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The following is an Elven-Common dictionary and grammar handout that was presented at Simucon 2000.

The Pronunciation of Elven

Letters that represent the same sounds in Elven as in English: b, d, f, m, n, p, t, z.

Single letters and the sounds they represent: aa as in father. cc as in catch or k as in yak. ee in met, den, bell. gg in get, tag. hh in hat, hoop, hold. iStressed: ee in meet or ea in bean; unstressed: i in mitt or bin. jj in jab, -ge in rage, -dg- in ledger. ll in lake or bell. oStressed: o in code, oa in boat; unstressed: oa in oar, o in cold. rr in red or tar; never omitted or trilled. ss in save or c in rice. Never the z sound as in rise. uStressed: oo in moon, hoop, food; unstressed: oo in hood, good. wOccurs only at the beginning of a syllable, like w in wait, win. yy in yell, yak. Never the vowel sound in my.

Letter combinations and the sounds they represent: aii in high, fine. au, owow in how, town. chch in choose, -tch in catch. eia in may, pay, shame, plate. oioy in toy, oi in coin. rrThe tip of the tongue strikes the alveolar ridge. [Note: this is when an r sound is pronounced halfway between r and d.] shsh in shirt, rash.

Letters and letter combinations that do not occur in Elven: k, q, th( the sounds represented by English th, as in thin, then, teeth, do not occur in Elven).

Elven words of more than one syllable are stressed on the next-to-the-last syllable. Examples:

Scarnan celyeni tarul orani curtamasai,SCARnan celYEni Tarul oRAni curtaMAsai, Nazar yapratisai, ilg irecitisai,NAzar yapraTIsai, ilg ireciTIsai, Resme eicima zamanen carata:RESme eiCIma zaMAnen caRAta: Oyen samyani, oyen maldani, oyen halcani.Oyen samYAni, Oyen malDAni, Oyen halCAni.

Spearpoints sight twice-seven stars Guiding the gaze, opening the gate, Divining the form of days to follow Fields, farms, folk of future times.

Some Notes on Elven Grammar

Abbreviation found in the vocabulary: adj.: adjectivepast p.: past participle adv.: adverbpr.: pronoun comp.: comparativepres.p.: present participle demonstrative relative pronoun interrogative pronounv.: verb n.: noun

Details of Elven grammar will be left to the players to discover. Here are a few points to get you started.

Negation and Questions: The negative adverbs ini or hin not are usually placed immediately before the verb being negated. Carromarro ini owrenmisa beltu lauwur. A crab doesnt learn to walk straight. Yureto yasu hin altatisa. Sulking doesnt gild the goldfish.

Elven has the usual interrogative pronouns translated as who, what, why, when, where, and how.

A Yes-No question is formed by adding shon at various places in the sentence. Examples:

Haron pagtani meditaroi gaur.We are hunting cougars today.
Shon haron pagtani meditaroi gaur? Are we hunting cougars today?
Haron pagtani meditaroi shon gaur? Are we hunting cougars today? (and not some other time)
Haron shon pagtani meditaroi gaur? Are we hunting cougars today? (as opposed to goblins)
Haron pagtani shon meditaroi gaur? Are we hunting cougars today? (instead of feeding them)

Elven Word Structure:

A big part of the Elven vocabulary is made up of the haziman, literally the grown words, words that are made by successively adding prefixes or suffixes to create a family of words with related meanings.

Words start with a root, a form that expresses a particular idea or meaning. The root may not exist by itself as a word: for instance, the root sagd- never appears as a separate word, but it is the basis of words like sagdatun healing, sagdatu to heal and sagden healthy. Often, however, the root of the word is also the form of the noun, for example, the word azc, meaning end, as in saparan azc, journeys end.

Stems are added to the root to change the way the word functions in a sentence. One stem will change the root to an adjective, another to an adverb, still others to different kinds of verbs. Examples: azc + -en produces the adjective azcen final, last. azc + -ur produces the adverb azcur finally, lastly. azc + -aman produces the verb azcaman to end, to finish. azc + -atu produces the verb azcatu to be ending.

Elven Pronouns: Elven pronouns are almost the same as English.

Tense and Time

Perhaps because of the long lives of the Elves, Elven has no exact expressions like the present, past, or future tenses of other languages. This does not mean that Elven is incapable of expressing the relationship of events in time: the simplest way of rendering the past or future tense in Elven is to place ong past or oyun future before the verb. [For an example, see the poem above.]

[Note: The vocabulary below is not quite identical to the handout we were given at Simucon. For a handful of terms, there was some confusion as to what type of words they are. I have tried to clear this confusion up and marked the words concerned with an asterisk(*). Also, I discovered while copying the handout that some words dont follow the rules above(namely, the rule in #2 concerning w). This is probably due to the construction of haziman in some cases; however, I am writing the GMs in charge of languages in order to try and clear these problems up. I would suggest waiting to use this dictionary in things of relative permanence such as alterations until the language has been officially released in game or I have received an answer addressing these problems.]

An Elven Vocabulary

 abse, adj. 9
 acen, adj. white
 acletu, v. bring
 adar, n. bard
 afreitu, v. allure
 agaranci, n. emperor
 agins, n. falcon
 agirtu, v. hurt
 agla, n. cry
 ahtimen, adj. possible
 aila, adv. back
 aipa, n. speech
 aitaita, n.grandfather
 Ajac, n.Elf
 alaba, n.daughter
 alaca, n.ranger
 alai, n.empath
 alcas, n.lake
 aldi, *was listed as a noun
 alemgoshar, n. rainbow
 alolan, n.grove
 alor,, make
 altar, adj. 20
 alto, adj. 2
 alupen, adj. hot
 amacra, n. cliff
 amar, pn. I
 amets, n. dream
 amona, n. grandmother
 anctan, n.ship
 anctatu, v.stand
 anctu, v.raise
 andre, n.lady
 apurtu, v.grasp or grab
 ar, pr. me
 araba, n.canal
 arac, prep.up *was listed as a noun
 arca, n. backpack
 arin, n. light
 arinen, adj. quick, fast, swift
 armiarma, n.spider
 arn, pr. my
 aro, pr. I
 aron (or) haron, pr.we *was listed as a noun
 asaran, n.sea
 assegis, n. strong, mighty ??could be noun or adj.
 aulis, adj. beautiful, of a person
 aurcitu, v. find
 ayac, n. leg
 azc, n. end

 baha, n. price
 bahar, n. spring(season)
 bairam, n.festival
 barretu, v.laugh
 bash, n.head
 baso, n.foreigner
 bayir, n.hill
 belarri, n.guild
 berri, adj. new
 besarcadu, v.embrace
 bidaya, n.journey
 bir, adj. a, an
 birleshmin, v. unite
 bizar, n. beast
 blosu, v. spring
 borrocatu, v. fight
 boyun, n. neck
 bulanjai, n.manor
 burdina, n.iron

 caidis, adj. wise
 caratu, v.predict
 carwu, n.heart* rule 2, v. w
 ce, n.smoke
 cebelec, n. shrine
 cecits, n.arrow
 celle, adj. 100
 celoen, adj. light(in weight)
 celpeze, n.lizard
 celya, n.spear
 cemelen, adj. less
 cen, adj. much
 cenar, n. beach
 cercorim, n.lightning
 chaga, n. child
 chep, adj. left(direction)
 chunen, adj. short
 cichis, adj. small, tiny
 Cichumbu, n. Halfling
 cimi, n. bird
 cinen, adj. hard(difficult)
 contatu, v.tell
 copri, n.bridge
 corec, n. bread
 cragis, adj. highborn
 crauyo, n.blood
 creslan, n. bed

 dafora, n.sun
 dagis, n.summer
 daihan, n.peasant
 dap, n.trail
 darm, prep. with
 dem, n. breath
 dengiz, n.ocean
 derli, n.rain
 dil, n.tongue
 dirais, adj. great
 diztetu, v.kneel
 dogan, n. brother
 dohaen, adj. free(of charge)
 dolu, n. wilderness
 dost, n.gloom
 dosten, adj. gloomy
 draus, n. sail
 dubelis, n.skunk
 duman, n. fog

 ebo, n. grass
 ecarren, adj. bright
 edantu, v. drink
 eger, conj. if
 egun, n. day
 egur, n. woodland
 ei, prep. in
 eicetu, v.come
 eiyam, n.crescent
 el, n.hand
 ela, n.woman
 eliza, n.temple
 elo, adj. 1
 elur, n. snow
 emanto, n. gift
 emma, conj. but
 epeletu, v. turn
 erlin, n. wide
 erori, n. evening
 erreca, n. stream
 errez, n. east
 escu we escu, adv. forever
 escu, adv. ever
 estalai, n.harbor
 esten, adj. narrow
 esturi,, music
 etorri, v. deliver
 ezaman, v.know
 ezcondu, v.marry

 fala, n. forest
 faut, adv. not
 fauta, none

 gabaw, n.trap* rule 2, v. w
 gachir, n.highway
 gahar, n.anger
 gaharen, adj. angry
 gailis, n. grotto
 gaiz, n.evil
 gal, prep.among
 galduta, pastp. lost
 galwo, n.tradition* rule 2, v. w
 ganat, n.wing
 ganen, adj. bitter
 gaplang, n.sprite
 gar, n. fear
 garen, adj. black
 gau, n. night
 gazen, adj.young
 gechmin, v.pass
 geleshtu, v.train
 gelinaji, n.marriage
 gelinaliji, procession
 gemia, n.mother
 gengec, n.claw
 gerezi, n.chieftain
 gerri, n.belt
 geza, n.dew
 gezman, v.wander
 gilen, adj. red
 gish, n.winter
 gizen, adj. few
 gizhir, n.soil
 gnode, n.troll
 gocen, adj. blue
 golimban, n.creek
 gongen, adj. brown
 gorma, n.war
 gowac, n.cave* rule 2, v. w
 gowren, adj. more* rule 2, v. w
 goz, n.eye
 grauwus, n.side* rule 2, v. w
 groben, adj. cheap
 guiruc, n.tail
 gujen, adj. highest, best
 gulac, n.ear
 guren, adj.thick *was listed as a noun
 guruyol, n. crossroad
 guti, n.bow(archery)

 hac, n. robe
 hachan, when
 haize, n.wind
 halen, adj. good, well
 halipa, n.master
 halipadar, n. master bard
 halur, adv. well
 hanca, n.leopard
 handis, adj. big
 harich, n.oak
 hawa, int. yes* rule 2, v. w
 hegerrez, n. southeast
 hego, n. south
 hegorul, n. southwest
 helei, n. wife
 hemme, adj. every
 henen, adj. third
 heni, adj. 3
 henitar, adj. 30
 heretu, v.move
 herri, n. dune
 hid-, n. -less(as tailless)
 hindo, adj. 5
 hodei, n. cloud
 holutu, v.kill
 howp, n.danger* rule 2, v. w
 hul, adj. 4
 hulitar, adj. 40
 husol, n. whirlpool
 hustus, adj. empty

 icutu, v.touch
 idi, prep. out
 igel, n. front
 igotun, pres.p. ascending
 ilalish, v. bodice
 ilaya, n.river
 ilcan, n. inn, tavern
 ilga, n.gate
 ilmis, n. bark, of a tree
 imir, you(sing.)
 ims, prep. at
 indar, n. strength
 inha, adv. here
 ini-, adv. not, no, without
 inoren, adj. all
 ipar, n. north
 iparerrez, n.northeast
 iparrul, n.northwest
 ipoch, n.goblin
 irecitu, v. open
 irin, you(pl.)
 irienen, poss.aj. your(pl.)
 irn, poss.aj. your (sing.)
 irnan, n.wall
 irujen, adj. foolish
 Iscramiri, n.SKra-Mur
 ish, prep. across
 ishmec, n.jetty
 isil, n. silence
 itsusis, adj. ugly
 iturri, n. fountain
 izar, n. quarter
 izinda, prep. behind

 jadi, n.magic
 jai, n. house
 jaihal, n.welcome
 jama, n.crow
 jan, n.spirit
 janis, n.god
 jaraman, v.become
 jaun, n.lord
 jinen, adj.rare *was listed as a noun
 jitien, *was listed as a noun
 joantu, v.go
 joran, n.friend
 julge, n.valley

 ladis, n. idea, thought
 lagash, n.volcano
 lagun, n.fork
 laiho, int. goodbye
 langa, n.peace
 larestu, v.sing
 larre, n.meadow
 lasen, adj. flat(smooth)
 laum, n.quake
 lauwen, adj. straight* rule 2, v. w
 lehojen, adj. dry
 leize, n. cavern
 licuti, adj.little *was listed as a noun
 lilic, n.gown
 liscis, n.blade
 liyos, n.stronghold
 loira, n. plant/herb
 loman, v. sleep
 lomo, n.mouth
 lunca, n.glacier
 lunci, n.Therengian
 lurugami, n. waterfront
 lurugelesh, ground
 luruwede, n.library* rule 2, v. w

 madaricatu, v.damn
 mahai, n.sword
 mahiren, adj. warn
 maite, n. love
 malcis, n. sorrow
 mehen, adj.thin *was listed as a noun
 meren, adj. full
 merhum, n.marsh
 mihman, n.guard
 miwe, n. fruit* rule 2, v. w
 moazo, n.truce
 molujan bilelim, n.greetings(formal)
 molujan, n. gods
 mun, adj. 1000

 nabis, comp. than
 nagoti, aux. would
 namede, n. anything
 nazar, n. sight
 nedora, n. moon
 nirh, n. fee
 noc, adj. 0
 noren, adj. many

 oc, prep. by
 ocerc, n. prank, joke
 ocu, n. scorpion
 ogujen, adj. cold
 oi, n. home
 oin, n.foot
 olum, n. death
 omo, adj. 6
 ond, n. mountain
 onda, there *was listed as a noun
 ongaili, n. quality
 ongort, n. morning
 ora, n. star
 ornen, adj. kind
 orta, n. middle
 ortegun, n. noon
 ostu, v. hold
 otag, n. root
 otso, n. wolf
 oyun, n. future

 pagta, n.cougar
 paicotu, v. till, cultivate
 palta, n. battleaxe
 panju, n. refund
 pau, adj. 8
 paustopishic, n. bobcat
 paute, n. egg
 peidatu, v. use
 pel, prep. down
 pelci, n. brook
 pele, how
 penten, adj. fierce
 pereso, n. arm
 pesten, adj. crooked
 pinpilinpauca, n.butterfly
 pleinis, n.bog
 pocorto, n. archipelago
 prestatu, v. prepare
 prio, n.soldier
 pur, n.happiness

 ragusto, n. tale
 rahat, n.path
 rouda, n. ford
 rugili, n. baroness
 rugis, n. baron
 ruhoi, n. heaven
 rul, n.west
 rure, pn. she *was listed as a noun

 sacen, adj. deep
 sacgal, n. beard
 saga, n. right(direction)
 sagdara, int. hello
 sagdatu, v. heal
 sal, conj. or
 salcen, adj. cool
 san-, n. intelligent creature
 sanalor, n. artificer
 sanamazat, n. holy-man
 sanbelor, n. guild-leader
 sanbino, n. trader
 sanegazat, n.flier
 sangut, n.archer
 sanicasi, n.student
 sanost, n. holder
 sanowret, n. teacher* rule 2, v. w
 santarna, n.tracker
 sanyapra, n.leader
 sarce, n. Dwarf
 saren, adj. yellow
 sari, n. life
 sasi, n. bush
 satalis, n. boulder
 satman, v. sell
 saule, n. swamp
 scertu, v. seek, look for
 sebel, n. garden
 seiremin, v.have(possess)
 senar, n. boy
 ses, n.voice
 sha, that
 shalupa, n.boat
 shar, n. Barbarian
 sheco, n. town
 shigir, n.poem
 shirel, n. king
 shireli, n.queen
 shoncim, who
 shonhachan, when
 shonime, what
 shontaida, where
 shonuchin, why
 shostro, n. sister
 shu, this
 sidatu, v. betray
 sinestu, v. believe
 siran, n. son
 siyatu, v. travel
 smoi, n. husband
 sowuc, n. comet* rule 2, v. w
 soye, n. storm
 sudur, n. nose
 sugunjan, n. unicorn
 sunis, n. hunt
 sushu, n. snake, serpent
 su, n. water
 suwudaz, n waterfall.* rule 2, v. w
 suwundan, n. wave, surf* rule 2, v. w

 tago, n. knife
 tancis, adj. soft(to touch)
 tar, adj. 10
 taralto, adj. 12
 tarelo, adj. 11
 tareni, adj. 13
 taritu, v. speak
 taurili, n. princess
 tauris, n. prince
 terwen, n. caravan* rule 2, v. w
 tilci, n. fox
 tire, n. tribe
 tizlic, n. spell
 ton, pr. they
 torbis, n. bay
 towis, n. father* rule 2, v. w
 trumoi, n. thunder
 tuilis, n. pearl
 turman, v. rise

 uchin, why
 uchman, v. let, allow
 uci, n. toward
 udazatu, v.fall
 umbu, n.person
 umshi, n.tree
 umumi, n.commoner
 undojen, adj. dark
 Urbaj, n. human
 urbil, adj. near
 urrutis, adj. far(distance)
 usceltu, v. tear, rip
 ustu, v. consider, think *was listed as a noun
 uwre, n. rock* rule 2, v. w
 uzacen, adj. long

 warnis, n. thief
 we, conj. and
 wepat, n.midnight
 wessis, n. together
 wims, n.badger
 wir, n. silver
 wuda, v.wave(gesture)
 wuisis, n. mist
 wumbaris, n.yak

 yadaw,* rule 2, v. w
 yana, n. city
 yapratu, v. lead
 Yarajac, n. Elothean
 yash, prep. after, aft
 yashaman, v. live
 yashegun, n. afternoon
 yashen, adj. green(color)
 yedi, adj. 7
 yengish, n. victory
 yeterlis, adj. enough
 yila, n. smile
 yol, n. road, way
 yolen, adj. broad
 yowuzen, adj. hard(touch)* rule 2, v. w
 yurugar, n. dragon
 yuztu, v. swim

 zacur, n. dog
 zaharen, adj. old
 zaindu, v.survey, explore
 zaldi, n. horse
 zarata, n. noise
 zer, n. jewel, gem
 zic, n.dirt