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|location=Trabe Plateau
|type=nomad of the arid steppe
|type2=guild leader
|type=Nomad of the Arid Steppe, Guild Leader
A [[:Category:Nomads of the Arid Steppe#Skindancers|Skindancer]] and Moon Mage Guildleader. As Guildleader she is also the leader of all of the [[Nomads]] of the [[Arid Steppe]], a [[Moon Mage]] [[sects|sect]].
Leader of the Nomads (Skindancers), a Moon Mage sect.

Was a Council Member for Skindancers at time of [[Kir]] (the second one). When she heard what he was doing, she became angered. She returned to the Steppe and spoke with Kir for several days. After that, he stormed off with some of his followers, claiming Cherulisa had stolen his leadership. He was never seen again. Afterwards, she resigned from the Council and became a Guildleader in the Arid Steppe.

The fur-clad nomad chuckles before saying, "A proud Skindancer, though her interest in the Trabe spire makes many wonder. The Bonedancers and their false Kir hate her with a passion, but the tribes stand behind her...and Throne City too, much further behind. She teaches the curriculum of the Guild, but honors the spirits and the tribes."

Cherulisa is a Human woman who looks to be around her fifth decade. Her skin is tanned and leathery, while her honey-brown hair has been cropped short. She is wearing heavy clothes made from masterfully tanned furs, accentuated by an ivory carving inscribed with flowing copper runes.
Cherulisa is a Human woman who looks to be around her fifth decade. Her skin is tanned and leathery, while her honey-brown hair has been cropped short. She is wearing heavy clothes made from masterfully tanned furs, accentuated by an ivory carving inscribed with flowing copper runes.

You see Guildleader Cherulisa D'Shari'sendal, a Human.<br />
Two other renowned guild leaders, about whom little is publicly known but their names and sect affiliations, are Guildleader Cherulisa D'Shari'sendal of the Nomads of the Arid Steppe and Prophet [[Estrille]] Ardwens.
Cherulisa has jade eyes. Her honey hair is long and wavy, and is worn loose. She has tanned skin.<br />
She is in her prime for a Human.<br />
She is in good shape.<br />
<br />
She is wearing a ruby pin, a ram skeleton, some stitched boarskin leathers lined with ragged creme-colored tassels, a sorrel leather mantle embroidered with a setting sun in bright yellow thread along the back, some tasseled crocodile-skin pants with red and white angular patterns down the legs, a twisted copper ring affixed with two bright red feathers, a dusty tan hip pouch and a simple ivory carving inscribed with flowing copper runes.

Was a [[Moon Mage Council]] Member for Skindancers at time of [[Kir (2)|Kir]] (the second one). When she heard what he was doing, she became angered. She returned to the Steppe and spoke with Kir for several days. After that, he stormed off with some of his followers, claiming Cherulisa had stolen his leadership. He was never seen again. Afterwards, she resigned from the Council and became a Guildleader in the Arid Steppe.

The fur-clad nomad chuckles before saying, "A proud Skindancer, though her interest in the Trabe spire makes many wonder. The [[Bonedancer|Bonedancers]] and their false Kir hate her with a passion, but the tribes stand behind her...and [[Throne City]] too, much further behind. She teaches the curriculum of the Guild, but honors the spirits and the tribes."

Cherulisa says, "Moon Mages find solace beneath the moons and starlight. There are many that say we walk in darkness, that our hearts are cold and our mysteries unnatural. They do not know the truth: a Moon Mage brings light into the darkness, just as the stars pierce the veil of night. Never forget this truth, and never let the light of your knowledge dim."

{{cat|Skindancer, Moon Mage Council Member}}

==Conversation Topics==
:Cherulisa says, "Sweet personality, soft mind."

:Cherulisa says, "A name of great good and great evil. Kir is the peace maker, who came from the powerful and barbaric D'Reathor yet spoke the words of the spirits. Many years later, and still with us today, is the false Kir. He claims the name, but his doctorine is twisted, violent, and insane."

:Cherulisa says, "I will not speak of Kssarh, except to say that he is the perfect man for his job."

:Cherulisa says, "We do not speak much, but I respect him and his traditions. We both live in lonely spires, though I think I get out more often."

:Cherulisa says, "There are easier and less time consuming ways to come back from the dead."

:Cherulisa says, "He was once a powerful man, worthy of every respect and honor. These days he is...a very powerful man."

:Cherulisa says, "He is called a wise man, he speaks the words of wise men, and performs the action of a wise man. But tell me this: Would a wise man sit in the middle of a volcano?"

===Other Topics===
:Cherulisa says, "The Nomads of the Arid Steppe are one people and one tribe, forged by the peace of Kir Dor'na'torna. Our oral tradition claims that the original tribes formed during the time of Grazhir's fall, though there is little proof of such a claim. As our title suggests, we are the people of the steppe: It is here that we tend our herds, hunt our game, and migrate with the seasons under the light of the moons."

:Cherulisa says, "Dangerous. Even if the Naming Ritual makes it easier to navigate and cross between the planes, terrible and violent things have stalked the conduits since that day. If you must know more about them, you should speak to the mages of Throne City."

:Cherulisa says, "There are some who exalt the individuality of the tribes, but I do not. Just as the Moon Mage Guild threatens to slide back to the days of isolated and threatened sects, I will not let the one people of the Nomads return to the fractured and warlike tribes. That is the way of the false Kir and his Bonedancers."

:Cherulisa says, "In the old days, the Benesu were the wealthiest of the tribes, and were constantly besieged because of it. They created powerful Perception and telekinetic magic to fend off poachers. The Benesu spear, though it is nothing more than brightly painted wood and iron, is one of our greatest symbols of tribal violence."

:Cherulisa says, "Not a tribe, not a people. The Bonedancers are madmen who make a mockery of our culture and the peace of Kir. Stay well away from them if you value your sanity and your life."

:Cherulisa says, "Too much drama and too much blood." She shakes her head and continues, "The Chagur say a great warrior of the Khamur murdered a daughter of the wisest seer among the tribe at the time, driving him to suicide and robbing the Chagur of his wisdom. Whether it is true or not, the crime echoed through the generations in their stories, up to the near annihilation of both tribes at the Plains of Grief. For most Nomads, the old hatred is now a historic curiosity; a warning for what will happen if we abandon the teachings of Kir."

:Cherulisa says, "The peace maker came from them, but they still embrace a harsh stoicism that the Sophisters might enjoy. The image of a warrior Nomad, spear in hand and dire magic on their lips, comes from the D'Reathor. Be it war, in in their vision tents, or in supporting Kir's vision of peace, they are said to have done nothing by half measure."

:Cherulisa says, "Too much drama and too much blood." She shakes her head and continues, "The Khamur claim that a bitter and ill-mannered Chagur slew the daughter and only child of their chieftain for rejecting his advances. Whether it is true or not, the crime echoed through the generations in their stories, ending with the near annihilation of both tribes at the Plains of Grief. For most Nomads, the old hatred is now a historic curiosity; a warning for what will happen if we abandon the teachings of Kir."

:Cherulisa says, "Many years after the tribes had formed, the ragged Nera came to the steppe and adapted to life here. Wherever they came from, they brought the knowledge of Lunar enchanting with them. It was crude by modern standards, but unlike anything the tribes of that day had seen. The Nera traded knowledge and labor for their survival in those harsh days before Kir's peace."

:Cherulisa says, "We are what many of the eastern Moon Mages think of when they say "Nomads." Our lives are often played out beneath the moons, without even a yurt to protect us from the harsh weather of the steppe. We commune with the spirits through our wandering."

:Cherulisa says, "Had the D'Reathor of the past been a little less violent, there are many things we may have known. I would've liked to have known a Trabe and asked them about the shaping of this crystal spire. But there are no more Trabe, merely children of the D'Reathor who have stolen their name."

:Cherulisa says, "They were once an insular tribe, which gave rise to odd rumors about them, such as some silly business with a catapult. Still, when we shared out knowledge after the peace of Kir, they taught us much about what is now called "enlightened geometry" and the use of teleportational energy."


===Introduction Speech===
Cherulisa gestures around the room and says, "The spire of the Trabe is a symbol of the Moon Mage Guild. We climb as high as we dare to touch the stars. Our enchantments create strange and wondrous things, and our past is filled with grief."
She continues, "We walk under the moons, facing the world with magic and foresight in place of the swords of the Barbarians and the spears of our past. A Moon Mage must journey through the shadows, but always brings with her the light of knowledge into the dark places."

Cherulisa says to you, "If you have come here to learn the art of the shamans of the steppe and the Moon Mage Guild, ask to JOIN the guild so that we may begin your education."

Cherulisa looks into your eyes and says, "The spirits say you have potential, and I agree with them in this, but you must also show conviction. Take a moment to think about the path in front of you, and ask to JOIN again if you are certain."

Cherulisa smiles brightly and says, "You have come far to train under the shamans of the steppe, and you will not find us lacking. We will begin immediately."

For several weeks you study the lore of the Moon Mage Guild with Cherulisa in her spire and around campfires on the Arid Steppe. You are taught the fundamentals of Lunar magic and your senses seem to grow sharper as you begin to practice divination.

Cherulisa says, "You have done well. Soon you will begin your great journey in earnest, but before you leave I will to speak to you of a few things."

Cherulisa says, "Moon Mages find solace beneath the moons and starlight. There are many that say we walk in darkness, that our hearts are cold and our mysteries unnatural. They do not know the truth: a Moon Mage brings light into the darkness, just as the stars pierce the veil of night. Never forget this truth, and never let the light of your knowledge dim."

Cherulisa walks to a window and pulls its curtain aside, gesturing to the sky as a gust of frigid wind sweeps in, "The spirits speak to all Moon Mages, giving us wisdom beyond our years and beyond now. They speak to us through the moons, the sun, and the multitude of stars above us. You would do well to listen."

Letting the curtain fall closed again, she continues, "A faint sense of the spirits is always with you, granting you a clarity of sight and sensation others lack. Yet to gain deeper knowledge, you must observe the movement of the heavens. You may start with the three moons and the sun, and later you will be taught to touch the future through the stars. After you have observed one of these heavenly objects, you may predict upon the future and let the spirits guide your thoughts."

Cherulisa pulls a thick vellum book out from a pile of furs and thumps the cover. She says, "But there is more to life than the heavens! In memory of Kir, I do not teach the arts of the spear and war, but we are the unquestioned masters of Lunar magic. With the aid of the spirits, we teach the bizarre geometry of teleportation spells, the manipulation of light and shadow, clairvoyance and yet stranger magic. In memory of Kir we laid down our spears, but a wise and learned Moon Mage is never defenseless."

She continues, "When you have traveled much further along your journey, more advanced pursuits will be open to you. Many Moon Mages learn the art of the sigils, using astrological knowledge and Lunar energy to create magical devices. Others fancy themselves as masters of the planes, walking down paths that twist in ways you cannot now imagine, to catch a glimpse at the heart of the universe."

Cherulisa's eyes glaze over for a moment. When she recovers, she chuckles and says, "I am told I speak of things too far into the future, and this I know is true. It is time for you start your journey. Return to me or another Guildleader and ask about your advancement when you believe you are ready to learn more."

Cherulisa says, "Finally, a Moon Mage of your new standing has a right to learn more of the magic of our guild. Speak to me about it later, and we will find something new for you to learn."

Latest revision as of 18:32, 19 April 2015

Cherulisa D'Shari'sendal
Status: Alive
Guild: Moon Mage
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Location: Trabe Plateau (Ranik Map 118c)
Type: Nomad of the Arid Steppe, Guild Leader

A Skindancer and Moon Mage Guildleader. As Guildleader she is also the leader of all of the Nomads of the Arid Steppe, a Moon Mage sect.


Cherulisa is a Human woman who looks to be around her fifth decade. Her skin is tanned and leathery, while her honey-brown hair has been cropped short. She is wearing heavy clothes made from masterfully tanned furs, accentuated by an ivory carving inscribed with flowing copper runes.


You see Guildleader Cherulisa D'Shari'sendal, a Human.
Cherulisa has jade eyes. Her honey hair is long and wavy, and is worn loose. She has tanned skin.
She is in her prime for a Human.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a ruby pin, a ram skeleton, some stitched boarskin leathers lined with ragged creme-colored tassels, a sorrel leather mantle embroidered with a setting sun in bright yellow thread along the back, some tasseled crocodile-skin pants with red and white angular patterns down the legs, a twisted copper ring affixed with two bright red feathers, a dusty tan hip pouch and a simple ivory carving inscribed with flowing copper runes.


Was a Moon Mage Council Member for Skindancers at time of Kir (the second one). When she heard what he was doing, she became angered. She returned to the Steppe and spoke with Kir for several days. After that, he stormed off with some of his followers, claiming Cherulisa had stolen his leadership. He was never seen again. Afterwards, she resigned from the Council and became a Guildleader in the Arid Steppe.

The fur-clad nomad chuckles before saying, "A proud Skindancer, though her interest in the Trabe spire makes many wonder. The Bonedancers and their false Kir hate her with a passion, but the tribes stand behind her...and Throne City too, much further behind. She teaches the curriculum of the Guild, but honors the spirits and the tribes."

Cherulisa says, "Moon Mages find solace beneath the moons and starlight. There are many that say we walk in darkness, that our hearts are cold and our mysteries unnatural. They do not know the truth: a Moon Mage brings light into the darkness, just as the stars pierce the veil of night. Never forget this truth, and never let the light of your knowledge dim."

Conversation Topics



Cherulisa says, "Sweet personality, soft mind."


Cherulisa says, "A name of great good and great evil. Kir is the peace maker, who came from the powerful and barbaric D'Reathor yet spoke the words of the spirits. Many years later, and still with us today, is the false Kir. He claims the name, but his doctorine is twisted, violent, and insane."


Cherulisa says, "I will not speak of Kssarh, except to say that he is the perfect man for his job."


Cherulisa says, "We do not speak much, but I respect him and his traditions. We both live in lonely spires, though I think I get out more often."


Cherulisa says, "There are easier and less time consuming ways to come back from the dead."


Cherulisa says, "He was once a powerful man, worthy of every respect and honor. These days he is...a very powerful man."


Cherulisa says, "He is called a wise man, he speaks the words of wise men, and performs the action of a wise man. But tell me this: Would a wise man sit in the middle of a volcano?"

Other Topics


Cherulisa says, "The Nomads of the Arid Steppe are one people and one tribe, forged by the peace of Kir Dor'na'torna. Our oral tradition claims that the original tribes formed during the time of Grazhir's fall, though there is little proof of such a claim. As our title suggests, we are the people of the steppe: It is here that we tend our herds, hunt our game, and migrate with the seasons under the light of the moons."


Cherulisa says, "Dangerous. Even if the Naming Ritual makes it easier to navigate and cross between the planes, terrible and violent things have stalked the conduits since that day. If you must know more about them, you should speak to the mages of Throne City."


Cherulisa says, "There are some who exalt the individuality of the tribes, but I do not. Just as the Moon Mage Guild threatens to slide back to the days of isolated and threatened sects, I will not let the one people of the Nomads return to the fractured and warlike tribes. That is the way of the false Kir and his Bonedancers."


Cherulisa says, "In the old days, the Benesu were the wealthiest of the tribes, and were constantly besieged because of it. They created powerful Perception and telekinetic magic to fend off poachers. The Benesu spear, though it is nothing more than brightly painted wood and iron, is one of our greatest symbols of tribal violence."


Cherulisa says, "Not a tribe, not a people. The Bonedancers are madmen who make a mockery of our culture and the peace of Kir. Stay well away from them if you value your sanity and your life."


Cherulisa says, "Too much drama and too much blood." She shakes her head and continues, "The Chagur say a great warrior of the Khamur murdered a daughter of the wisest seer among the tribe at the time, driving him to suicide and robbing the Chagur of his wisdom. Whether it is true or not, the crime echoed through the generations in their stories, up to the near annihilation of both tribes at the Plains of Grief. For most Nomads, the old hatred is now a historic curiosity; a warning for what will happen if we abandon the teachings of Kir."


Cherulisa says, "The peace maker came from them, but they still embrace a harsh stoicism that the Sophisters might enjoy. The image of a warrior Nomad, spear in hand and dire magic on their lips, comes from the D'Reathor. Be it war, in in their vision tents, or in supporting Kir's vision of peace, they are said to have done nothing by half measure."


Cherulisa says, "Too much drama and too much blood." She shakes her head and continues, "The Khamur claim that a bitter and ill-mannered Chagur slew the daughter and only child of their chieftain for rejecting his advances. Whether it is true or not, the crime echoed through the generations in their stories, ending with the near annihilation of both tribes at the Plains of Grief. For most Nomads, the old hatred is now a historic curiosity; a warning for what will happen if we abandon the teachings of Kir."


Cherulisa says, "Many years after the tribes had formed, the ragged Nera came to the steppe and adapted to life here. Wherever they came from, they brought the knowledge of Lunar enchanting with them. It was crude by modern standards, but unlike anything the tribes of that day had seen. The Nera traded knowledge and labor for their survival in those harsh days before Kir's peace."


Cherulisa says, "We are what many of the eastern Moon Mages think of when they say "Nomads." Our lives are often played out beneath the moons, without even a yurt to protect us from the harsh weather of the steppe. We commune with the spirits through our wandering."


Cherulisa says, "Had the D'Reathor of the past been a little less violent, there are many things we may have known. I would've liked to have known a Trabe and asked them about the shaping of this crystal spire. But there are no more Trabe, merely children of the D'Reathor who have stolen their name."


Cherulisa says, "They were once an insular tribe, which gave rise to odd rumors about them, such as some silly business with a catapult. Still, when we shared out knowledge after the peace of Kir, they taught us much about what is now called "enlightened geometry" and the use of teleportational energy."

Introduction Speech

Cherulisa gestures around the room and says, "The spire of the Trabe is a symbol of the Moon Mage Guild. We climb as high as we dare to touch the stars. Our enchantments create strange and wondrous things, and our past is filled with grief." She continues, "We walk under the moons, facing the world with magic and foresight in place of the swords of the Barbarians and the spears of our past. A Moon Mage must journey through the shadows, but always brings with her the light of knowledge into the dark places."

Cherulisa says to you, "If you have come here to learn the art of the shamans of the steppe and the Moon Mage Guild, ask to JOIN the guild so that we may begin your education."

Cherulisa looks into your eyes and says, "The spirits say you have potential, and I agree with them in this, but you must also show conviction. Take a moment to think about the path in front of you, and ask to JOIN again if you are certain."

Cherulisa smiles brightly and says, "You have come far to train under the shamans of the steppe, and you will not find us lacking. We will begin immediately."

For several weeks you study the lore of the Moon Mage Guild with Cherulisa in her spire and around campfires on the Arid Steppe. You are taught the fundamentals of Lunar magic and your senses seem to grow sharper as you begin to practice divination.

Cherulisa says, "You have done well. Soon you will begin your great journey in earnest, but before you leave I will to speak to you of a few things."

Cherulisa says, "Moon Mages find solace beneath the moons and starlight. There are many that say we walk in darkness, that our hearts are cold and our mysteries unnatural. They do not know the truth: a Moon Mage brings light into the darkness, just as the stars pierce the veil of night. Never forget this truth, and never let the light of your knowledge dim."

Cherulisa walks to a window and pulls its curtain aside, gesturing to the sky as a gust of frigid wind sweeps in, "The spirits speak to all Moon Mages, giving us wisdom beyond our years and beyond now. They speak to us through the moons, the sun, and the multitude of stars above us. You would do well to listen."

Letting the curtain fall closed again, she continues, "A faint sense of the spirits is always with you, granting you a clarity of sight and sensation others lack. Yet to gain deeper knowledge, you must observe the movement of the heavens. You may start with the three moons and the sun, and later you will be taught to touch the future through the stars. After you have observed one of these heavenly objects, you may predict upon the future and let the spirits guide your thoughts."

Cherulisa pulls a thick vellum book out from a pile of furs and thumps the cover. She says, "But there is more to life than the heavens! In memory of Kir, I do not teach the arts of the spear and war, but we are the unquestioned masters of Lunar magic. With the aid of the spirits, we teach the bizarre geometry of teleportation spells, the manipulation of light and shadow, clairvoyance and yet stranger magic. In memory of Kir we laid down our spears, but a wise and learned Moon Mage is never defenseless."

She continues, "When you have traveled much further along your journey, more advanced pursuits will be open to you. Many Moon Mages learn the art of the sigils, using astrological knowledge and Lunar energy to create magical devices. Others fancy themselves as masters of the planes, walking down paths that twist in ways you cannot now imagine, to catch a glimpse at the heart of the universe."

Cherulisa's eyes glaze over for a moment. When she recovers, she chuckles and says, "I am told I speak of things too far into the future, and this I know is true. It is time for you start your journey. Return to me or another Guildleader and ask about your advancement when you believe you are ready to learn more."

Cherulisa says, "Finally, a Moon Mage of your new standing has a right to learn more of the magic of our guild. Speak to me about it later, and we will find something new for you to learn."