Post:Parrying - 12/8/2009 - 14:59:09

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Re: Parrying · on 12/8/2009 2:59:09 PM 16964
> If this is the case, will part of the parry changes which are underway also take into account weapon balance? As it stands now, if you try and parry with a poorly balanced weapon (mattocks come to mind) it is incredibly less effective than with a better balanced weapon.

Yes. While weapon balance will remain important, suitability for strength will be taken into account more in both the offensive and defensive side of things. Basically, the better balanced the weapon, the more agility will help. The more suited to strength, the more strength will help.

In addition, the role of weapon skill in parry is going to be modified. Right now both are equally important, which drastically devalues the parry skill itself. While weapon skill will remain a modifier, it will no longer be as important as parry itself. That should also help make the parry skill itself more useful and relevant.

- GM Dartenian

This message was originally posted in Combat - Weapons and Armor (11) \ General Discussions (3), by DR-DARTENIAN on the forums.