Warrior Mage Guildhall (Crossing): Difference between revisions

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The [[Crossing]] [[Warrior Mage|Warrior Mage Guild]] stands as the primary reception point for new students interested in the arts of elemental magic. Currently the guild location is under the watchful eye of [[Gauthus|Guildmaster Gauthus]]. Nestled safely outside the [[Northeast Gate]], you can find it by heading southeastwards and following the path ({{com|DIR}} {{tt|warrior mage}}).
Describe guild layout, history, changes, the elemental... Link to a page for the guildleader.

In 353 AV, one year after the destruction of the former [[Arhat's Tower|Crossing guild]] by [[Mibgluc]], [[Saekhi|Archmage Saekhi Laenaeo]] built a new tower for the guild at the cost of 1,000 platinum [[Kronar]]s, a princely sum of money at the time. There was a high-end auction to fundraise and direct donations were solicited for the cause. It took some time to raise that amount of coin. This new home for the Warrior Mages is much larger than their former tower to accommodate for growing membership.

The tower is built primary of polished grey marble with the majority of the interior structure carved directly out of the blocks. Saekhi used few parts from the original tower; however, he did take the pink marble arches which have some as of yet unknown magical property.

===First Floor===
The first floor contains the foyer where students and guests may meet. In order for a guest to enter the rest of the guild the mage must {{com|show}} them to the elemental who handles access. Those wishing to speak with the Guildmaster may go through the arch.

===Second Floor===
This floor holds the [[Warrior Mage Guild Library - Crossing|library]], a simple workshop, and a history hall. In the Hall of History you can find a listing of the previous Crossing guildmasters, a plaque commemorating donors to the rebuilding fund, and a grimoire of the highest mages.

The plaque of donors reads:
The Guild of Warrior Mages wishes to thank:
Dreamheart, Larinath, and Mir
for their efforts at restoring the Guildhall destroyed by Mibgluc
We also thank all those who contributed to the Guild's funds:
Aadun Aavarine Abrielle Aedwyn
Aekimsille Agraynel Aisher Akashia
Alecz Alefyre Alexana Aleximarus Allarsk
Allynn Altul Alucid Aluna Alurfaern
Aloryc Alurian Arcadessabboth Arcaneous Ardeo
Arilith Aritheor Arkieus Arubis
Asarna Ashatyr Asturk Atanamir
Aufero Aurica Balineth Bazlack Beruum
Binu Blacklark Bloodband Bojac Bonemangler
Braddox Branc Brikmar Brukkel
Brutalis Burnz Callixe Callysto
Camfyn Canten Carrey Cassadiy
Cedimir Ceylene Chadda Clemsham
Clerris Crexis Crintar Crippler
Cubj Curigan Cyiarriah Cymreuen
Dabaa Darktainted Darweth Dazalia Dealvo
Demonight Dhidow Dorz Drawl
Dseth Eadrik Ehlissa Einor
Elafdor Elminstrr Elrand Ellsdragon
Elysana Elythera Erenios Evaline
Ezdari Fallshade Ferusa Fierieth
Fiodhrid Firebourn Florabelle Frazeik
Frogspawn Fuly Gaeladryn Galain
Gamaset Gandorf Ganil Garkos
Garovan Gathena Gelatano Geridon
Glolom Gloriendl Grengras Grotnik
Guole Gwaihr Gwendalau Gwyethein
Halastar Haraken Hartblest Hashtin
Herpo Hessa Hubsches Irikus Iron
Ivoryus Jamella Jappa Jasonmv
Jeanet Jeremi Jourmangan Kaina
Kalai Kaled Kaoru Karlich
Kartais Kateria Keeo Keluminati Kfue
Khaddgar Kiljaedin Kitain Klaros
Koban Kobril Koji Korzhon Krallin
Kristalon Kshar Kulas Kursn
Kyien Kymeara Kynnth Kyra Kyrian
Kysa Lambache Larule Linlysse Lornna
Lovac Luthiens Lygor Maeli Magmus
Magnen Magus Malose Manarian
Mandas Manissa Marcuso Marstof Masiara
Matyrrian Maxflex Meanne Meeanda Merdell
Mendaxior Merrold Messhu Mestiza
Miksha Minboler Mindin Mindjari
Miraaj Mistalon Mithandir Mithradates
Mlarion Mongrath Moonlili Mordoc
Morganbin Muwn Neconilis Nemaka
Neouro Nergul Nestor Nicodareus
Nojj Nynis Ollyander Ovar
Pablin Padian Paltin Pehrrin Pereg
Phangor Plalanx Posiden Predaker Puralis
Qip Qualinth Ralor Ranal
Rayth Rayyoln Reighth Ripert
Robensior Romeode Ryoji Ryskien
Sabinix Sammedi Sangdraxs Sapak
Saradin Savras Scyrenwing Sephirith
Sepria Serennade Serprent Shadowleah Shadowslay
Shaid Shardonez Sharuul Shena Shiint
Shisaeron Shivane Shnurui Shokna
Silka Silverfury Simrekinus Skiri
Skyhawki Skystreak Slaxiar Slolem Slur
Softsmile Solistra Sotavento Sphveen
Spunkie Srebrina Stamaron Starallon Starang
Starrezzer Stoneheart Stormhand Summerr
Srenuk Sylmaris Taavetti Tacit Tafkapp
Talac Tamoria Teklin Telivar
Thaydous Toeh Toslikferu Traekyna
Tramin Travail Trebber Trilliflame Tuen
Tuka Tukate Turnado Tuwile
Tyrawn Tyrnian Tyshar Valkyire
Varinn Vendothian Verilas Vesp
Vokim Vortressa Vukraz Waveseeker
Whisperdark Whitbuffalo Windfang Winks
Wyndguard Xand Xap Xendrik
Xip Yirafo Zadeira Zaupe
Zerlestia Zhakrin Zivilyn Zizer
Zymira Zzei


Secret: {{secret|There are two secret passages, one for people and one for familiars, on this floor should you choose to explore.}}

===Third Floor===
The third floor has seven chambers branching off from it with each devoted to an individual element as well as steel. Initially these rooms were meant as the primary gathering spots but have fallen out of favor over the years. You will find more mages outside the front doors then in the tower on an average day.

New mages should take note of the Chamber of Steel as it contains a donation rack where you can acquire weapons and armor.


Revision as of 19:03, 24 December 2020

The Crossing Warrior Mage Guild stands as the primary reception point for new students interested in the arts of elemental magic. Currently the guild location is under the watchful eye of Guildmaster Gauthus. Nestled safely outside the Northeast Gate, you can find it by heading southeastwards and following the path (DIR WARRIOR MAGE).


In 353 AV, one year after the destruction of the former Crossing guild by Mibgluc, Archmage Saekhi Laenaeo built a new tower for the guild at the cost of 1,000 platinum Kronars, a princely sum of money at the time. There was a high-end auction to fundraise and direct donations were solicited for the cause. It took some time to raise that amount of coin. This new home for the Warrior Mages is much larger than their former tower to accommodate for growing membership.


The tower is built primary of polished grey marble with the majority of the interior structure carved directly out of the blocks. Saekhi used few parts from the original tower; however, he did take the pink marble arches which have some as of yet unknown magical property.

First Floor

The first floor contains the foyer where students and guests may meet. In order for a guest to enter the rest of the guild the mage must SHOW them to the elemental who handles access. Those wishing to speak with the Guildmaster may go through the arch.

Second Floor

This floor holds the library, a simple workshop, and a history hall. In the Hall of History you can find a listing of the previous Crossing guildmasters, a plaque commemorating donors to the rebuilding fund, and a grimoire of the highest mages.

The plaque of donors reads:

The Guild of Warrior Mages wishes to thank:
                    Dreamheart, Larinath, and Mir
      for their efforts at restoring the Guildhall destroyed by Mibgluc
         We also thank all those who contributed to the Guild's funds:
Aadun            Aavarine         Abrielle         Aedwyn
Aekimsille       Agraynel         Aisher           Akashia
Alecz            Alefyre          Alexana          Aleximarus       Allarsk
Allynn           Altul            Alucid           Aluna            Alurfaern
Aloryc           Alurian          Arcadessabboth   Arcaneous        Ardeo
Arilith          Aritheor         Arkieus          Arubis
Asarna           Ashatyr          Asturk           Atanamir
Aufero           Aurica           Balineth         Bazlack          Beruum
Binu             Blacklark        Bloodband        Bojac            Bonemangler
Braddox          Branc            Brikmar          Brukkel
Brutalis         Burnz            Callixe          Callysto
Camfyn           Canten           Carrey           Cassadiy
Cedimir          Ceylene          Chadda           Clemsham
Clerris          Crexis           Crintar          Crippler
Cubj             Curigan          Cyiarriah        Cymreuen
Dabaa            Darktainted      Darweth          Dazalia          Dealvo
Demonight        Dhidow           Dorz             Drawl
Dseth            Eadrik           Ehlissa          Einor
Elafdor          Elminstrr        Elrand           Ellsdragon
Elysana          Elythera         Erenios          Evaline
Ezdari           Fallshade        Ferusa           Fierieth
Fiodhrid         Firebourn        Florabelle       Frazeik
Frogspawn        Fuly             Gaeladryn        Galain
Gamaset          Gandorf          Ganil            Garkos
Garovan          Gathena          Gelatano         Geridon
Glolom           Gloriendl        Grengras         Grotnik
Guole            Gwaihr           Gwendalau        Gwyethein
Halastar         Haraken          Hartblest        Hashtin
Herpo            Hessa            Hubsches         Irikus           Iron
Ivoryus          Jamella          Jappa            Jasonmv
Jeanet           Jeremi           Jourmangan       Kaina
Kalai            Kaled            Kaoru            Karlich
Kartais          Kateria          Keeo             Keluminati       Kfue
Khaddgar         Kiljaedin        Kitain           Klaros
Koban            Kobril           Koji             Korzhon          Krallin
Kristalon        Kshar            Kulas            Kursn
Kyien            Kymeara          Kynnth           Kyra             Kyrian
Kysa             Lambache         Larule           Linlysse         Lornna
Lovac            Luthiens         Lygor            Maeli            Magmus
Magnen           Magus            Malose           Manarian
Mandas           Manissa          Marcuso          Marstof          Masiara
Matyrrian        Maxflex          Meanne           Meeanda          Merdell
Mendaxior        Merrold          Messhu           Mestiza
Miksha           Minboler         Mindin           Mindjari
Miraaj           Mistalon         Mithandir        Mithradates
Mlarion          Mongrath         Moonlili         Mordoc
Morganbin        Muwn             Neconilis        Nemaka
Neouro           Nergul           Nestor           Nicodareus
Nojj             Nynis            Ollyander        Ovar
Pablin           Padian           Paltin           Pehrrin          Pereg
Phangor          Plalanx          Posiden          Predaker         Puralis
Qip              Qualinth         Ralor            Ranal
Rayth            Rayyoln          Reighth          Ripert
Robensior        Romeode          Ryoji            Ryskien
Sabinix          Sammedi          Sangdraxs        Sapak
Saradin          Savras           Scyrenwing       Sephirith
Sepria           Serennade        Serprent         Shadowleah       Shadowslay
Shaid            Shardonez        Sharuul          Shena            Shiint
Shisaeron        Shivane          Shnurui          Shokna
Silka            Silverfury       Simrekinus       Skiri
Skyhawki         Skystreak        Slaxiar          Slolem           Slur
Softsmile        Solistra         Sotavento        Sphveen
Spunkie          Srebrina         Stamaron         Starallon        Starang
Starrezzer       Stoneheart       Stormhand        Summerr
Srenuk           Sylmaris         Taavetti         Tacit            Tafkapp
Talac            Tamoria          Teklin           Telivar
Thaydous         Toeh             Toslikferu       Traekyna
Tramin           Travail          Trebber          Trilliflame      Tuen
Tuka             Tukate           Turnado          Tuwile
Tyrawn           Tyrnian          Tyshar           Valkyire
Varinn           Vendothian       Verilas          Vesp
Vokim            Vortressa        Vukraz           Waveseeker
Whisperdark      Whitbuffalo      Windfang         Winks
Wyndguard        Xand             Xap              Xendrik
Xip              Yirafo           Zadeira          Zaupe
Zerlestia        Zhakrin          Zivilyn          Zizer
Zymira           Zzei


There are two secret passages, one for people and one for familiars, on this floor should you choose to explore.

Third Floor

The third floor has seven chambers branching off from it with each devoted to an individual element as well as steel. Initially these rooms were meant as the primary gathering spots but have fallen out of favor over the years. You will find more mages outside the front doors then in the tower on an average day.

New mages should take note of the Chamber of Steel as it contains a donation rack where you can acquire weapons and armor.