Moon Mage vision list 2023: Difference between revisions
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==2023== |
==2023== |
{{Visions|date=12/6/2023|vision= |
You stand above a massive oubliette, gazing down a single shaft of light into an expansive pit. Dimly flickering torches line the walls of the chamber but do little to illuminate the vast prison. A small child sits cross-legged in the beam of light, gazing upward at you. The child takes a long, slow breath, and with profound grace raises his hands, palms down. For a long moment, nothing happens, and his arms begin to shake, his muscles tensing and rolling. With a soft grunt, he rotates his hands, palms facing one another, and a crystalline speck coalesces, floating before him. The child focuses, sweat dripping from his brow and running down his back, and the crystal begins to grow, the faint sound of shattering glass echoing throughout the prison. The child never takes his eyes off you, and the crystal continues to grow. The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=12/6/2023|vision= |
Cool sand beneath your feet, you find yourself sitting in front of a campfire. You gently poke the embers with a stick, watching as sparks snap and pop upward. A pair of freshly caught fish slowly cook, skewered and positioned next to the flames. The sound of the lapping waves mixes with the crackling fire and sizzling fillets, and you relax. |
"Excuse me?" Someone calls nearby. "May I join you?" |
You turn your head but cannot ascertain from which direction the request originated, and you squint into the darkness, letting your eyes adjust. |
"Over here. To your left." |
Turning to your left, you startle a bit as you see a figure standing a few feet away, despite having not heard any approach. The figure wears a cloak, a covering wrapped around its face revealing nothing more than a pair of shadowy eyes occasionally glinting in the firelight. You smile, gesture to the fire, and the figure takes a seat. The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=12/6/2023|vision= |
The air fills with choking sulfur and ash, shimmering with waves of savage heat, and you find yourself staggering, unable to breathe. In the meager light and swirling fumes, a snarling roar echoes all around you, "I said it was MINE!" |
A scrawny goblin approaches, adorned in stained furs that are smoldering and in some places outright burning. The goblin glares at you, and a wide, fiery ethereal fissure opens nearby. Thrusting his hand into the fissure, the goblin wrestles with something, pulling and struggling as his feet scrabble against the ground. Everything shakes, and veins of orange heat begin to snake up the goblins arms as he howls a litany of creative curses into the fissure. The vision fades. |
|sub=Krenze|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=12/6/2023|vision= |
Your vision blurs, clouded by tears, and you are overwhelmed with loss and rage, fear and pain. Familiar carnage surrounds you, the body of your friend cooling at your feet. You place a hand on his forehead, inhale a shuddering breath, and slowly, gently, slide your hand across his face, closing his eyes. |
"Fine. Quit on me," you snarl. "But I'm not leaving you here." |
Filled with resolve, you hoist him over your shoulders. Rising to your feet, you begin the long journey towards the falling sun. One foot in front of the other, you begin to walk. One foot in front of the other, you weep, remembering your dead friend. The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=12/6/2023|vision= |
You find yourself seated at a smooth workbench, a host of esoteric tools and apparatuses hanging on the wall nearby. An orichalcum orb rests on the table and begins to crackle with electricity and vibrate slightly. With a loud *pop*, the orb springs to life, bouncing back and forth as coils and components slide outward, sparking chaotically. A hissing sphere of electricity buzzes around the deconvolved orb, and rising slightly, several appendages unfurl, forming a miniature custodian, which takes a few exploratory steps around the workbench. Pausing a moment to observe you, the custodian chirrups. A creeping black metallic mold begins to seethe along the workbench. The tiny custodian backs away, chirping in panic, but the mold quickly overtakes the small mechanical creature. The custodian's electrical appendage discharges into the metallic substance, and after a moment, an inert core falls to the workbench surface. The vision fades. |
|sub=Zengmodaleth|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=11/7/2023|vision= |
The night sky sings, and a brilliant meteor shower rages, crisscrossing lines of shooting stars streaking for long moments before fading. Gradually, a very large fireball takes shape and slowly spirals towards you. An explosive roar washes overhead, and the sky lights up with the asteroids' approach. With a moaning trill, an enormous leviathan flies past you, clad in crystalline and coral armor, and paddling in undulating waves, it gains altitude, flying higher and higher as it soars to intercept the approaching meteor. The leviathan roars, and the vision fades. |
|sub=Starfall, Leviathan|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=11/7/2023|vision= |
You find yourself kneeling next to a gored Human man, savage wounds drained of blood as his extremities cool. he looks up at you and says "This isn't what I wanted. What any of us wanted." |
"Don't talk. Look at me. You're ok. Look at me," you repeat in desperation, fumbling to bandage the impossible wounds. "We're going home, together." |
Smiling wanly, he glances down at the pool of blood. Laboriously dragging a hand up, he touches your arm, leaving a sanguine streak, and exhales softly. His eyes slip into a glassy lifelessness as he goes still. |
A wave of anger washes over you: disbelief that he would leave you here, rage that you were helpless to stop this, fury that you are alone. You look around, surveying the carnage around you, recollecting your actions in the savage battle, and your resolve strengthens. The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=11/7/2023|vision= |
Gently floating on your back, you tread in calm waters surrounded by mist. You look around to get your bearings, but there is nothing save featureless fog and flat water. You feel a thrum beneath you and submerge yourself beneath the surface to scan the depths. At the edge of your vision, along the rocky lake bottom, you see a glowing crystal mosaic forming nested and overlapping geometric forms that radiate outward in a fractal spiral. Organic whorls and triangles form a trilateral symmetry, and the crystalline structure pulses rapidly with dark blue light in a mesmerizing sequence. |
A yawning vortex of absolute darkness swirls outward from the mosaic, shedding expanding rings of inky blackness, and you feel yourself yanked downward. You scream, an involuntary line of bubbles dancing to the surface, and the vision fades. |
|sub=Nascent Unknown|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=11/7/2023|vision= |
Your prophetic senses scream with deafening wrongness, and you wince as you observe a swarm of massive wasps crawl out of a large and ominous-looking hive. As the wasps take flight, several circle the area as if scanning for something. Suddenly darting to the ground, they dig into the soil and emerge clasping large and dangerous-looking centipedes, which writhe and gnash sharp mandibles. Torn from the safety of the soil, the centipedes writhe, their multitude of legs grasping for purchase, but they do not appear to be fighting the wasps. The wasps fly off, and you are left with a feeling of dread as the vision fades. |
|sub=Necromancer|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=11/7/2023|vision= |
You wipe your brow as the oppressive humidity and still air nearly choke you. Instantly sweating, you start as a man steps forward through the foliage and looks at you curiously. Skinny and shirtless and with hands, feet, and face caked in mud, he looks like he has been surviving in the wilderness for some time. He looks at you passively for a moment, then kneels and scoops a large armful of mud into a bag, and walks back through the thick bushes. You follow, and after a short walk, come to a small campsite. |
Though primitive, made of nothing more than mud and sticks, there is an impressive degree of organization -- wooden looms hold unfinished bark-fiber mats, mud kilns smoke, and lines of identically molded mud bricks dry in the sun. |
The man drops the sack of mud into a small pit, and glancing at you, begins to mix in dried grass. The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=10/5/2023|vision= |
You find yourself in a dark room at a large bar, watching as the bartender hands two mugs of steaming coffee to a confused Human. You watch as the Human approaches an overworked barmaid and offers one of the mugs. Taking a seat, the two begin a conversation, finding comfort in one another. |
The bartender approaches you and says, "That'll about do it. The rest is up to you." |
"What is?" you ask in confusion. |
"What comes next," the bartender replies. "It depends on what you've learned." |
Suddenly, a knock the tavern door, and the general conversation falls silent. Everyone stares at you, a room full of your faces, watching you expectantly. You look at the door, and the knocking repeats. The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=10/5/2023|vision= |
Your senses blur with topological formulae and codified fury, branching probabilistic variables shaped in the cold light of tessellated crystalline prisms. You hear them, the interlopers, the unbound, sinking deeper into this domain, undeterred by the pruning of their predecessors, emboldened by their tools, crafts and defilement. You course along their constructs, the open wound and razed domains, feeling your form wither and die in the vile light. |
Two arms, two legs, a head, hands. A name. |
You stand before a simple building, peer in the window, and see a room full of Human's talking to one another. You wear a smile, the performance ready, and knock on the door, hearing the conversation fall silent. You wait a moment, and knock again. The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=10/5/2023|vision= |
Your mouth fills with the taste of copper, and a strange buzzing fills the air. You find yourself walking along a diffusely lit landscape amidst tall, thin pillars of a strange swaying metal. Lightning tears across the sky, erratically dancing between the pillars. A chirrup sounds ahead, and as you approach, you see several custodians working around the base of a pillar, lancing screaming fire into the structure as smoldering drops of burning metal flow downward. After a moment, a loud rending screech comes from the pillar, and the custodians cease their work and back away as the pillar slowly tilts and falls, wobbling as it descends, bouncing off the ground several times as it ripples. |
A pinkish-green light billows around you, and zigzagging tendrils of electricity race along the pillars. The custodian press together and unfurl several appendages in ready. The vision fades. |
|sub=Zengmodaleth|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=10/5/2023|vision= |
You stand in a desert, silvery dunes stretching as far as you can see, the three moons brightly pouring down all around. A rippling line of tortured space surges in a wide circle around you, and a high keening builds. Everything beyond the circle flickers, snapping between the sandy expanse and a field of stars. The flickering increases and snaps in place, and your eyes go wide at the vantage -- galaxies spiral, stars ignite in glowing nebula, spinning beacons keep perfect time across the eons, and ravenous voids pull everything into their maws. Ethereal forms approach, whispering, warning, or guiding, but you can barely hear them. The stars, there are so many stars. |
A gentle voice asks, "And here with us now, do you accept this?" |
You think a moment, and in defiance reply, "No." |
The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=10/5/2023|vision= |
You walk along a city street, the smooth cobblestones even and worn, the streets lined with lights and trees. Storefront windows display fine foods, rich clothes, books from distant lands and delectable deserts. You idly continue down the street and lurch suddenly, your foot landing on open air. You look down in time to glance a perfect hole in the ground that you fall into, and falling, falling, there is only a coalescing whorl of pulsating dark blue light shedding expanding rings below. You fall, the pinprick of the city street receding above, and you fall, tumbling towards the unknown. You feel yourself gaining in speed, and the bizarre entity below suddenly explodes, showering you in a beam of harsh light. You feel it watching, and the vision fades. |
|sub=Nascent Unknown|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=9/2/2023|vision= |
Your senses blur with mathematical exaction and logical weight, recursive parameters derived beneath the cold light of sharp-edged, crystalline flowers blossoming with the frozen light of long-dead stellar whispers. You will not forget the echoes -- the immutable wisdom of the ages -- as you sprint along plinth and valley, grasping the impact of ancient collapse, swinging yourself with a breathless abandon. The cold wind burns your back, and you spot your target: one of the shining blight, one of the unbound, with fate-spun armor and starfire in hand, he cautiously but blithely walks our lands. The land rushes by, for you are unstoppable and full of malicious purpose, and in a blur of corrective rage, you taste his foreign blood, the pollutant upon your land, and the vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=9/2/2023|vision= |
You find yourself in a dark room at a large bar, watching as the bartender hands two cigars to a confused Human. You watch as the Human approaches a surly drunkard and offers one of the cigars. Taking a seat, the two begin an amicable conversation as the sharply aromatic smoke slowly surrounds them. |
The bartender approaches you and hands you two steaming mugs of coffee and nods to an overworked barmaid taking a break in the corner. The woman looks up as you approach and smiles slightly, reaching for the coffee and after a gentle clink of earthenware sips deeply, releasing an exaggerated "Ahhhh" and offering you a wink. |
"My sisters hunting," she says, "I always wait up for her to return." |
You sit next to her, gulp the plain coffee, a bit surprised at how strongly it is brewed, feeling its energy suffuse your limbs. As you begin to ask about her sister, the room grows distant as the vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=9/2/2023|vision= |
A small man dressed in silver robes and, moving with erratic, jerky motions, finalizes the assembly of a clockwork contraption, setting it gently on a workbench surface. The contraption emits a loud *click!* and unfurls into an upright column with splayed legs that begins to smoothly walk forward. The man gently taps the back of the column, and it bends over, several additional legs snapping outward and assisting the contraption as it continues to walk forward. The man once again taps the back of the column, and it separates into two contraptions, moving forward on spindly legs. The man presses his palm against the pair and shoves downward, shattering the contraptions into a mangled heap of bronze components. |
A spark flickers between several springs and pistons, and the parts begin to snap together, reassembling the original contraption. The man smirks, and the vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=9/2/2023|vision= |
The hot sun beats down above, gentle waves lap a fairly still shoreline, and you are comforted by the familiar smell of brine and screech of gulls. You pick up a large smooth stone, and snap it into the waters, watching it skip along and carry a respectable distance. |
A child runs up, and excitedly shouts "Eight skips, that was amazing! Do it again!" |
You spot another smooth stone, wind up, whip it into the waters, and count out loud with the child as the stone skips thirteen times and suddenly deflects in midair, bouncing off something invisible offshore. You squint with uncertainty as the space where the stone struck shimmers and wobbles oddly before settling back to normal. |
"Thirteen skips," the child says. "That was amazing! Do it again!" |
You look at the child, but the little one only waits a moment, then turns and runs down the shoreline. The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=9/2/2023|vision= |
A massive wasp lands on your shoulder and looks at you through iridescent compound eyes. It turns and begins to fastidiously clean its body, scraping debris from its carapace. A slight thrum echoes along your arm as it flutters its wings, and with a gentle patter of legs, it reorients itself to stare ahead. The wasp begins to chant and burn with a radiant orange glow, several orbs of warm light blinking into existence around the creature as it flies forward, a straight line of manifest purpose, half a dozen streaking lines raging into the darkness ahead. |
In the distance, you hear bestial screams, creatures fleeing in escape, and a surge of coruscating luminescence lances in all directions. The vision fades. |
|sub=Redeemed|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=7/31/2023|vision= |
Walking along an expansive beach, you head towards the sea, the expansive blue horizon welcoming, staring back. A boat awaits, and with a confident hand, you set the sails, secure the rigging, and sail it out along clear blue waters. You feel at peace. As the sun sets, a moonless night displays a waterfall of stars, familiar constellations carrying away your sorrows, your labors, reassuring in their stories. The wind and ocean go still, and you lie back. |
One by one you watch as every constellation fades, singing their last, a gentle goodbye to friends, and you watch the last star vanish. You sit up in worry, looking around, but find you are now all alone. The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=7/31/2023|vision= |
A massive foundry sprawls before you, a veritable army of smiths and laborers pounding forms and feeding furnaces. The noise is deafening: the howling of consuming fires, the grinding of enormous buckets of molten metal, and the crew shouting instructions at one another. The woman in the wide-brimmed hat leans on the railing of a catwalk and smokes a cigarillo, slowly scanning the work space with cataract eyes. |
Pulling deeply from the cigarillo, she exhales twin plumes of smoke that coil around her tattooed wrists and arms, and suddenly turning to you, she declares, "I'll show you how to turn something into nothing. It's not as easy as it seems." |
She smiles softly, and a warning bell begins to clang and people begin to shout, and the vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=7/31/2023|vision= |
Your mouth fills with the taste of copper, and a soft *thump*, *thump*, *thump* can be felt rather than heard as something very large approaches. You frantically search for clues as to your location and see nothing more than a thick tree line, several trees in the forest rustling heavily as a flock of crows angrily take flight, flying towards you in an effort to escape. The ground continues to reverberate, and a faint purple light illuminates the foliage. Suddenly, a loud sound of metal clanging into metal claps across the landscape, followed by several crackling, glowing orbs arcing overhead. As the projectiles soar past the birds, several scorching bolts of lightning lash outward, and the birds fall, dead and smoking, to the ground. The tree line shakes, and the vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=7/31/2023|vision= |
You are blinded, perched just below the surface of the sun, prominences and coronal loops snapping and screaming. Your flesh burning, you howl the last of the air from your lungs. Suddenly, a small girl with white hair materializes before you, her eyes blazing with cold fire. The girl claps her hands together, stopping just short of her fingertips touching, and a black orb begins to build in her grasp. The sun pulses in contempt, seething and pushing outward, but the girl shouts and throws her arms out wide, the black orb growing larger and larger, engulfing you in cool shade, eclipsing the sun's fury. |
The surface of the sun touches the black orb, and chaotic lightning and no-color surges from the battle. The girl shouts again, her hair battered by unseen winds, her eyes wide, and the black orb explodes, shattering the sun. The girl falls lifeless, and you watch as the planets slowly drift away. The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=7/31/2023|vision= |
You find yourself in a dark room at a large bar, watching as the bartender hands two glasses of wine to surprised-looking Human. You watch as the Human carries the two glasses over, and hands one to a smiling minstrel restringing a lute, who graciously accepts. The two begin an animated conversation, the lute set aside. |
The bartender approaches you and hands you two cigars and nods to a nearby table where a drunkard drains his cup. Scowling, the man catches your eye says "Hated the music and the jokes. Can't drink in peace." |
You approach the drunkard's table and offer a cigar. The man scrutinizes you a moment and accepts, nodding to the empty chair. Taking the seat, you light your cigar on the table's candle and inhale the sharp aroma of spice, exhaling a plume of smoke which twirls and billows into the rafters, and the room grows distant as the vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=6/27/2023|vision= |
You find yourself in a dark room at a large bar, watching as the bartender mixes a drink and says something softly to a confused looking Human. At the far end of the room, a minstrel tunes a lute while chatting with several patrons. One of the strings snaps, and she pantomimes a dramatic death, eliciting a burst of laughter from several patrons. Popping up, she holds an empty glass aloft, waving it in the direction of the bar, and begins restringing the instrument while beginning a new story. |
The bartender slides the finished drink to the Human, proffers quiet parting words, and approaches you from around the bar carrying two glasses of wine. |
"I told you, didn't I?" He says, handing you the two glasses. "Bring this over to her. And this one's for you, it'll help put you in a listening mood." |
You look down at the beverages, an intoxicating aroma of rich chocolate and sharp cherries tickling your senses as the room grows distant and the vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=6/27/2023|vision= |
A pallid Human corpse lays on a table before you, a crystal veil covering his face. Light flickers across the surface of the veil, shimmering fractal patterns dancing and weaving, spiraling from the eyes and zig-zagging along the edges. You lift the veil, and are unsurprised to see the Human bears your face, serene in repose. The veil dims slightly, and you carefully drape it over your eyes. |
"Hello?" echoes a voice that sounds much like your own. "What happened?" |
You remove the veil, look down at your corpse, and the vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=6/27/2023|vision= |
You find yourself at the edge of a cliff, standing before a seated man. He closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. Tilting his head upward, he begins to chant in a deeply resonant harmony. As the note stretches deeper and deeper, you begin to feel your bones shaking, your skull vibrating. His song continues, lengthening and winding ever deeper, looping around you, the very air rumbling. |
The song intensifies, a second unseen voice joining, and the stars begin to dance as you find yourself short of breath. |
A third voice joins, and the stars begin to dim as your heart slows. |
A fourth voice joins, and, falling to your knees, you cough up blood, unable to even gasp for breath. |
A fifth voice joins, and as everything goes black, you hear the man remark, "Once forbidden, always defiant, now little more than lost." The vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=6/27/2023|vision= |
Your prophetic senses chaotically howl with a deafening wrongness and you find yourself standing before a massive precipice, hissing black circles to your left and right, an endlessly tall wall of scorched stone at your back. In the distance, swirls billowing orange clouds streaked with red beams of light, illuminating wormlike creatures that wither and die, falling into the depths. Every so often, the ground shakes ominously. You hazard a glimpse down into the abyss and see a scattered collection of men and women of all races slowly climbing up, focused in grim determination to progress ever upward. |
Something behind you! Whirling around, find yourself face to face with the once-woman, her five eyes locked on you. |
"It won't be long." She says. "They are nearer now than ever." |
She waves her taloned third arm, and the mists part, revealing an enormous eyeball filled with countless triple slit pupils, and she begins to laugh as the vision fades. |
|sub=Sivroch|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=6/27/2023|vision= |
A painter sits before an easel and scrutinizes his work. He paints several sharp lines in a rich saffron, bending dramatic arcs that spiral and bend around a black circle. Angrily squinting, he jams the brush into a rich cerulean and swirls it in a blotch of black and violently flings blobs of dark blue at the canvas. Increasingly erratic, he pours his frustration into the canvas, and as the man pants with effort and fury, the canvas begins to drip with frost, glowing with a subtle radiant light. The man pauses, and gasping for breath, stares at the canvas in wonder, and the vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
{{Visions|date=5/19/2023|vision= |
{{Visions|date=5/19/2023|vision= |
A turbulent, wind-lashed ocean spreads before you, mountains of seething waves coursing by, their peaks swept to hissing foam beneath a howling storm. A small rowboat crests a tall wave, its bow hanging precariously over the watery cliff for a fleeting moment before tipping and coursing towards the trough. A thin but muscular man sits in the boat, feet braced against the interior of the vessel, methodically rowing in strong, smooth strokes. The boat surges forward with each pull of the oars, climbing the next wave and continuing along. The man glances at you as the boat passes, steam coursing from his body, his face passive and expressionless. The vision fades. |
A turbulent, wind-lashed ocean spreads before you, mountains of seething waves coursing by, their peaks swept to hissing foam beneath a howling storm. A small rowboat crests a tall wave, its bow hanging precariously over the watery cliff for a fleeting moment before tipping and coursing towards the trough. A thin but muscular man sits in the boat, feet braced against the interior of the vessel, methodically rowing in strong, smooth strokes. The boat surges forward with each pull of the oars, climbing the next wave and continuing along. The man glances at you as the boat passes, steam coursing from his body, his face passive and expressionless. The vision fades. |
Line 173: | Line 423: | ||
With a sharp exhalation of steam from its nostrils, the bull charges, and the vision fades. |
With a sharp exhalation of steam from its nostrils, the bull charges, and the vision fades. |
|sub=|rep=True}} |
|sub=Ember bull|rep=True}} |
Latest revision as of 20:54, 6 December 2023
2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 • 2020 • 2021 • 2022 • 2023 • 2024 • 2025 |
This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2023.
Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.
Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.
Date and Time: 12/6/2023 | |
You stand above a massive oubliette, gazing down a single shaft of light into an expansive pit. Dimly flickering torches line the walls of the chamber but do little to illuminate the vast prison. A small child sits cross-legged in the beam of light, gazing upward at you. The child takes a long, slow breath, and with profound grace raises his hands, palms down. For a long moment, nothing happens, and his arms begin to shake, his muscles tensing and rolling. With a soft grunt, he rotates his hands, palms facing one another, and a crystalline speck coalesces, floating before him. The child focuses, sweat dripping from his brow and running down his back, and the crystal begins to grow, the faint sound of shattering glass echoing throughout the prison. The child never takes his eyes off you, and the crystal continues to grow. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 12/6/2023 | |
Cool sand beneath your feet, you find yourself sitting in front of a campfire. You gently poke the embers with a stick, watching as sparks snap and pop upward. A pair of freshly caught fish slowly cook, skewered and positioned next to the flames. The sound of the lapping waves mixes with the crackling fire and sizzling fillets, and you relax.
"Excuse me?" Someone calls nearby. "May I join you?" You turn your head but cannot ascertain from which direction the request originated, and you squint into the darkness, letting your eyes adjust. "Over here. To your left." Turning to your left, you startle a bit as you see a figure standing a few feet away, despite having not heard any approach. The figure wears a cloak, a covering wrapped around its face revealing nothing more than a pair of shadowy eyes occasionally glinting in the firelight. You smile, gesture to the fire, and the figure takes a seat. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 12/6/2023 | |
The air fills with choking sulfur and ash, shimmering with waves of savage heat, and you find yourself staggering, unable to breathe. In the meager light and swirling fumes, a snarling roar echoes all around you, "I said it was MINE!"
A scrawny goblin approaches, adorned in stained furs that are smoldering and in some places outright burning. The goblin glares at you, and a wide, fiery ethereal fissure opens nearby. Thrusting his hand into the fissure, the goblin wrestles with something, pulling and struggling as his feet scrabble against the ground. Everything shakes, and veins of orange heat begin to snake up the goblins arms as he howls a litany of creative curses into the fissure. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Krenze | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 12/6/2023 | |
Your vision blurs, clouded by tears, and you are overwhelmed with loss and rage, fear and pain. Familiar carnage surrounds you, the body of your friend cooling at your feet. You place a hand on his forehead, inhale a shuddering breath, and slowly, gently, slide your hand across his face, closing his eyes.
"Fine. Quit on me," you snarl. "But I'm not leaving you here." Filled with resolve, you hoist him over your shoulders. Rising to your feet, you begin the long journey towards the falling sun. One foot in front of the other, you begin to walk. One foot in front of the other, you weep, remembering your dead friend. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 12/6/2023 | |
You find yourself seated at a smooth workbench, a host of esoteric tools and apparatuses hanging on the wall nearby. An orichalcum orb rests on the table and begins to crackle with electricity and vibrate slightly. With a loud *pop*, the orb springs to life, bouncing back and forth as coils and components slide outward, sparking chaotically. A hissing sphere of electricity buzzes around the deconvolved orb, and rising slightly, several appendages unfurl, forming a miniature custodian, which takes a few exploratory steps around the workbench. Pausing a moment to observe you, the custodian chirrups. A creeping black metallic mold begins to seethe along the workbench. The tiny custodian backs away, chirping in panic, but the mold quickly overtakes the small mechanical creature. The custodian's electrical appendage discharges into the metallic substance, and after a moment, an inert core falls to the workbench surface. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Zengmodaleth | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 11/7/2023 | |
The night sky sings, and a brilliant meteor shower rages, crisscrossing lines of shooting stars streaking for long moments before fading. Gradually, a very large fireball takes shape and slowly spirals towards you. An explosive roar washes overhead, and the sky lights up with the asteroids' approach. With a moaning trill, an enormous leviathan flies past you, clad in crystalline and coral armor, and paddling in undulating waves, it gains altitude, flying higher and higher as it soars to intercept the approaching meteor. The leviathan roars, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Starfall, Leviathan | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 11/7/2023 | |
You find yourself kneeling next to a gored Human man, savage wounds drained of blood as his extremities cool. he looks up at you and says "This isn't what I wanted. What any of us wanted."
"Don't talk. Look at me. You're ok. Look at me," you repeat in desperation, fumbling to bandage the impossible wounds. "We're going home, together." Smiling wanly, he glances down at the pool of blood. Laboriously dragging a hand up, he touches your arm, leaving a sanguine streak, and exhales softly. His eyes slip into a glassy lifelessness as he goes still. A wave of anger washes over you: disbelief that he would leave you here, rage that you were helpless to stop this, fury that you are alone. You look around, surveying the carnage around you, recollecting your actions in the savage battle, and your resolve strengthens. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 11/7/2023 | |
Gently floating on your back, you tread in calm waters surrounded by mist. You look around to get your bearings, but there is nothing save featureless fog and flat water. You feel a thrum beneath you and submerge yourself beneath the surface to scan the depths. At the edge of your vision, along the rocky lake bottom, you see a glowing crystal mosaic forming nested and overlapping geometric forms that radiate outward in a fractal spiral. Organic whorls and triangles form a trilateral symmetry, and the crystalline structure pulses rapidly with dark blue light in a mesmerizing sequence.
A yawning vortex of absolute darkness swirls outward from the mosaic, shedding expanding rings of inky blackness, and you feel yourself yanked downward. You scream, an involuntary line of bubbles dancing to the surface, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Nascent Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 11/7/2023 | |
Your prophetic senses scream with deafening wrongness, and you wince as you observe a swarm of massive wasps crawl out of a large and ominous-looking hive. As the wasps take flight, several circle the area as if scanning for something. Suddenly darting to the ground, they dig into the soil and emerge clasping large and dangerous-looking centipedes, which writhe and gnash sharp mandibles. Torn from the safety of the soil, the centipedes writhe, their multitude of legs grasping for purchase, but they do not appear to be fighting the wasps. The wasps fly off, and you are left with a feeling of dread as the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Necromancer | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 11/7/2023 | |
You wipe your brow as the oppressive humidity and still air nearly choke you. Instantly sweating, you start as a man steps forward through the foliage and looks at you curiously. Skinny and shirtless and with hands, feet, and face caked in mud, he looks like he has been surviving in the wilderness for some time. He looks at you passively for a moment, then kneels and scoops a large armful of mud into a bag, and walks back through the thick bushes. You follow, and after a short walk, come to a small campsite.
Though primitive, made of nothing more than mud and sticks, there is an impressive degree of organization -- wooden looms hold unfinished bark-fiber mats, mud kilns smoke, and lines of identically molded mud bricks dry in the sun. The man drops the sack of mud into a small pit, and glancing at you, begins to mix in dried grass. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 10/5/2023 | |
You find yourself in a dark room at a large bar, watching as the bartender hands two mugs of steaming coffee to a confused Human. You watch as the Human approaches an overworked barmaid and offers one of the mugs. Taking a seat, the two begin a conversation, finding comfort in one another.
The bartender approaches you and says, "That'll about do it. The rest is up to you." "What is?" you ask in confusion. "What comes next," the bartender replies. "It depends on what you've learned." Suddenly, a knock the tavern door, and the general conversation falls silent. Everyone stares at you, a room full of your faces, watching you expectantly. You look at the door, and the knocking repeats. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 10/5/2023 | |
Your senses blur with topological formulae and codified fury, branching probabilistic variables shaped in the cold light of tessellated crystalline prisms. You hear them, the interlopers, the unbound, sinking deeper into this domain, undeterred by the pruning of their predecessors, emboldened by their tools, crafts and defilement. You course along their constructs, the open wound and razed domains, feeling your form wither and die in the vile light.
Two arms, two legs, a head, hands. A name. You stand before a simple building, peer in the window, and see a room full of Human's talking to one another. You wear a smile, the performance ready, and knock on the door, hearing the conversation fall silent. You wait a moment, and knock again. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 10/5/2023 | |
Your mouth fills with the taste of copper, and a strange buzzing fills the air. You find yourself walking along a diffusely lit landscape amidst tall, thin pillars of a strange swaying metal. Lightning tears across the sky, erratically dancing between the pillars. A chirrup sounds ahead, and as you approach, you see several custodians working around the base of a pillar, lancing screaming fire into the structure as smoldering drops of burning metal flow downward. After a moment, a loud rending screech comes from the pillar, and the custodians cease their work and back away as the pillar slowly tilts and falls, wobbling as it descends, bouncing off the ground several times as it ripples.
A pinkish-green light billows around you, and zigzagging tendrils of electricity race along the pillars. The custodian press together and unfurl several appendages in ready. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Zengmodaleth | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 10/5/2023 | |
You stand in a desert, silvery dunes stretching as far as you can see, the three moons brightly pouring down all around. A rippling line of tortured space surges in a wide circle around you, and a high keening builds. Everything beyond the circle flickers, snapping between the sandy expanse and a field of stars. The flickering increases and snaps in place, and your eyes go wide at the vantage -- galaxies spiral, stars ignite in glowing nebula, spinning beacons keep perfect time across the eons, and ravenous voids pull everything into their maws. Ethereal forms approach, whispering, warning, or guiding, but you can barely hear them. The stars, there are so many stars.
A gentle voice asks, "And here with us now, do you accept this?" You think a moment, and in defiance reply, "No." The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 10/5/2023 | |
You walk along a city street, the smooth cobblestones even and worn, the streets lined with lights and trees. Storefront windows display fine foods, rich clothes, books from distant lands and delectable deserts. You idly continue down the street and lurch suddenly, your foot landing on open air. You look down in time to glance a perfect hole in the ground that you fall into, and falling, falling, there is only a coalescing whorl of pulsating dark blue light shedding expanding rings below. You fall, the pinprick of the city street receding above, and you fall, tumbling towards the unknown. You feel yourself gaining in speed, and the bizarre entity below suddenly explodes, showering you in a beam of harsh light. You feel it watching, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Nascent Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 9/2/2023 | |
Your senses blur with mathematical exaction and logical weight, recursive parameters derived beneath the cold light of sharp-edged, crystalline flowers blossoming with the frozen light of long-dead stellar whispers. You will not forget the echoes -- the immutable wisdom of the ages -- as you sprint along plinth and valley, grasping the impact of ancient collapse, swinging yourself with a breathless abandon. The cold wind burns your back, and you spot your target: one of the shining blight, one of the unbound, with fate-spun armor and starfire in hand, he cautiously but blithely walks our lands. The land rushes by, for you are unstoppable and full of malicious purpose, and in a blur of corrective rage, you taste his foreign blood, the pollutant upon your land, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 9/2/2023 | |
You find yourself in a dark room at a large bar, watching as the bartender hands two cigars to a confused Human. You watch as the Human approaches a surly drunkard and offers one of the cigars. Taking a seat, the two begin an amicable conversation as the sharply aromatic smoke slowly surrounds them.
The bartender approaches you and hands you two steaming mugs of coffee and nods to an overworked barmaid taking a break in the corner. The woman looks up as you approach and smiles slightly, reaching for the coffee and after a gentle clink of earthenware sips deeply, releasing an exaggerated "Ahhhh" and offering you a wink. "My sisters hunting," she says, "I always wait up for her to return." You sit next to her, gulp the plain coffee, a bit surprised at how strongly it is brewed, feeling its energy suffuse your limbs. As you begin to ask about her sister, the room grows distant as the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 9/2/2023 | |
A small man dressed in silver robes and, moving with erratic, jerky motions, finalizes the assembly of a clockwork contraption, setting it gently on a workbench surface. The contraption emits a loud *click!* and unfurls into an upright column with splayed legs that begins to smoothly walk forward. The man gently taps the back of the column, and it bends over, several additional legs snapping outward and assisting the contraption as it continues to walk forward. The man once again taps the back of the column, and it separates into two contraptions, moving forward on spindly legs. The man presses his palm against the pair and shoves downward, shattering the contraptions into a mangled heap of bronze components.
A spark flickers between several springs and pistons, and the parts begin to snap together, reassembling the original contraption. The man smirks, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 9/2/2023 | |
The hot sun beats down above, gentle waves lap a fairly still shoreline, and you are comforted by the familiar smell of brine and screech of gulls. You pick up a large smooth stone, and snap it into the waters, watching it skip along and carry a respectable distance.
A child runs up, and excitedly shouts "Eight skips, that was amazing! Do it again!" You spot another smooth stone, wind up, whip it into the waters, and count out loud with the child as the stone skips thirteen times and suddenly deflects in midair, bouncing off something invisible offshore. You squint with uncertainty as the space where the stone struck shimmers and wobbles oddly before settling back to normal. "Thirteen skips," the child says. "That was amazing! Do it again!" You look at the child, but the little one only waits a moment, then turns and runs down the shoreline. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 9/2/2023 | |
A massive wasp lands on your shoulder and looks at you through iridescent compound eyes. It turns and begins to fastidiously clean its body, scraping debris from its carapace. A slight thrum echoes along your arm as it flutters its wings, and with a gentle patter of legs, it reorients itself to stare ahead. The wasp begins to chant and burn with a radiant orange glow, several orbs of warm light blinking into existence around the creature as it flies forward, a straight line of manifest purpose, half a dozen streaking lines raging into the darkness ahead.
In the distance, you hear bestial screams, creatures fleeing in escape, and a surge of coruscating luminescence lances in all directions. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Redeemed | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 7/31/2023 | |
Walking along an expansive beach, you head towards the sea, the expansive blue horizon welcoming, staring back. A boat awaits, and with a confident hand, you set the sails, secure the rigging, and sail it out along clear blue waters. You feel at peace. As the sun sets, a moonless night displays a waterfall of stars, familiar constellations carrying away your sorrows, your labors, reassuring in their stories. The wind and ocean go still, and you lie back.
One by one you watch as every constellation fades, singing their last, a gentle goodbye to friends, and you watch the last star vanish. You sit up in worry, looking around, but find you are now all alone. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 7/31/2023 | |
A massive foundry sprawls before you, a veritable army of smiths and laborers pounding forms and feeding furnaces. The noise is deafening: the howling of consuming fires, the grinding of enormous buckets of molten metal, and the crew shouting instructions at one another. The woman in the wide-brimmed hat leans on the railing of a catwalk and smokes a cigarillo, slowly scanning the work space with cataract eyes.
Pulling deeply from the cigarillo, she exhales twin plumes of smoke that coil around her tattooed wrists and arms, and suddenly turning to you, she declares, "I'll show you how to turn something into nothing. It's not as easy as it seems." She smiles softly, and a warning bell begins to clang and people begin to shout, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 7/31/2023 | |
Your mouth fills with the taste of copper, and a soft *thump*, *thump*, *thump* can be felt rather than heard as something very large approaches. You frantically search for clues as to your location and see nothing more than a thick tree line, several trees in the forest rustling heavily as a flock of crows angrily take flight, flying towards you in an effort to escape. The ground continues to reverberate, and a faint purple light illuminates the foliage. Suddenly, a loud sound of metal clanging into metal claps across the landscape, followed by several crackling, glowing orbs arcing overhead. As the projectiles soar past the birds, several scorching bolts of lightning lash outward, and the birds fall, dead and smoking, to the ground. The tree line shakes, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 7/31/2023 | |
You are blinded, perched just below the surface of the sun, prominences and coronal loops snapping and screaming. Your flesh burning, you howl the last of the air from your lungs. Suddenly, a small girl with white hair materializes before you, her eyes blazing with cold fire. The girl claps her hands together, stopping just short of her fingertips touching, and a black orb begins to build in her grasp. The sun pulses in contempt, seething and pushing outward, but the girl shouts and throws her arms out wide, the black orb growing larger and larger, engulfing you in cool shade, eclipsing the sun's fury.
The surface of the sun touches the black orb, and chaotic lightning and no-color surges from the battle. The girl shouts again, her hair battered by unseen winds, her eyes wide, and the black orb explodes, shattering the sun. The girl falls lifeless, and you watch as the planets slowly drift away. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 7/31/2023 | |
You find yourself in a dark room at a large bar, watching as the bartender hands two glasses of wine to surprised-looking Human. You watch as the Human carries the two glasses over, and hands one to a smiling minstrel restringing a lute, who graciously accepts. The two begin an animated conversation, the lute set aside.
The bartender approaches you and hands you two cigars and nods to a nearby table where a drunkard drains his cup. Scowling, the man catches your eye says "Hated the music and the jokes. Can't drink in peace." You approach the drunkard's table and offer a cigar. The man scrutinizes you a moment and accepts, nodding to the empty chair. Taking the seat, you light your cigar on the table's candle and inhale the sharp aroma of spice, exhaling a plume of smoke which twirls and billows into the rafters, and the room grows distant as the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 6/27/2023 | |
You find yourself in a dark room at a large bar, watching as the bartender mixes a drink and says something softly to a confused looking Human. At the far end of the room, a minstrel tunes a lute while chatting with several patrons. One of the strings snaps, and she pantomimes a dramatic death, eliciting a burst of laughter from several patrons. Popping up, she holds an empty glass aloft, waving it in the direction of the bar, and begins restringing the instrument while beginning a new story.
The bartender slides the finished drink to the Human, proffers quiet parting words, and approaches you from around the bar carrying two glasses of wine. "I told you, didn't I?" He says, handing you the two glasses. "Bring this over to her. And this one's for you, it'll help put you in a listening mood." You look down at the beverages, an intoxicating aroma of rich chocolate and sharp cherries tickling your senses as the room grows distant and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 6/27/2023 | |
A pallid Human corpse lays on a table before you, a crystal veil covering his face. Light flickers across the surface of the veil, shimmering fractal patterns dancing and weaving, spiraling from the eyes and zig-zagging along the edges. You lift the veil, and are unsurprised to see the Human bears your face, serene in repose. The veil dims slightly, and you carefully drape it over your eyes.
"Hello?" echoes a voice that sounds much like your own. "What happened?" You remove the veil, look down at your corpse, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 6/27/2023 | |
You find yourself at the edge of a cliff, standing before a seated man. He closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. Tilting his head upward, he begins to chant in a deeply resonant harmony. As the note stretches deeper and deeper, you begin to feel your bones shaking, your skull vibrating. His song continues, lengthening and winding ever deeper, looping around you, the very air rumbling.
The song intensifies, a second unseen voice joining, and the stars begin to dance as you find yourself short of breath. A third voice joins, and the stars begin to dim as your heart slows. A fourth voice joins, and, falling to your knees, you cough up blood, unable to even gasp for breath. A fifth voice joins, and as everything goes black, you hear the man remark, "Once forbidden, always defiant, now little more than lost." The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 6/27/2023 | |
Your prophetic senses chaotically howl with a deafening wrongness and you find yourself standing before a massive precipice, hissing black circles to your left and right, an endlessly tall wall of scorched stone at your back. In the distance, swirls billowing orange clouds streaked with red beams of light, illuminating wormlike creatures that wither and die, falling into the depths. Every so often, the ground shakes ominously. You hazard a glimpse down into the abyss and see a scattered collection of men and women of all races slowly climbing up, focused in grim determination to progress ever upward.
Something behind you! Whirling around, find yourself face to face with the once-woman, her five eyes locked on you. "It won't be long." She says. "They are nearer now than ever." She waves her taloned third arm, and the mists part, revealing an enormous eyeball filled with countless triple slit pupils, and she begins to laugh as the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Sivroch | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 6/27/2023 | |
A painter sits before an easel and scrutinizes his work. He paints several sharp lines in a rich saffron, bending dramatic arcs that spiral and bend around a black circle. Angrily squinting, he jams the brush into a rich cerulean and swirls it in a blotch of black and violently flings blobs of dark blue at the canvas. Increasingly erratic, he pours his frustration into the canvas, and as the man pants with effort and fury, the canvas begins to drip with frost, glowing with a subtle radiant light. The man pauses, and gasping for breath, stares at the canvas in wonder, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 5/19/2023 | |
A turbulent, wind-lashed ocean spreads before you, mountains of seething waves coursing by, their peaks swept to hissing foam beneath a howling storm. A small rowboat crests a tall wave, its bow hanging precariously over the watery cliff for a fleeting moment before tipping and coursing towards the trough. A thin but muscular man sits in the boat, feet braced against the interior of the vessel, methodically rowing in strong, smooth strokes. The boat surges forward with each pull of the oars, climbing the next wave and continuing along. The man glances at you as the boat passes, steam coursing from his body, his face passive and expressionless. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 5/19/2023 | |
You find yourself sitting at a table, and a figure approaches and places a cube before you. Wrought in the blackest diacan and kertig, each visible face is an identical seeming array of geometric patterns. The figure bows and retreats, and the cube *clicks* loudly as its vertices and patterns glow with a soft blue light.
| |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 5/19/2023 | |
With a hammering blow, you feel the air torn from your chest, and find yourself cast high into the sky, the curve of Elanthia falling away as you flail madly to orient yourself. Yavash snickers as you fall, and you tumble, blazing past a malevolent, black planet with bright white clouds. It reaches out and grabs you in its embrace, flinging you in a new trajectory towards a distant crystal-blue orb. You continue to spin head over foot, unable to control your tumble, and you catch the barest glimpse of a small smudge streaking across your path. The blue orb reaches out and grabs you, and you plummet through cold clouds and lashing rain, the ocean growing larger with white tipped waves and spinning crystalline serpents, and in desperation you shield your face with your arms and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Yavash, Szeldia, Merewalda, Nascent Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 5/19/2023 | |
A dull red light engulfs you, and as your eyes adjust, you find yourself in a metal-walled chamber. Before you sits several individuals with their hands resting on crystalline columns. Eyes closed, the individuals continually tilt their heads as if straining to hear something in the distance.
| |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 5/19/2023 | |
Your mouth fills with the taste of copper, and a low whine trembles in the distance. Building, a rumble, building, a metronomic thump, thump. With a sharp *crack* the whine escalates, a wheel spun at impossible speeds, an axle burning, immense heat vaporizing metal, and lightning tears from the horizon raking upward.
In the deafening silence that follows, a soft *thump*, *thump*, *thump* can be felt rather than heard, as something very large approaches. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Zengmodaleth | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 4/23/2023 | |
You find yourself walking along a dark corridor, walking through alternating shadow and torchlight. You approach a regal statue, carved of pure white marble, depicting a beautiful man whose face is encased in a cage of steel rings, arms held wide in welcome or supplication. As you approach the statue, a dull buzzing begins to echo in your mind, and the statue imperceptibly moves, begging, welcoming, hoping.
You are not sure from where the knife came from, but you are suddenly gripping it tightly, and you swing it across the statue's bare stomach. The blade bites deeply, black ooze pouring from the stone, and the figure's arms slowly fall as a horrible wail echoes all around you. Pooling around your feet, the liquid is filled with stars, and you begin to fall, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 4/23/2023 | |
A well lit and organized museum stretches before you, filled with magical and mundane artifacts, fragments of tablets and texts, strange and wonderful artworks. The woman in a wide brimmed hat walks along the exhibits, her cataract eyes sliding over each item as her long and elegant fingers trace the contours and edges of the display cases, sometimes chuckling to herself, sometimes pausing and sighing wistfully.
Standing before a lead glass case, she seemingly stares at the contained object within, a vibrating whorl of pulsating starlight, dripping with frost and occasionally morphing into several expanding rings before collapsing again. The woman gives a slight chuckle and produces a cigarello case from within her jacket, opening it with a *click*, and remarks to herself, "We sure didn't listen to that one.". The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 4/23/2023 | |
You find yourself approaching an oak table sitting in the center of a room, a small boy and an elegant man sitting at comfortable chairs, staring at a new game of chess. The elegant man smirks and says, "You understand what it is you ask?". The boy nods, and gestures to the board. The elegant man opens, and remarks, "So presumptuous, your kind." The boy makes a move, and the elegant man responds, continuing, "Daring to sit at the table."
The game continues, the boy silent, considering each move and playing with caution, the elegant man responding with calculated assaults and deceptive defenses. "You know," the elegant man begins, "even in losing your predecessors showed respect.", and he traps the boys queen. The elegant man begins to chuckle, but is cut short by the boy moving his king, revealing a check on the now overextended elegant man's pieces. Narrowing his eyes, the elegant man stares at the boy, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 4/23/2023 | |
Tall grass caresses your legs as you walk through an expansive field, dancing fireflies surrounding you in a shifting constellation of wondrous light. Several bats wheel and dart in the darkness above, catching whatever insect prey they can, their chittering blending with the pulsating drone of cicadas. The air is cooling in the darkness, but fragrant and comfortable, a light breeze swirling arou- something catches your eye above, but when you look up, you cannot spot anything unusual.
Odd. You were certain there was something, a fleeting movement between the constellations. You continue walking and come to a tree line, following the pensive hooting of an owl in the cano- there it is again, the flicker of movement catching your eye above, but when you look, the stars remain familiar. Unsettled, you stare at the sky, until the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Nascent Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 4/23/2023 | |
A fierce battle unfolds before you, a man in a sapphire blue robe elegantly dancing and dodging between several scuttlers made of white crystal. The scuttlers are unable to land a blow, though the man is only just narrowly avoiding the onslaught of pointed appendages and whip-like protuberances. Bristling with protruding spikes, the scuttlers suddenly manage to lodge several crauyarin darts into the man, who grunts in pain and leaps back to create space between his assailants, affording him precious seconds to weave magic and heal his wounds. Made whole once again, he charges forward.
One of the scuttlers suddenly rearranges itself, its carapace swirling in a nested ring pattern, and it flares with blinding bright icy starlight, engulfing the man. When the light subsides, the man is horrifically frostbitten, his skin cracked and bleeding, and the scuttlers advance once more. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 3/24/2023 | |
A tall unlit lighthouse juts from a cliff side, standing high above a roiling ocean, reaching high into the cold air. As waves batter stone, a faint light flickers in the windows of the structure, slowly winding up the tight staircase, visible periodically in open windows as it progresses to the lantern. Arriving at the pinnacle, a figure moves around a bit, though it is difficult to make out any details of the actions being performed. Suddenly, half a dozen streaks of light lance outward from various lenses, a rainbow of reds, blues, greens, and purples. The beams of light arc wildly in a series of complex maneuvers, illuminating a series of rings encircling the peak of the lighthouse. As the beams spiral chaotically, the now visible rings appear to solidify themselves, rotating on distinct axes. Now intensely backlit, the lighthouse keeper is visible as a silhouette against the blinding lantern, and appears to look directly at you. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 3/24/2023 | |
A small girl and her father walk along a blasted wasteland, picking their way along tricky terrain. The ruined landscape is dotted with the rusting and crumbling remains of wagons and buildings, sinking into the now dry and cracked muck. They step around a carriage, its paint peeling and its structure collapsed, and the father points at it.
"Is that what is wrong?", he asks. "No." replies the girl. They continue to walk and come across a shattered road, its bricks chipped and shattered. The father asks, "That?", but the girl again replies, "No, not that." They walk further, and see the rotting corpse of a massive scorpion, its carapace shattered and yellow goo hardened around the remains. The father says, "Surely that?", but the girl just shakes her head sadly. "Then what?" the father asks. The girl points upward, and you see a bloated orange sun looming in the sky. "The sun, father, the sun." She begins to weep and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 3/24/2023 | |
You find yourself seated at the base of a wide oak, its branches dripping with moss. Fireflies dart all around, streaks of yellow-green dancing in the evening sky. A gentle hand touches your shoulder, and you whirl in surprise, face to face with a friendly and oddly familiar looking young man backing away, hands held up reassuringly. "My apologies, I didn't mean to startle you!" he says kindly. "You seemed lost in thought."
You stare in confusion -- you are certain you have seen this young man before, but cannot place when or where. As you squint into his face and fail to respond, he slightly smirks uncomfortably, and says, "Erm, well, sorry to bother you." You watch the young man walk away, and cannot shake the feeling that you know this person. As he continues away from you and the tree, you hear someone call out, "Hey <Player>, there you are!", and running up to the young man, a friend playfully jostles him with a laugh. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 3/24/2023 | |
A churning tide pool hisses with foam and the sun's glare, and you wade in the cool knee-deep water, stepping between anemones and urchins, catching glimpses of darting octopuses and nervous crabs. Something catches your eye nearby, a repeated burble causing odd ripples. You slosh your way forward, and see a swirling ring of water nestled beneath a small rocky pool, water coursing outward and away. The ring spins faster and faster, suddenly collapsing and then exploding, sending water spraying all over you. As you blink away the salt spray, you watch as the pool fills again from the surrounding area, and observe a pulsating sphere nestled between several rotating rings. As the strange object is covered by the water, it crackles with cold, flecks of ice rising to the water's surface and melting. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 3/24/2023 | |
You find yourself standing in a stone arena. A heavily armored gladiator strides from the mists and brandishing a large axe, roaring in challenge. With a snarl, he rushes forward, and you struggle against a savage but skillful series of feints and swings. You dodge and deflect, evade and counterattack. Seizing an opportunity, the gladiator lands a deep slash across your thigh, and you gasp in pain as... crystalline sinew and bone sparkles in the wound, and a clear shimmering fluid pours from your body. You stare in surprise, and the gladiator twirls, the axe curving in a slowing arc, smoothly coming to a stop. The gladiator stands frozen, face locked in hunter's purpose, axe on target for your neck, but you cannot stop staring at your glimmering wound.
A voice echoes around you, "Another failure. Again." Your wound floods with fire as it knits shut, and the gladiator smoothly reverses back to he starting position. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 2/25/2023 | |
A pair of lovers race barefoot, hand in hand, through a forest, faces flush with joy as they leap along stream and stone, dancing between the trees. With each step, fresh flowers and thick moss explode outward, dying just as rapidly moments later. The trees shed their leaves, wither and die, new saplings growing to take their place. The lovers sprint across a steppe, the ground rumbling in their wake as rivulets of lava erupt from the earth and mountains grow from the cooling stone. The lovers laugh in delight, spinning one another beneath the stars, the constellations slowly tearing from their place in the heavens and drifting into distorted shapes that bear no meaning and remain unnamed. The two fall to their knees, embracing sweetly as a shattered ring of shadow speckled purple streaks across the sky. With a soft exhalation, they breathe their last, slowly turning to dust, and the wind scatters the pair across a barren landscape as the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 2/25/2023 | |
Lying down, you feel cold sand beneath your back and hear the gentle hiss of the wind whipping grains against your form with a slight tickle. You smell sweet sage and watch as Yavash rises above the horizon, revealing a small oasis nearby, still waters practically glowing red with the moon's reflection. Something catches your attention in the sky, and at the very edge of your visual perception you are able to make out movement in a patch of otherwise emptiness. It seems to be spinning, barely outlined as if transparent, a single point too faint to be called light. You squint, focusing your attention, but Yavash continues to climb and soon blots out the phenomenon. You patiently wait for Yavash to pass, but before it does, the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Nascent Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 2/25/2023 | |
You find yourself sitting before a blank canvas, a palette of oil paints and a brush held in hand. You look around, the room vaguely familiar, though you cannot place when you were last here. You are fairly sure the assignment was to recreate a memory, though further details remain elusive. So you begin to paint, letting the brush lead and the colors sing. After what is either hours or minutes, you have created a rendition of an alpine forest, and take a step back for perspective.
"A reasonable impression." comes a voice behind you, though when you whirl around in surprise, the room remains empty. "Superficial, but reasonable." Confused, you look back at the painting, and your eyes widen in disbelief -- crimson and orange strokes depict a raging fire spreading across the forest, a thick smoke rising into a billowing ring. Before your eyes, an avalanche of snow tumbles down the mountain, speeding towards you, and you gasp as the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 2/25/2023 | |
A sprawling battlefield rages across a blasted plain, armies riding beasts with split faces and branching antlers cutting into one another, the ground churned to a bloody mud. A general points across the land and howls a command, and a loud *ka-thunk* shakes the ground as a splintering crevice zig-zags forward, swallowing friend and foe into abyssal depths.
Miles away, the other general raises his arms to the sky, eyes rolling back in his head as he chants a wicked litany, and the sky begins to shatter, raining javelins of vibrating crystal that explode into kaleidoscopic flames, blasting and immolating all. The frontline barely moves, pointless advance meeting meaningless counter attack as corpses are stomped into a gory paste in the continued charge. Walking unaffected and ignored through the carnage, the woman in a wide brimmed hat watches with cataract eyes, her face expressionless as she smokes cigarillo after cigarillo. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 2/25/2023 | |
You find yourself walking along a blasted plain, a field of ash and blasted rock. The remains of burnt trees jut through the cooled stone, little more than jagged pillars of charcoal. The sun burns high in the sky, the air sulfurous and dry. As you walk along the scattered boulders and carefully pick your way over winding crevices, the ground trembles, and you steel yourself for a tremor.
A dull red glow flares from a nearby valley, and suddenly, a massive bull thunders upward with a mighty leap. Its mane sheds embers and the surrounding air shimmers and crackles with heat. The bull locks eyes with you, and lowers a pair of burning horns as it appraises you for a short moment. With a sharp exhalation of steam from its nostrils, the bull charges, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Ember bull | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 1/18/2023 | |
Walking through a broad market, you follow the rich scent of seasoned meat and feel your stomach grumbling. A vendor grins broadly and says something in a language you do not understand, but cheerfully compensates with hand signs and points at a bronze coin nailed to the stall. You look down a moment as you check your pockets, and remove a handful of coins. When you look up, the vendor once again grins broadly, and repeats the same line, and again compensates with the same hand signs and pointing. You slide your own coin across the counter, and the vendor hands you a skewer of savory beef cubes and vegetables. With a nod of gratitude you turn and walk away, but on a whim, turn your head to glance at the vendor. Though no one stands in front of the counter, the vendor grins broadly and repeats the same line, flashes the same hand signs and points at the bronze coin. You continue walking through the market, no longer hungry. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 1/18/2023 | |
An impeccably dressed man pauses before a thick wooden door, gathering his resolve. One hand on the latch, the man takes a steadying breath, listening to the light chatter and muted conversation within. Pushing the door open, he steps into a dimly lit lecture hall which immediately falls silent, row upon row filled with robed figures wearing featureless black porcelain masks inlaid with platinum filigree. At the center of the stage stands a single podium and a blackboard, and the man strides forward, head held high, his upstage fist clenched tightly, his downstage hand swaying casually. He does not glance at the audience. When he reaches the podium he fixes his eyes on a spot beyond the audience, above the scrutiny of the sea of expressionless visages.
"You see," he begins, "we have always been wrong." The audience does not react, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 1/18/2023 | |
Everything goes dark, and you feel the oppressive weight of damp stone and open space. The air stirs, wafting first towards and then away from you, carrying a burnt heat tang. Something shifts, metal drags across metal in the distance, the clank and grind echoing. To your left, a match is struck, illuminating a woman in a wide-brimmed hat, the small flame disappearing a moment as she bends her head to light her cigarillo, taking a deep drag. With a dramatic twist of her wrist, she holds the match aloft and looks upward, her cataract eyes staring ahead.
"You'll make me go first?" the woman asks. A hissing whisper winds from the depths, "You should not have come." "And you should not have lost. But here you are." "And here we are." The woman laughs, and exhales twin plumes of acrid smoke from her nostrils, filling the area and obscuring your view. "Let's begin", she says, and the vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 1/18/2023 | |
An endless field of scrub and meandering streams stretches before you, the horizon dotted with nothing more than varying shades of foliage and stone. Crouched over a spread of gear, a man carefully packs his provisions. Rolling flint and steel into some leather, checking the ties on several bundles, sheathing a knife on a chest harness, and finally, packing everything into a sturdy framed backpack, the man checks his boots one final time, and hefts the heavy burden, adjusting it for comfort, and begins walking. You follow as he sets a comfortable pace, winding between uneven terrain and carefully striding across streams. The terrain does not change, but the man dutifully continues his journey. As the sun crests at high noon, the man sets down the pack, leans against it, and slowly eats some ground berries and fatty jerky, chewing slowly. Turning to look at you for the first time, he says, "We've got a long ways to go."
The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |
Date and Time: 1/18/2023 | |
You find yourself standing next to a wide alpine lake, nested between a mighty upthrust wall of granite leading to snow-capped peaks on one side, and a stunning view of rocky plateau and rolling meadows on the other. You kneel by the lake's edge, the gentle stirring of the waters barely rippling along the shoreline, and cup a handful of the icy water, bringing it to your lips to drink of its chilling cold. A long whiskered catfish snaps its tail and kicks away from the shoreline, disturbed by your presence.
A low rumble echoes along the shoreline, pebbles vibrating slightly as the waters shake. A flash of light illuminates the depths at the center of the lake, and expands outward in an widening ring. Fading quickly, the lake becomes oddly still. The vision fades. | |
Possible Subjects: Unknown | Repeat: True |