elanthipedia:Manual of Style/Commands

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Manual of Style Article

This page is part of the Elanthipedia's Manual of Style section. This page lists information for the standardization of articles and templates, as set down by community consensus.

  • If you disagree with or have suggestions for improvement of the standards, please post on the accompanying talk page and give ample time for debate before making any edits. Failure to follow this proceedure will result in removal of your edits.
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A command page should at least include a unheadered brief description of it's uses and a headered "Syntax" or "Syntax and Messaging" section.

Syntax section

The following is an illustrative example taken from the Stance command page:

*1 {{tt|STANCE}}2

* {{tt|STANCE}} ''<{{tt|ATTACK/EVASION/PARRY/SHIELD}}>''4 ''<#>''5
* {{tt|STANCE}} ''<evasion #>5 <parry #> <shield #>'' (''<attack #>'')6

  1. Each separate use of the command should have it's own line beginning with a bullet, using the *.
  2. The root command should be formatted using either Template:Com or Template:tt depending on whether or not it is the command's entry page. Template:Com should only be used for the first occurance of the command on a page that is not the command's entry page, and Template:tt should be used for all others.
  3. If a specific unchanging word is used to invoke the function, it should also be formatted using the root word's formatting.
  4. In the case of an option that has only a few specific words, those words should be formatting using Template:tt, encased in greater than and less than symbols, italicized, and each possible word sepeated by backslashes.
  5. If there is completely variable option, it should be encased in great than and less than symbols, italicised, and lower case formated.
  6. If a variable is completely optional, in addition to it's normal formatting, it should be encased in parenthesis.

Syntax and messaging section

This section should be used to replace the "Syntax" section if the messages generated by the command are it's primary function (i.e. a RP-centric command). It should adhere to the rules for the "Syntax" section, with the following changes.

  • Each command entry should end in ":" followed by the messaging seen by the user of the command. On the line following, the message seen by others should be added and indented using the ":" symbol.