postal offices? I know they were only recently opened to the public, but maybe..."

[19:49] Ayrell says to Eyst, "It is possible they are also curious about what is happening with the magic, but when they realized we were on to their ruse, perhaps chose to fight, as they knew we would not communicate with them."

[19:49] Miskton says to you, "I was keeping a number of her pirates tied down and battering them with a Telekinetic Storm, and she slipped behind me. Took out my hamstring, then blew up my head with a fire flare from one of those spikes."

[19:49] Dantia says, "I would caution against thinking that Srinoja is playing an in depth game. Her motivations in the past have been very superficial. Create a distraction, loot what she can grab, and then hide for years."

[19:49] Khearkrash says to Aislynn, "More than likely she just has people in the house buildings."

[19:49] You say, "She is skilled but not terribly complex."

[19:49] Ezerak says, "I imagine she has gotten better at intercepting letters since whatever exactly Sivroch did to her."

[19:49] Ayrell says, "That is true as well."

[19:49] Fiasko says, "I do like her style."

[19:49] Fiasko says, "Try not to."

[19:49] Khearkrash says, "Its...really not hard to convince their workers of things, just requires plat."

[19:49] Eyst says, "Considering Srinoja mistook some of the Wild Magic anomalies for gastric distress, I can't say she seems very concerned with it."

[19:49] Malorna says, "Thanks kivi."

[19:50] Dantia quietly says to Valynn, "I'm going to need to update my map. I have not known her to attack here before."

[19:50] Ayrell says, "No, she likely is not."

[19:50] Aislynn wryly says, "Well. She is a thief."

[19:50] Khearkrash says, "Well, shes not really a mag... nevermind, shes just not great at magic."

[19:50] Tirost asks, "So just a pirate taking advantage of an opportunity?"

[19:50] Ayrell says to Tirost, "Most likely."

[19:50] You say to Tirost, "Likely."

[19:50] Khearkrash says to Tirost, "Likely."

[19:50] Damoone says, "Pirates doing with Pirates do."

[19:50] Aislynn quietly says, "She had some interesting new toys this time."

[19:50] Dantia says, "And an opportunity to poke at Khoheke. They are not friends."

[19:50] Gwenddolyn says, "All the fanfare of the arrival was very fishy."

[19:50] Kivian wildly says, "I want to be a pirate.... some day."

[19:50] Ayrell says, "Among all the speculations I could list, that is the one I lean most toward. Simple chaos."

[19:51] Aislynn quietly says, "Little spheres. I'll have to reflect."

[19:51] You say, "And too dull to realize that the world is in danger, her world. And we were just trying to sort it out."

[19:51] Damoone asks, "Dantia, any patterns to see on your map?"

[19:51] Khearkrash says, "Even the sharpest blades work best if they find a crack in the plate."

[19:51] Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Well I am glad I was able to provide at least a little help. Safe paths everyone. I return to Shard now."

[19:52] Dantia says to Damoone, "The only pattern is any place close to a harbor."

[19:52] Dantia says to Damoone, "Despite commanding an airship now, she still appears to stick to common fleet routes."

[19:52] Damoone says, "Interesting."

[19:52] Dantia says, "But no one ever said she was smart."

[19:52] Belzor asks, "No wine, eh?"

[19:52] Shaylynne says to Allye, "I noticed Kaedan conveniently goes to bed earlier on nights fights break out, kinda sus."

[19:52] Ayrell says to you, "If you have more theories to share on the Bulwark, I would not be opposed to hearing them, now that we know the village is safe."

[19:53] Khearkrash says, "Shes interested in goods and good alcohol."

[19:53] Aislynn quietly says, "Harbors are also a good place to intercept something. You know precisely where and when it will be."

[19:53] Valynn says to Belzor, "This is better."

[19:53] Malorna says, "I strategically timed my exit and return apparently too."

[19:53] Shaylynne says to Allye, "Remind me to tell him I said so sometime."

[19:53] Khearkrash says, "No reason to raid Muspar'i for sand or Siksraja for paper and apples."

[19:53] Belzor says, "After that death, I could use a stiff drink."

[19:53] Binu says, "Let me know if she shows up again."

[19:53] Malorna says to Binu, "You, sir, are an impertinent, S'lai-mating clotpole!"

[19:53] Malorna says, "Oo."

[19:53] Binu says to Malorna, "You, madam, are a greasy strumpet!"

[19:53] You say to Ayrell, "I've said the most important parts about it. I do have a few theories, though."

[19:53] Dantia says to Binu, "Thank you for your assistance."

[19:53] Kivian wildly asks, "Rakash?"

[19:54] Shaylynne says, "I could see her wanting the paper for all the fires she sets."

[19:54] Khearkrash says, "S'lai mating? thats vicious."

[19:54] Ezerak says to Belzor, "Excellent choice."

[19:54] Binu says to Dantia, "Always."

[19:54] Khearkrash asks Kivian, "Rakash what?"

[19:54] You say, "We know from research that the Bulwark seems to be in danger. Shaken loose, as it were, in the face of these magical changes."

[19:54] You say, "It could be that the Bulwark's sense of rules is particularly vulnerable in areas of magic right now. That would explain magic behaving so oddly."

[19:55] Belzor says to Ezerak, "I am sorry I could not be more helpful out there."

[19:55] Khearkrash says, "Not an ail guy, sorry."

[19:55] Belzor says to Ezerak, "I was bum rushed."

[19:55] You say, "What could shake the Bulwark loose, however? That is a terrifying question."

[19:55] Khearkrash says, "Fratvarit and port town liquor mostly."

[19:55] Fiasko says, "Wish she would have given her pirates better weapons..."

[19:55] Ezerak says to Belzor, "You did as well as you could, I am sure."

[19:55] Gwenddolyn asks, "Something got lose or escaped?"

[19:55] You ask, "Could it be that the demons are banding together, pressing against it and our Plane? Could it be other extraplanar entities?"

[19:55] Gwenddolyn says, "Maybe whatever crashed nearby did it."

[19:56] You say, "We certainly have evidence from Maelshyve and Jeihrem that the demonic is bested by the Bulwark. They have every reason to attack it, if they can."

[19:56] Ayrell says to you, "I think that is an ongoing theme for most things. What can threaten the world like another shattering of Grazhir? The destruction of the Sraan Mehath? Placing Divinity itself in danger? All of those are... terrifying to consider."

[19:56] Miskton says to you, "The how or why is definitely still mysterious, but it does make me think of one of the recent visions."

[19:56] Miskton says, "Diffuse gas floated in sinuous loops, twisting and billowing against the gentle but persistent force of a string of stars. Softly illuminated, the whorls ebbed and flowed along curious field lines, splitting along vertices. As the gas wound and spiraled, it revealed the dimensions of an otherwise unseen geometric array, slightly undulating and buckling outward. A large bulge squirmed within the structure, recoiling as it approached the perimeter, and the stars sang and flickered. The vision faded."

[19:56] You say, "That does sound like the Bulwark."

[19:57] Tirost asks you, "Do you believe, as Briaen does, that the being known as Liraxes is encroaching on the domain of the Immortals?"

[19:57] Khearkrash says, "I still have a slight feeling that the bulwark and Demonic are...similar? but like the bulwark doesnt work towards evil."

[19:57] Khearkrash says, "Like if the temple couldnt harness it, it would be treated similarly."

[19:57] Ayrell says to Tirost, "I know you did not ask me, but I would say that is a valid theory."

[19:57] You say, "I think that sounds as good a theory as any. We have been warned of Liraxes, after all."

[19:57] Casari asks, "Who's Liraxes?"

[19:57] Fiasko says, "Thanks for letting me kill some pirates with you."

[19:57] You ask, "Liraxes maybe a demon, or a collection of demons. Or may be... some other being more powerful than gods?"

[19:58] Miskton says to Casari, "Something we very much want to know."

[19:58] Fiasko says, "Felt like back home."

[19:58] Ezerak says, "It seems to be encroaching on several planes."

[19:58] Ayrell says to Casari, "Something that assembles itself and... asserts itself. That is about all we know."

[19:58] Gwenddolyn says, "I said earlier, the Bonding my be holding the Bulwark together."

[19:58] You say to Casari, "We received some dire visions all pointing to the name Liraxes."

[19:58] Casari says, "Huh. Okay then."

[19:58] Tirost says to you, "We have. And if the Bulwark is something that reflects the order of the gods, then it would perhaps be imperiled by Liraxes."

[19:59] Shaylynne says, "I need to turn in."

[19:59] Ayrell says to Casari, "We took a little trip to the Planar Observatory and heard a voice speaking of Liraxes. Then again during some predictions that were done. The name kept repeating, that Liraxes assembles itself. Then, at one point, that Liraxes asserts itself."

[19:59] Gwenddolyn says, "Liraxes sounds like a Lyras minion of great size."

[19:59] You say, "Whoever Liraxes is, I dread to find out."

[19:59] Shaylynne says to Ayrell, "Sorry you didn't get to meet with actual Khoheke."

[19:59] Tirost says to Shaylynne, "See you in the hunting grounds."

[20:00] Illiya says, "Thank you to everyone who helped fight the pirates and with triage, you all did amazing work."

[20:00] Gwenddolyn says, "Well good eve to you all."

[20:00] Illiya says, "I shall go gather my notes for the inevitable article Navesi will assign me."

[20:00] Tirost says, "Meraud knows I have a lot of training to do after this night's battle."

[20:00] Tirost says, "Take care, everyone."

[20:00] You say to Illiya, "Good work. Get a quote from Binu if you can."

[20:01] Damoone says, "Welp back to the training, be well folks."

[20:01] Valynn says to Dantia, "You need this more than I do."

[20:01] Khearkrash says, "Be well the rest of you, im gonna go back to my drink, then im going to go nap."

[20:02] Ayrell says, "I think it is safe to say the official gathering is over, but I am open to additional conversation, if anyone would like."

[20:03] Khearkrash says, "I would still try and reach out to Tallis."

[20:03] You softly say, "One last thing. I've long suspected that there is a connection between the Plane of Electricity and the Bulwark. I wonder if it is a matter of power."

[20:03] Belzor says, "I'm afraid I will not be much of a help with this one."

[20:03] You say, "Warrior Mages have noticed a decrease in power, and... well, it all must be related."

[20:03] Ayrell asks Khearkrash, "Would you like to see if she might be willing to meet and discuss?"

[20:03] Khearkrash says, "Khoheke lost the primary member of the temple he was working with in the Raid."

[20:04] Khearkrash says, "I can try and write a letter, Might be easier for a cleric to reach her, but I can try."

[20:04] Belzor says to you, "It is true, Planesweaver. My magics have diminished, though not entirely."

[20:04] Ayrell says to Khearkrash, "Perhaps you could try, and we can also see if a Cleric would attempt as well."

[20:05] Ayrell asks, "Do we have any clerics here at present?"

[20:05] Ezerak asks Belzor, "Diminished how?"

[20:05] Ayrell says, "If not, I will reach out to a few and see if they might be willing to send additional correspondence."

[20:05] Belzor says to Ezerak, "After my resurrection, I felt fully capable to cast my magics. I failed time and time again on spells I have mastered."

[20:06] Eyst says, "I should be off, good day to you all."

[20:06] Khearkrash says, "My magics seemed unaffected, but I could feel when Saragos's went haywire."

[20:06] Khearkrash says, "Everything felt off."

[20:06] You ask Saragos, "What happened there?"

[20:06] Belzor says to Ezerak, "And just recently, my hands felt....different."

[20:06] Ezerak asks, "Was it the shattering glass thing?"

[20:06] Belzor says to Ezerak, "Like moments ago."

[20:07] Khearkrash says to Saragos, "Thats what i was asking about in the fight, you went to cast, and then I felt a general feeling of wrong."

[20:07] Khearkrash says, "But i didnt see the spell like i normally do."

[20:07] Valynn says, "I felt that as well up on the cliff path. Thought it was because of some spell I cast."

[20:07] Saragos says to you, "I'm going to go rest."

[20:08] Khearkrash says, "If no one else felt it, it may well be related to the bulwark or souls."

[20:08] Saragos says, "Not feeling great this evening."

[20:08] Ayrell asks, "It could be. Does it seem that only our paladins felt it?"

[20:09] Khearkrash says, "If thats the case I will swallow my pride and reach out to the council."

[20:10] You say, "I should go look after Saragos."

[20:10] You say, "Take care everyone."

[20:10] Khearkrash says, "Hot soup."

[20:10] Valynn says, "Be well."

[20:10] You say to Khearkrash, "He hates soup... wish me luck."

[20:10] Allye says, "I should be heading home too. Take care, everyone."

[17:04] Karthor says to Aislynn, "Why thank ya."
[17:04] Karthor says to Aislynn, "Why thank ya."

Revision as of 00:55, 7 July 2024

Othersight attempt on 7/6/2024. Conversation window only. POV: Navesi.

[17:04] Karthor says to Aislynn, "Why thank ya."

[17:05] You whisper to Tirost, "Like a class?"

[17:05] You whisper to Tirost, "What would you like?"

[17:06] Saragos says, "OK, I think it's about time to get started."

[17:06] Tirost whispers, "Any crafting skill, if you know them - otherwise, something lore-based would be most appreciated."

[17:06] Tirost whispers, "That's perfect. Thank you."

[17:06] Saragos says, "Thanks for coming, everyone. What I'm going to do here is give a brief lecture on Aether and Othersight, and what our plan is today. After that, I'll take questions while everyone makes their preparations for making a first attempt at using it to sense the world around us. Uryutis was unable to make it today, so we're just going to have to do our best on our own."

[17:07] You say, "If nothing else, we'll all learn a little more about what it is, and we can try it again later with his guidance."

[17:07] Saragos says, "I'll give you all time to prepare, but Warrior Mages may want to start the process of aligning to Aether now, as it can take a few minutes. You'll need to clear yourself of charge and realign."

[17:07] Aislynn wryly asks, "Muddling through delicate magical experiments without expert guidance is an adventurer's job, neh?"

[17:07] Saragos says to Aislynn, "Something like that."

[17:07] Saragos asks, "So. What is Othersight? And what are we going to do with it?"

[17:08] You say, "Bards, when the time comes, we may wish to step out to cast Echoes of Aether."

[17:08] Saragos says, "Many of you will not have heard much of it, but it's not something new. It's been mentioned several times in old books, particularly the Suur Pillar and Study of the Zaulfung Stones from the Gaeleranendae College of Magical History, where it's mentioned as a tool for magical analysis. There, it's used to determine that the Suur Pillar was opening portals to the Plane of Electricity (which is why the portal was opened to Zengmodaleth from there), and to determine some things about the mana contained within the Zaulfung Stones, how it flows between them, and even a suggestion that the mana may be changing type."

[17:09] Saragos asks, "The details of both of those are a discussion for another day. However, we can see it's been used to detect planar rifts and the presence and movement of mana in the past. So how does this work, and how might we use it here?"

[17:09] Saragos says, "Well, Othersight is based on Aether, and to explain that, we'll have to explain a bit more of Aether. I'll be summarizing quite a bit here from the lecture Uryutis did on Aether, which you'll find has been published in full, as well as summarized in the First Land Herald. You may also wish to study the Treatise on the Elements, if you wish to study further."

[17:10] Saragos says, "For those of you who don't know Uryutis well, he's an expert on Aether in particular."

[17:10] Saragos says, "The best way I can explain the nature of Aether is to quote Uryutis directly here, with his analogy of the Plane of Abiding as a painting:."

[17:10] Saragos says, ""'The planes are distinct, separate, whole and pure. Their influence bleeds into our own, shaping it and making it possible. Our plane is beautiful, unique in the mingling and suffusion of these planes, a magnificent painting whose every brush stroke is wrought in the elements themselves. Where these elements mix in their pure form, you have the chaotic flow of our existence. An ocean wave painted in Water, but also Air and Earth. Where these forces manifest, the Elements provide the substance for them to do so.'."

[17:11] Saragos says, "Other types of mana are visible in this 'painting' as well. The influence of the Immortals in Holy mana, the weight of Life itself, and the movements of the celestial bodies."

[17:11] Saragos says, "The natures of Fire, Air, Earth, and Water are well known. When you think of their influence on this plane, you will know immediately what to expect from them. Fire burns, Water flows, Air gusts, Earth is stable. Aether and Electricity, however, are more subtle, and were discovered much later. But they weren't just overlooked. They operate fundamentally differently."

[17:11] Saragos says, "Electricity is a whole other matter that we also won't be getting into today."

[17:12] Saragos says, "Aether, in particular, is a fundamental part of our plane. If those elements are the pigments in our painting, then Aether is the canvas that those pigments reside on. And like a canvas, Aether exists in a woven form, like a lattice or web."

[17:12] Saragos says, "This lattice of Aether is part (or possibly the whole) of what shields our plane from the Void. In fact, it's believed that Aether is everywhere that isn't Void. When a breach to another plane forms, it's a hole poked in this lattice of Aether."

[17:13] Saragos says, "Uryutis said, 'It flows and ebbs, in response to various influences and whims. It mends when torn, eventually. When you summon an Ethereal Fissure or weapon from another Plane, you are poking a fine hole in the canvas, a bridge that leads to another Plane, and drawing a small portion of it to you, here. These small punctures are fairly minor, and we see them repair almost the instant they are released, but the effects can be seen, even from afar.'."

[17:13] You whisper to Belzor, "The woven form of Aether is how one may use it to weave the fabric of a Plane."

[17:13] Saragos says, "Of Aethereal fissures and similarly small breaches, he described them as, 'untidy blobs of color or a splash of dissolving spirits, damaging the painting for a time.'."

[17:13] Saragos says, "Additionally, he said, 'More subtle still is the effect of the domains you called and concentrated. Each Plane has its own rules, rules distinct from our own. When you call a domain, the localized rules of our plane weaken and align to the rules of another. Imagine, perhaps, pressing a finger into the canvas of the painting, deforming it. These changes are subtle, and while they appear awfully strange from afar, like the smaller punctures, eventually relax back to normal.'."

[17:14] Saragos says, "So, these breaches, particularly small ones, will naturally heal over time, though it is certainly possible to cause damage at a faster rate than it can heal. One such way is Blackfire - you may think of Blackfire as a fire burning away this Aethereal canvas, and the Voidspell as pushing all elements out, thus snuffing out the fire... but allowing the Void to leak in to our plane."

[17:15] Saragos says, "For those who are unaware, it is believed that the hole made by the Voidspell is what enabled Maelshyve to gain a foothold in our plane in the first place."

[17:15] Saragos says, "This is why both forms of Sorcery are so dangerous to our plane, and why their negative effects may not be apparent from the initial use of the spell. Imagine you set fire to your house in the summer, and then put it out. The house is still standing, and you throw a coat of paint over the char and go about your life. However, months later when the rainy season comes, you discover that your roof now leaks in several places."

[17:16] Saragos asks, "So Aether is a fundamental part of our plane, and we can see why it would be involved in detecting planar rifts. What about mana?"

[17:17] Saragos says, "Aether is also the layer on which mana of all types sits, both in our plane, and in others. So anywhere that you see mana, whether it's in the Astral Plane, or the Plane of Electricity, or the Planar Observatory, it's sitting on that Aetheric lattice."

[17:17] Saragos says, "When we shape mana streams into spell patterns, we're making a pattern in those pigments that sit on the Aethereal canvas. This is why Aether is involved in targeted magic. Substratum allows Warrior Mages to see that Aetheric lattice or grid more clearly. When Warrior Mages use Aethereal Pathways, we are shaping a more convenient pathway in that Aether for our targeting matrix to deliver its destructive pattern. When we use Aether Cloak, we are shaping that Aether to disrupt and distort targeting matrices by changing the ground on which it sits."

[17:18] Saragos says, "You can think of it this way - if you want to change the direction a line is pointing, you can redraw the line, erase it somehow... or you could just adjust the paper it's drawn on."

[17:19] Saragos says, "Similarly, Bards can attune themselves to Aether with the Echoes of Aether spell to more easily access those mana streams, or disrupt others' access to them using Eches of Aether."

[17:19] Saragos says, "So Aether is the canvas that supports our plane and a barrier that protects it, and it is also where the mana sits. So what, then, is Othersight? I'll quote Uryutis again."

[17:20] Saragos says, "By tuning out the other senses, and feeling the Aetheric streams, we can induce them to carry our will, which can be directed, and reflected, lending a sense of the shape of things afar. Those of you that were able to see the streams while we were searching may not be entirely lost causes as Elementalists. Of note, Elemental charge gathered in our bodies reflects particularly well. We stand out like fireflies against the night sky...'."

[17:20] Saragos says, "What did he mean about "when we were searching"? Uryutis used Othersight to detect our initial planar experiments using Aether, and in the process many of us felt it. I'll quote you what I wrote in my journal of the incident. This will be a longer one."

[17:21] Saragos says, "'I felt rather than heard a low hiss emanating from a distant source. Deeply resonant, it played against my magical senses, and echoed around the area, seemingly without direction, reverberating off unseen structures. It felt distinctly unnatural, as if someone, or something, was... probing the local mana streams?'."

[17:21] Saragos says, "'Suddenly, I saw shifting streams of radiant aetheric mana superimposed over mu vision. Winding around all matter, gently evaporating and lightly billowing in unseen winds and forces, the soft glow permeating all that I could see.'."

[17:21] Saragos says, "'The hiss seemed to resonate along the aetheric streams, faintly playing along their bends and whisps. The streams seemed to buzz faintly in response, though to what end or purpose I could not tell. As I focused my magical senses, I became aware of... pulsating snarls, or gaps, or rends in the distance, the hiss echoing around and through these voids, leaving rippled impressions like a boulder disturbing a rivers flow.'."

[17:21] Saragos says, "'I sensed one of these snarls to the east of Riverhaven, another just outside of Shard, and another across a great ocean. As my attention was drawn to these locations, the hiss began to magnify, sibilent and deafening! The streams were buffeted and cast smoke-like emanations, glowing more brightly!'."

[17:21] Saragos says, "'The hiss began to shift, no longer emanating from the distance and omnidirectional, but closer, and focused upon me! As it probed, I felt the elemental charge within me reflecting the sound, an almost solid surface clearly marking my position and influences. The hiss swept across you a few times, and then suddenly, ceased.'."

[17:22] Saragos says, "'As the sound faded, so too did the radiance of the aetheric streams. I sensed as though nothing had changed, though whatever caused it was certainly aware of us, and what we had done!'."

[17:22] Aislynn quietly says, "Of course the Webweaver saw you. Pretty little fireflies that you were."

[17:23] You whisper to Aislynn, "Webweaver?"

[17:23] Tirost quietly says to Saragos, "The locations you mentioned are ominous..."

[17:23] Saragos says, "You can see there how changes in the Atheric lattice can be detected - like a spider sensing movement on its web, or seeing ripples in a pond. Or even how the theory goes that bats navigate by sound. It's all similar,."

[17:23] Aislynn whispers, "Harawep. She who repairs the Web."

[17:23] Saragos says, "We believe that those snarls represent large planar breaches - The Zaulfung east of Riverhaven, Taisgath over the ocean, and likely Darkmist Moor near Shard."

[17:23] You whisper to Aislynn, "I thought you might mean Her... when did She see us? To what are you referring?"

[17:23] Aislynn whispers, "And She would destroys corrupted parts."

[17:24] Saragos says, "Navesi had another experience with Othersight, demonstrated directly by Uryutis. I'll quote from your journal here, dear, as I didn't know if you'd make it."

[17:24] You say, "Of course, thank you."

[17:24] Saragos says, "'Uryutis placed his palm on my forehead and suddenly everything went dark. I heard a loud gong, high and pure, ring out from where Uryutis is standing. Its reverberation played off of Uryutis, and all the Warrior Mages standing nearby, clearly outlining them in a wave of sound. Another loud gong was struck, lower in pitch, and again echoed over the area, revealing the finer details of my surroundings, catching a bird in flight. A third gong rangs out, impossibly low, and I sensed the shape of things in the distance, bare whispers echoing against the impenetrable silent distance. After a moment, my vision returned, and Uryutis looks at me, nodded, and stepped back.'."

[17:24] Aislynn whispers, "That hissing... She is always watching what we do upon Her Web. We tend to cause more tangles when we purposefully touch the Web directly, amateur weavers that we are. We cause Her far more work when we meddle."

[17:25] Saragos says, "Bards, will experience Aether differently because of their relationship with music. They may even be better at it, or at least more precise with it. When the portal to Zengmodaleth was opened, Bards used their Othersight to guide Warrior Mages as we wove the strands of Aether to create a stable opening to the Plane of Electricity."

[17:26] Aislynn whispers, "Though, now... It might be that We need to learn to do what Her avatar used to tend to. We might need to learn to weave the Web, just as easily as we unmake it in our ignorance."

[17:26] You whisper to Aislynn, "An interesting perspective. The Web She weaves is Fate, of course, but perhaps She senses the Aether too?"

[17:26] Saragos says, "Of note, the original Aether experiments I mentioned were focused on shoring up our plane against outside threats. That turned out to be more difficult than we realized, but we hope that one day the theory used to create the stable opening to Zengmodaleth could be used to buttess Aether in areas in which it's damaged."

[17:27] Saragos says, "Uryutis said of Bards, 'Aether is the medium through which all others manifest, similarly to how sound is the vibration of Air. We can sense the Aether that is foundational to all things by sending energies along its streams, just like a Bard can hear a single instrument played among an orchestra.'."

[17:27] Saragos says, "So what we intend to practice is the skill of sensing probing that Atheric lattice. By first opening our senses to Aether, we hope to see the streams of mana. As Elementalists, we should expect to see only Elemental mana, though it is possible we might see traces or indentations of the streams of other types on the web, even if we cannot see the flows directly. This may grant us some insight into the state of mana around us and help us to understand what's happening with Wild Magic."

[17:27] Aislynn whispers, "The Web she weaves is Fate, but also Magic. Mana. When sorcerous elements twist the mana streams unnaturally, She does her best to straighten the threads. But sometimes they become so tangled that She must burn that portion of the Web entirely and reweave it from scratch."

[17:27] Aislynn whispers, "So it is absolutely Aether, yes."

[17:27] Saragos says, "Then, I will send a gentle pulse of Aether along the web. Just one, from me, so that we don't have competing pulses jarring each other and making the Aether impossible to read. This will hopefully give us a sense of the lay of the Aetheric lattice around us, possibly giving insight into planar breaches. If we see new ones that we did not before, that may be more evidence as that there is a planar breach component."

[17:28] You whisper to Aislynn, "I do recall how upset She was with the use of sorcery at one point."

[17:28] Aislynn whispers, "What Saragos said earlier, about Aether being the latice under all other magic... That is the Web. Absolutely."

[17:28] Saragos says, "I'll stop here and take questions. And while I do so, let's move outside, as this area isn't very conducive to magic. While we're talking, Warrior Mages, I encourage you to align to Aether, and cast Substratum and Aether Cloak. They may not help directly, but by infusing our senses with Aether we may be better able to open our senses to it. Bards, I encourage you to cast Echoes of Aether on yourselves."

[17:29] Saragos says, "Ok, moving in 10."

[17:29] Hamuk asks, "Any strength, as best we can do, or other?"

[17:29] You whisper to Jycanth, "Glad you could make it."

[17:29] Jycanth whispers, "Me too!"

[17:29] Saragos says, "This area should be fine for spelling up. Hope they don't mind us doing this in their hallway."

[17:30] Kerennya asks, "Where are we going?"

[17:30] Hamuk says, "I'm sure worse has been done here."

[17:30] Gwenddolyn says, "Let's not burn down the academy."

[17:30] Elurora asks, "Is there anything you'd like from those of us not elemental attuned?"

[17:30] Saragos says, "The best strength you can cast should be fine. As best as I can understand it, the spells aren't critical, but for those of us not used to sensing Aether directly I think they can help us to adjust our senses."

[17:30] Hamuk asks Saragos, "Should we give Substratum and AC the best we've got?"

[17:30] Avrenka says, "No moons up ... bah."

[17:30] You say, "Excuse me a moment, I will be right back."

[17:31] Aislynn whispers, "Several years ago, Harawep's avatar, the Great Spider, made it very clear that even She couldn't keep up with how much twisting we were doing of the Web's strands. I can only imagine it's gotten worse."

[17:31] Avrenka says to Saragos, "Are Warrior mages able to open aether fissures? Apologies for the basic question."

[17:31] You whisper to Aislynn, "Oh? I don't recall that meeting. Did someone record it?"

[17:32] Saragos says, "I'm opening an Aether fissure, yes. I'll use that to draw from and send the pulse."

[17:32] Saragos says, "It's a good question."

[17:32] Aislynn whispers, "It was not a meeting. I sat in the head of the Great Spider for many hours, connecting empathically with the Spider itself."

[17:32] Hamuk asks Saragos, "Should I increase my elemental charge or keep it low?"

[17:32] You whisper to Aislynn, "Fascinating."

[17:32] Tirost says, "Aligned to Aether, with Substratum and Aether Cloak active as well."

[17:32] Aislynn whispers, "I told several about it. I believe Elsabela watched over me."

[17:33] Avrenka says, "Be right back."

[17:33] Saragos says to Hamuk, "I have my charge high, but I think the alignment to Aether is more important."

[17:33] Saragos says, "The higher your charge is, the more visible you are to Othersight as well, but that shouldn't matter to sensing, the way I understand it."

[17:33] Hamuk says, "Can't hurt to charge up, I suppose."

[17:34] Hamuk says, "Or maybe it will. Either way, I'll learn something."

[17:34] Saragos says, "I will also warn you all that we are attempting a subtle art, and that since Uryutis was not able to make it, we may see nothing, or things that are merely confusing. We're new to this, and it's difficult. We'll get better with practice. We will also make another attempt at using Othersight soon within Zengmodaleth, from the vantage point of the Olkan Rae Audrus."

[17:34] Zalinyar says, "Alignment and cloak on Aether. Odd for me."

[17:34] Hamuk says, "I have literally never aligned to aether on purpose."

[17:34] Tirost asks Saragos, "Are you fully spelling up? Should we be ready for combat, just in case, or do I just spend too much time with the Northern Watch?"

[17:34] Harsh quietly says, "Ill save you."

[17:34] Zalinyar asks, "Should we expect violence?"

[17:35] Tirost says to Harsh, "You have, many times."

[17:35] Dantia says, "If you always expect violence, you'll never be unprepared."

[17:35] Crobin says, "Magic I do not understand."

[17:35] You say, "Violence is unlikely, but always possible I suppose."

[17:35] Crobin says, "Violence I do."

[17:35] Aislynn quietly says, "Please don't meddle with anything you see. We are unskilled at weaving the Web at this level, even the best of us. We can do great harm without meaning to."

[17:35] Avrenka says, "If you want peace, prepare for war, I believe how the old saying goes."

[17:35] Karthor says, "The moment ya rule it out, you'll find ya accidentally summon an aether selrek or somesuch."

[17:35] Saragos says, "OOC: If you check the calendar, the attempt at Zengmodaleth is already there, for next week."

[17:35] You say, "The only thing I could think of is perhaps our probing might alert someone else attuned to the Aetheral lattice, and that someone could be hostile."

[17:35] Dantia playfully exclaims to Karthor, "Or Srinoja dressed as one!"

[17:36] Saragos says, "Anyone else who's monitoring the web would sense our pulse, yes."

[17:36] Karthor says, "Or that, aye. She'll come board the hallway."

[17:36] Hamuk says, "I am so often in opposition to Aether this feels strange already."

[17:36] Avrenka says, "Would be interesting if a certain ... Liraxes detected us touching the web."

[17:36] Aislynn quietly says, "If anyone sees a selrek smoking a cigarillo... Do light it on fire."

[17:36] Saragos says, "My hope is that one day, when we're all trained in this, we'll be able to better sense planar incursions as they happen, like a spider sensing an insect on its web."

[17:36] Gwenddolyn says, "Board the academy."

[17:36] Crobin asks, "Which one?"

[17:36] Tirost says to Hamuk, "To me as well."

[17:36] Harsh quietly says, "Oops."

[17:36] Harsh quietly says, "My bad."

[17:36] Harsh quietly says, "Reckless magic user over here."

[17:37] Jycanth says, "We're all casting magic, could have happened to anyone."

[17:37] Hamuk says to Saragos, "I'm all set."

[17:37] Tekhelet asks, "We have Bards as well?"

[17:37] Dantia whispers to your group, "Just us."

[17:37] Dantia whispers to your group, "My apologies, meant to go to Madigan."

[17:37] You say to Tekhelet, "We have a few Bards."

[17:38] You say, "Myself and Jycanth, at least, that I can see."

[17:38] Miraeven whispers to your group, "Sweet nothings"

[17:38] Jycanth says, "I don't currently remember the Echoes of Aether spell, but luckily I had a scroll for now."

[17:38] Hamuk says, "I don't think I've seen this many folks spooling up magic that weren't about to drop the hammer on something ugly and marching towards the city."

[17:38] Gwenddolyn says, "Don't give them any ideas Hamuk."

[17:38] Karthor says, "Well now ya've said it out loud...somethin' ugly's probly makin' its way over here now."

[17:38] Jycanth says, "I also dropped down some Nexus and using Blessings of the Fae."

[17:39] Jaelia says to Karthor, "We I thin Harsh already arrived."

[17:39] Leayne softly says, "We have a Ball to attend."

[17:39] You say to Jycanth, "Good thinking."

[17:39] Hamuk says, "Drinks are on me after if I jinxed us."

[17:39] Tirost quietly says to Crobin, "Remind me not to wave to anyone."

[17:39] Crobin says, "I will do my best Tirost."

[17:39] Jaelia says to Harsh, "Aldauthian Priests, I always gotta keep an eye on you."

[17:39] Harsh quietly says to Jaelia, "That was so mean, and good, Im so proud of you."

[17:39] Saragos asks, "Does anyone need more time to make their preparations?"

[17:39] Tirost says to Saragos, "Ready."

[17:39] Kerennya says, "Me, I had research to finish."

[17:39] You say, "I could use a moment, forgive me."

[17:40] Briaen says to Saragos, "Not all preparations can be made with the watchful eyes about."

[17:42] Karthor says, "Silly question...any chance I could form a Link with one of ya elemental folks, see if I can't catch an odd glimpse of somethin' by proxy? Who knows, overlappin' brains might be good fer somethin'."

[17:42] You say to Saragos, "Ready."

[17:42] Hamuk says, "I wouldn't mind."

[17:42] Allye says, "Ooh, good idea."

[17:42] Tirost says, "Nor me."

[17:43] You say, "Anyone is welcome to link with me."

[17:43] Harsh quietly says, "Love me some links. The spicy ones."

[17:43] Karthor says, "We'll see whether it turns out to be a great or terrible idea."

[17:43] Saragos says, "Ok, everyone, let's begin. Let's have some quiet, and sit down. Anyone not joined with me may wish to in order to join hands. The physical touch of others sensing the Aether may help."

[17:43] Jycanth says, "We'll be fiiine."

[17:43] Avrenka says, "Experimentation always leads to good things ... even the ones in failure."

[17:43] Zalinyar says, "I can't meditate."

[17:44] Ruea says, "This isn't a "sit down" dress."

[17:44] Jaelia asks Zalinyar, "Do you want me to drop a few candles so you can focus on the flame?"

[17:44] Zalinyar says to Jaelia, "It's just that I'm having a hard time focusing."

[17:44] Gwenddolyn says, "Paladins do not sit."

[17:44] Saragos says, "Everyone. Focus away from your physical senses. Breathe in, and out."

[17:44] Ruea says, "That's the funniest thing I ever heard."

[17:45] Aislynn quietly says to Gwenddolyn, "Paladins need better chairs. I recommend recliners."

[17:45] Jaelia says to Zalinyar, "Focus on the flame. See the fire, Align with the Aether, imagine the fire as aether or such."

[17:45] Gwenddolyn says, "Can't guard and sit."

[17:45] Avrenka says, "Become one with the Aether."

[17:45] Saragos says, "Open yourself up to Aether. Look for where you sense the mana, where your spell patterns lie. Sense the flow and ebb of it around you, the web that is the foundation of our world."

[17:45] Avrenka says, "I am one with the Aether, and the Aether is with me."

[17:45] Aislynn quietly says to Gwenddolyn, "Hmm. Bar stool, then? Those are pretty.. Oh, we're meditating."

[17:46] Tekhelet says, "The mana streams are intense here."

[17:46] Saragos says, "Open yourself up to Aether. Look for where you sense the mana, where your spell patterns lie. Sense the flow and ebb of it around you, the web that is the foundation of our world. Sense the fissure that's in our room. Reach through your attunement. Try to see with your other sight."

[17:46] Elurora quietly says to Rileos, "You're not supposed to think so hard it hurts."

[17:46] Jycanth says, "Not sure if it matters, but the planar conditions seem overwhelmingly detrimental to casting Aether spells."

[17:47] Saragos says, "Prepare yourself to see the pulse. I will reach for a small mount of Aether from the fissure and push it outwards on the web."

[17:49] Saragos asks, "Anyone get anything?"

[17:49] Avrenka says, "I feel ... a little hungry."

[17:49] Hamuk says, "Just the slow pulsing of my attunement."

[17:50] Zalinyar says to Saragos, "Besides the breaking glass/."

[17:50] Aislynn quietly asks, "Anyone else need a snack?"

[17:50] Avrenka says, "Oh gods, eel."

[17:50] Aislynn cheerfully exclaims to Avrenka, "And fig!"

[17:50] Saragos says, "I didn't sense anything either. That was always a possibility. Given the state of magic, I'm not going to risk sending out a stronger pulse. I think we should gather again for the attempt inside of Zengmodaleth when Uryutis is able to be there."

[17:50] Avrenka says to Aislynn, "Yes um ... that was ... delicious! ... thank you ... *cough* ack* ... so much."

[17:51] Karthor says, "There's somethin' to be said fer expert guidance, I s'pose."

[17:51] Avrenka says to Aislynn, "Oh no, thank you, I've had ... enough, I'm actually really full."

[17:51] Saragos says, "Hopefully the practice here will serve us well when we make another attempt, and he can show us what we were doing wrong. Or perhaps it's just a matter of working on our sensitivity."

[17:51] You ask Saragos, "This would be a good time for questions, though, don't you think?"

[17:51] Avrenka asks, "Just one try? Really?"

[17:51] Avrenka says, "Nothing even happened ..."

[17:52] Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Oh, yes. Break it harder!"

[17:52] Jaelia says to Avrenka, "I believe you said that once and a few Vigils later Meraud and Firulf fixed a few things."

[17:52] You say to Avrenka, "It is not the easiest skill to master, especially without Uryutis to guide us."

[17:52] Jaelia says to Avrenka, "Patience."

[17:52] Zalinyar says, "Heck, lets light it up, burn the Aether."

[17:52] Rileos says, "Well, at least it ain't raining."

[17:53] Saragos whispers to your group, "OOC: FWIW, Koror sent an email out that due to changes in his plans he wasn't going to be able to be around for tonight when he originally planned to, so the chances of a GM response were low. That's why I'm not going to belabor this with multiple attempts."

[17:53] Hamuk says, "I like the rain, though."

[17:53] Avrenka whispers to your group, "OOC: oh ... sadge"

[17:53] Avrenka whispers to your group, "OOC: so ... you can do it like ten more times right? No risk!"

[17:53] Zalinyar whispers to your group, "OOC: that makes sense, wrap it up and try again"

[17:53] Saragos says, "I think the fragile state of magic right now makes it not a great idea for me to bludgeon the Aether streams with a huge pulse of mana."

[17:53] Hamuk asks, "Permission to slip back into my comfort alignment?"

[17:53] You whisper to Saragos, "Anyway, I suggest we take some questions?"

[17:54] Saragos says, "But I'm happy to take any questions now. There's a lot I covered about the nature of Aether and Othersight."

[17:54] Jycanth says, "It's alright, simply seeing the steps we intend to take and being more familiar with them is helpful."

[17:54] Aislynn hopefully asks Allye, "Snack?"

[17:54] Jaelia chants in a soprano voice:

[17:54] "Meraud, we seek your blessings. Please guide us in these attempts

[17:54] Firulf find us worthy of this quest, guide us in these attempts"

[17:54] Jaelia says, "They will hear, just be patient."

[17:54] Avrenka says, "Well I'm thankful for the lectures from Uryutis, I learned a lot ... there's almost no literature on Aether or the Aether Plane."

[17:54] Hamuk says to Jaelia, "The quest for knowledge is a noble one to them, I'm sure they'll hear our pleas."

[17:55] Crobin says, "See some of you soon."

[17:55] Tirost says to Saragos, "I'm glad we made the attempt. We should try again, as you mentioned."

[17:55] You quietly say to Ezathiel, "Curious feeling."

[17:55] Avrenka asks Saragos, "Would you know more about the Aether Plane? What is it like, do you know?"

[17:55] Saragos says to Avrenka, "We originally met Uryutis by doing some experiments with Aether because we wanted to understand it better to protect our plane."

[17:55] Hamuk says to Saragos, "I don't even know where I'd begin with questions, but I thank you for the primer."

[17:55] Aislynn quietly says to Jaelia, "The other Immortals might be terribly busy meddling with things They are not best equipped to handle. Which begs the question, of course, of why the Webweaver isn't able to manage this task on Her own."

[17:55] Madigan says, "Just so. Thank you for your efforts Saragos."

[17:55] Saragos says, "You don't learn anything without making an attempt."

[17:55] Buzan says to Saragos, "Thanks for the time and information."

[17:55] Saragos says, "Also, I encourage everyone to attuned Ruea's Blood Ball this evening."

[17:55] Elurora says to Saragos, "Thank you for the lesson at the very least."

[17:55] Avrenka asks, "It seems from the Aether Fissure it looks like chaotic light?"

[17:55] Ruea exclaims, "Thank you so much for that!"

[17:55] Tirost says to Tekhelet, "Thank you, my friend."

[17:56] Ruea says, "I have to steal Ayrell away so we can do some last minute preperations for it but thank you so much for hosting this."

[17:56] Avrenka asks, "If Aether is like the canvas to our paint and colors ... then is the Aether Plane just ... canvas?"

[17:56] Ruea asks Ayrell, "Ready?"

[17:56] Jaelia says, "There we go."

[17:56] Saragos says, "We opened a larger fissure, once, to the Plane of Aether. Though we couldn't go there - not safely."

[17:56] You say, "The Plane of Aether. We believe we glimpsed it, once."

[17:56] Avrenka says to you, "What did it look like? Or sound like."

[17:56] Tirost says to Saragos, "Discussing this makes me miss Perune."

[17:56] Saragos says, "Most Elemental planes don't have space the way we understand it. They're just... Fire. Or Aether."

[17:56] You say, "I wrote about it in the Herald, if you would like to read the full account. Let me find the article."

[17:57] Saragos says, "One person tried to go through the Aether anomaly and instantly ceased to exist."

[17:57] Avrenka says to you, "Yes I am perusing that article now."

[17:57] Hamuk exclaims, "Entirely?!"

[17:57] Allye exclaims, "Take care, everyone!"

[17:57] Saragos says to Tirost, "Very much, yes."

[17:57] Rileos says to Saragos, "So...uhhh...don't do that."

[17:57] Kerennya asks, "LIke walked teh Starry Road, ceased to exist?"

[17:57] Avrenka says, "Take care Polar Bear."

[17:57] You say, "'Warrior Mages and Bards Create Aetheric Anomaly'. 433-09-25."

[17:57] Madigan asks Dantia, "Back North?"

[17:57] Saragos says to Hamuk, "More like instantly collapsed into a single point, but basically."

[17:57] Avrenka says, "I see it, thanks."

[17:57] Hamuk says, "Ouch."

[17:58] Ezerak says, "Wel, thank you for the attempt."

[17:58] Avrenka says, "Fascinating."

[17:58] Hamuk says, "Noting not to do that."

[17:58] Madigan says, "Thanks again Saragos. We need people like you studying this issue."

[17:58] Harsh quietly says, "Thank you for this."

[17:58] Kerennya says to Saragos, "Thank you."

[17:58] Avrenka asks, "If there's alittle Aether in all of us ... what happens when that Aether is taken away?"

[17:58] You say, "A quotation from the article: Now the anomaly presented as a blue-tinted, amorphous sphere that hovered a few feet above the ground, ebbing and flowing with a strange rhythm. Roughly three feet across, it gave off neither heat nor cold, yet seemed to push back at its surroundings with a steady force. No matter the viewing angle, I felt as though I were observing the same side of the sphere, and it seemed almost to skitter back and forth across my vision, my perception struggling to make sense of conflicting information."

[17:58] Miskton says, "Thank you for the attempt, and the explanation of what you're trying to do."

[17:58] Jaelia says to Saragos, "It takes time do not let them distract you from your focus, you are on the right path. Sometimes they are just used to flashier powers too often and need to remember that patience is rewarded more often."

[17:59] You say, "When I closed my eyes to focus upon it, I heard a variety of unexpected sounds. A faint ringing surged into a resonant cacophony, winding along a range of scales before settling into a shifting, single note. The note pulsed in complex ways, the origin clearly the echoes of the area. A vague periodicity emerged in time with the anomaly's slow expansions and contractions, reminiscent of a beating heart. I could tell it was an echoing tunnel bored into our reality, with a brassy overtone and multiple bizarre accompaniments. I could sense what seemed to be a kind of call and response, as the anomaly translated the tones of each side for the other."

[17:59] You say, "Concentrating further, I could hear soothing fundamentals whispering in the distance, though I could not place their origin. Sibilant hissing began to build, drowning out the sounds, as the anomaly continued to pulse."

[17:59] Saragos says to Avrenka, "Well, the Voidspell was an attempt to remove all elements. That was highly destructive, and let the Planar Void in. Very bad. I have a theory that areas where we can't draw magic from, or can't send familiars to areas where the Aether is just a little disrupted, or somehow also warped."

[18:00] Hamuk says, "Much better."

[18:00] You say, "There is a lot more written about the anomaly in the article, but we believe it was a portal to the Plane of Aether."

[18:00] Avrenka asks Saragos, "Is Aether and Void diametrically opposed then?"

[18:00] Karthor says, "Right then, well ya folks take care. An interestin' lecture, if nothin' else."

[18:00] Aislynn whispers, "Which article was that? I want to read more."

[18:01] You say, "'Warrior Mages and Bards Create Aetheric Anomaly'. 433-09-25."

[18:01] Saragos says to Avrenka, "Also, when we opened the portal to the Plane of Electricity, we kind of moved the Aether aside and then wove a stable tunnel of the same stuff. Though that worked to open a portal because we were doing so in a place that already contained an area where the Plane of Electricity was manifesting."

[18:01] You whisper to Aislynn, "OOC:"

[18:01] Tekhelet asks Saragos, "Do you know what happened in the Waste North of Riverhaven?"

[18:01] Avrenka says, "Hm."

[18:01] Aislynn quietly asks Tekhelet, "'Zaulfung?"

[18:01] Saragos says to Tekhelet, "My theory is the Voidspell, but nothing direct."

[18:01] You say to Avrenka, "It was quite the experience, weaving our way to another Plane."

[18:02] Hamuk says, "I regret that I was not around for those delvings."

[18:02] Saragos says, "It may be that the reason the Zaulfung is relatively more habitable is because of the Stones forcing the elements into the area, making the leakage of the Void less severe at that point of the breach."

[18:02] You say to Hamuk, "I wrote detailed accountings of them, so I hope that at least they will help."

[18:03] Hamuk says, "I have read some of them, and I thank you for that."

[18:03] Saragos says, "Despite the Zaulfung Stones being far more advanced than we could construct today, I think they're still rather crudely patching up the hole made by the Voidspell."

[18:03] Zalinyar says, "That's an interesting concept."

[18:04] Mahwel says, "Lord Sorrow found out the hard way."

[18:04] Tekhelet asks Saragos, "And you think the void opens they way for the demonic?"

[18:04] Briaen says to Saragos, "I'm afraid I will be unable to attend the Zaulfung experiement. I remain forever unwelcome in the north, despite being embraced by the Immortals themselves."

[18:04] Saragos says to Briaen, "Zengmodaleth, you mean."

[18:04] You say to Tekhelet, "I have said it before, but I believe demons, or at least the greater ones such as Maelshyve, are essentially planes themselves."

[18:04] Hamuk asks, "What, do you think, makes it "crude" despite being an advanced sort of construction?"

[18:04] Tirost says to Briaen, "You can attend with an escort, old friend, though I understand your feelings."

[18:04] Briaen says to Saragos, "Both, as it happens. Given the entrance."

[18:04] Avrenka says to you, "Now there's a thought."

[18:05] Zalinyar says to Briaen, "Many of your kind worship in that swamp, either undetected, or ignored."

[18:05] Avrenka asks you, "... a plane of Hunger, perhaps?"

[18:05] You say to Tekhelet, "But they are attracted to our Plane, yes. So when there is Void, they will attempt to encroach, and the areas that become their domains take on their rules -- just as if they were planes."

[18:05] Briaen says to Zalinyar, "I am wholy unique and unlike of any kind."

[18:05] You say to Avrenka, "You should visit the Soul of Maelshyve. You will see."

[18:05] Avrenka says to you, "I believe she might also have been called Entropy."

[18:06] You say to Avrenka, "Maelshyve turned the Zaulfung to her own set of rules. Within her soul, it is even more apparent that she IS this set of rules, foreign and terrible."

[18:06] Briaen says to Tirost, "I would not suffer a sitter, old friend. Nor would you, if reversed our places were."

[18:06] Saragos says to Hamuk, "Crude, because a real repair of the hole would be to re-knit the Aether lattice and then force the elements back through. But I think they didn't have the kind of knowledge of Aether in Imperial times that we do now, and certainly they never tried anything like we did, using Bards to guide the weaving of Warrior Mages with their more precise senses."

[18:07] You say to Avrenka, "We defeated her by blasting her with a device designed to force the rules of our Abiding plane upon her."

[18:07] Aislynn quietly asks, "I wonder if we can wander into the souls of our Immortals? Could we walk in Harawep's realm?"

[18:07] Avrenka asks you, "Do you know what rules she imposed?"

[18:07] Hamuk says to Saragos, "Thank you for the considered answer."

[18:07] Saragos says to Hamuk, "I think of it like plugging a hole in a dam with whatever's handy as opposed to actually repairing it properly."

[18:07] Hamuk says, "That makes sense."

[18:07] Tirost says to Briaen, "It's true that I'm prideful, but if you were to stand at my side, I would allow it - at least, I hope I would, if I could provide the sort of insight that you could."

[18:07] You say to Avrenka, "It's hard to describe, easier to see in person. But I did write a detailed accounting of that battle as well, if you are interested."

[18:07] Miskton says to Avrenka, "Space certainly operates in different ways than we would normally expect."

[18:07] Hamuk says, "I'm so much more a practical mage than theoretical or scholarly."

[18:08] You say, "'Death Blow to a Demon.' 430-09-35."

[18:08] You whisper to Avrenka, "OOC:"

[18:08] Tirost says to you, "Great title."

[18:08] You say, "Thank you."

[18:08] Avrenka says to Saragos, "According to your notes on Uryutis, he said "Collaborations with Moon Mages entering or exiting from the Astral Plane reveals a framework of Aether, which I believe confirms my hypothesis that the Plane of Aether has suffused throughout the other Planes, making them possible. I don't believe it is merely my sensory bias - Aether is everywhere that isn't the Void."

[18:08] Saragos says to you, "I think that you're right. It may be true with all "big" extraplanar beings that they operate partially like a being and partially like a place. Almost like it's a giant that we could go inside."

[18:08] You say to Hamuk, "There is nothing wrong with being practical."

[18:08] Avrenka says, "So ... Aether is opposed to Void, diametrically so."

[18:09] Tirost says to Avrenka, "That is my understanding also."

[18:09] Avrenka asks, "But ... the Demon seemed to be sentient ... can planes be sentient?"

[18:09] Hamuk says to you, "I think it mostly means I have a lot of reading to do."

[18:09] You ask Avrenka, "Is there something that indicates to you they could not be?"

[18:10] Avrenka says to you, "Well it's interesting that there's a Plane of Aether, and yet it suffuses all of non-Void existence."

[18:10] Avrenka asks you, "If it forms the backbone of everything ... why is there a Plane of it?"

[18:10] Saragos says to Avrenka, "Maybe they can be? What the Bulwark is is an open question. I've theorized that the Bulwark helps to maintain our mixture of mana and influences in this plane in addition to the Aether, but I have no idea *what* it actually is."

[18:10] Tirost asks Hamuk, "Do you plan on traveling north for the Blood Ball, Hamuk?"

[18:10] You say, "Allow me to quote also from Religions of Elanthia."

[18:10] Avrenka says, "I thought Planes were supposed to be fixed separate places."

[18:10] Hamuk says to Avrenka, "I was just about to posit whether it was a plane at all, actually."

[18:11] Hamuk says to Tirost, "I hadn't planned to, no."

[18:11] You say, "'Out of the Void came into being the One, who joined with the Void. They created children, the Planes, each separated by uncrossable boundaries. Because of this, the Void shed tears, and each tear created a new life form. The One filled these forms with his own essence. These beings became the Immortals (the god Urrem'tier contained less of the One and more of the Void than any other god, and so Urrem'tier is vastly different than the other twelve Immortals). The One had given up too much of himself, and could no longer survive, and the Void was now filled with gods and Planes, and her own existence ended.'."

[18:11] Miskton says, "The elemental planes are not the only place in which their elements can be found, in general."

[18:11] Hamuk says, "I'm not dressed for blood and guts."

[18:11] Saragos says to Avrenka, "They are separate places, but they can also abut our plane in particular points."

[18:11] Tirost says to Hamuk, "Fair enough."

[18:12] Tirost says to Hamuk, "Your company would be most welcome, however, whatever your dress."

[18:12] Jaelia says, "I will be heading up."

[18:12] Hamuk says to Tirost, "Thank you. If I am able to make the trip, I certainly will."

[18:12] You say to Hamuk, "I won't be dressing for blood and guts, myself. I'll be dressing fabulously."

[18:12] Avrenka asks, "But the Aether Plane seems to be special ... I'm assuming we do not see Fire in the Earth Plane? And yet we see Aether in the Fire Plane?"

[18:13] Saragos says, "Anyway, to finish my thought, the Bulwark may be somehow our plane imbued with some sort of sentience? Who knows."

[18:13] Ezathiel pleasantly says to Saragos, "Thank you for a most provocative and intriguing lecture. I have lots to ponder but now I must make my way south. Safe paths to you."

[18:13] Jaelia says, "So I think it is about time, if you all are welcome to join I'd be happy to see you even if you leave a bit early. Always good to show support as groups for as much as we can in these days, other obligations aside of course."

[18:13] Jaelia says, "Thank you both, I understand a lot of things much better."

[18:13] Tirost says to Saragos, "Interesting notion."

[18:13] Jaelia exclaims, "To the North!"

[18:13] You say to Saragos, "Yes, fascinating."

[18:13] Jaelia says, "I will see others of you... soon."

[18:13] Hamuk says to Jaelia, "Thank you for your prayer earlier."

[18:13] Jaelia says to Hamuk, "What what."

[18:13] You say, "Anyway. I should go and change."

[18:13] Saragos says, "Likewise."

[18:13] Tirost says, "I should take my leave as well."

[18:13] Avrenka says, "Have fun yall."

[18:13] Jaelia says to Hamuk, "It is a specialty of mine, I hope it helps a bit though. But always welcome."

[18:13] Saragos says, "The rest of you, thank you for coming."

[18:14] You say, "Thank you everyone for coming, listening, asking questions. If you want to know more, you may always seek me out."

[18:14] Belzor says, "Thank you for sharing your wisdom."

[18:14] Tirost says to Briaen, "Please consider coming, Briaen."

[18:14] You say, "Mr. Huns is not attending? Is it because..."

[18:14] You whisper to Briaen, "Therengia?"

[18:14] Briaen says, "I'm not welcome, yes."

[18:14] Tirost says, "Not the ball, but Zaulfung and Zengmodaleth."

[18:14] Belzor asks, "Why is that?"

[18:15] You say, "I think you should come to Zengmodaleth. We may need you."

[18:15] Hamuk says to Saragos, "Thank you for the education and the attempt. This has been illuminating, even if I had to abandon my alingment."

[18:15] Briaen says to Belzor, "It appears that the north would deny even the most faithful of followers entrance. Haven't you heard? Those who are of faith are unwelcome in the whole of Therengia."

[18:15] Hamuk says, "Alignment."

[18:15] You say, "But I really must go. My outfit will take a while."

[18:15] Saragos says, "Glad to host it. Thank you for coming."

[18:15] Belzor says, "This is all new to me. I am still trying to figure things out."

[18:15] Miskton says to Avrenka, "Some of the elemental planes, I think it's difficult to talk about "seeing" anything in them at all, as some of them are singularities."