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White Rose Order Charter and By-laws (book)
Believing a close union in the bond of friendship to be mutually beneficial, appreciating the advantage derived from the uniqueness of each race, and feeling that in the unity of all races there is strength, we hereby form this organization for developing the nobler qualities in each individual, inner feelings of the heart, and uniting the races of Elanthia in social respect.
The Order of the White Rose is an organization of like-minded individuals seeking knowledge of all the races, mutual support amongst the citizens of the realms, respect for the differences of each race, and an understanding within Elanthia that only through uniting the races can Elanthia grow strong.
Realizing the desire of many individuals to better their knowledge of the races, the guilds and the Empire, the Founders joined together in one organization that would meet that need for knowledge and improve life in our lands.
The Order of the White Rose was born for those that long to help the peoples of Elanthia. It was created as an organization dedicated to teaching and guiding citizens of all ages by example, to uniting the Empire of the Seven-Pointed Star and to promoting character and etiquette among all the races in Elanthia. The Founders knew that all of the races were equal and that each brings something special into the world. They also believed that the light of knowledge and unity within the races would improve the quality of day-to-day life in Elanthia.
To promote racial unity, to re-unify the Empire of the Seven-Pointed Star and to teach the Citizens of the Realms.
Promoting racial unity is key to the Order of the White Rose, for it is what the Founders of the Order and all that have ever worn the Rose believed. It is also the essence of the Empire of the Seven-Pointed Star, which the Order seeks to revive. Members work towards this goal by teaching the ways of the Empire and by ensuring that the citizens of Elanthia are not singled out or harmed as a result of racial prejudice. The members of the Order strive to teach the citizens of Elanthia using various methods. These methods include day-to-day socializing, planned courses of instruction and by setting a good example through our own actions. In addition, the members of the Order are collecting and compiling information regarding the specialization and strength of each race, as well as the different languages used across the lands in the hope that they will one day be able to teach those languages to other Elanthians.
1. To promote racial unity: We will teach the citizens of Elanthia about the differences and similarities between the races in an attempt to encourage unity and teamwork.
2. Reunification of the Empire of the Seven-Pointed Star: Our scholars will research and disseminate information regarding the political, economic, and social structure of the Empire. We will also attempt to discover and collect the artifacts and relics left behind or hidden during in the last days of the Empire.
3. Aid those in need: In the quest to make Elanthia a safer place, every member of the White Rose pledges to help all those in need. If the need is learning, we will teach. If the need is health, we will heal. If the need is protection, we will guard.
4. Teach basic skills and etiquette. As the population of Elanthia increases more and more teachers are needed to ensure the youngest citizens are taught basic skills and etiquette. We hope to teach those citizens a respect for all races and guilds, and how to work together effectively.
The Order's Coat of Arms embodies the code by which its members live. It consists of a quartered shield of black and silver, signifying the protection of the races with a sparkling platinum Seven-Pointed star emblazoned on it, representing the reunification of the Empire of the Seven-Pointed Star and a beautiful snow-white rose in full bloom lying upon it, symbolizing honor and friendship. Two banners float gracefully across the top and bottom of the shield and carry the Order's motto. The scroll on on the crown is inscribed, "Olkar Haleen, Blarstil Fostra, Mivar Feas, Alrar Abues", while the scroll at the plinth bears the translation: "Hold Respect, Guard Peace, Know Honor, Teach Love."
The White Rose Pin was selected by the Founders to be the badge of The Order of the White Rose. The history of the Order states that the original founder of the Order was close in his devotion to his gods. They smiled upon his endeavors to unite the races once again and gave him a special pin created from a star pulled from the heavens with a pure white rose bud entwined around it.
Today, the pin is created from some of the purest materials in the lands, and the flower remains a sacred object. It is fashioned from a perfectly formed white silk rosebud its emerald green stem is entwined around a sparkling platinum Seven-Pointed star lying upon a field of pure black. When a member touches the pin, the magic within it shows his or her loyalty by shimmering as if covered in silver drops of dew that break the light into all the colors of the rainbow.
Badges are worn as proof of membership strictly by initiated members. They must be ordered by the Speaker to ensure that only initiated members may wear them. Members may not lend their badges to anyone outside the Order. They are to remain as property of the Order loaned to members so that they may have visible proof of their convictions. All badges must be returned to the Speaker of the Order if a member separates from the Order for any reason.
The colors of the Order are white, black and silver. The black and white were chosen because those shades combine to produce the third shimmering color, that of silver. The colors signify the unity of all and the creation once again of a time when peace, honor and loyalty are known throughout the Realms.
Definition of Authority
The Order governs drawing on the opinions of the entire Order, represented through a Council consisting of the Speaker, Vice-Speaker, and ten Guild Advisors. The Council will have the authority to amend the Charter and By-Laws with a simple majority vote subject to the approval of the Provincial Administrator of Orders. The Council will have the authority to set the dues the the members are required to pay. The Council will have the authority to vote in new members or vote out existing members. The Council will have the authority to set the rate of interest charged on loans to members. The Council will have the authority raise or lower the loan limit of any member of the Order.
1. Speaker
The Speaker of the Order is that person who deals one-on-one with the Administrator of Orders. The Speaker speaks for the Order and has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the Order when dealing with the Administrator of Orders. The Speaker of the Order will be the individual who attends the Council of the Orders, representing the Order. In the event a Council can not convene because it lacks a quorum, the Speaker may appoint temporary members to the council until a quorum is reached.
2. Vice-Speaker
The Vice-Speaker will represent the Order in dealings with the Provincial Administrator of Orders if the Speaker cannot be contacted, and will attend Provincial Councils of the Orders when the Speaker is not available. It is the Vice-Speaker's responsibility to understand the Provincial Requirements for Order Sanctioning, the Order's Charter and By-Laws, and any amendments made to them. Any questions the Vice-Speaker might have concerning the Provincial Requirements for Order Sanctioning, the Order's Charter, or the Order's By-Laws may be presented to the Provincial Administrator of Orders for clarification. The Vice-Speaker is in charge of the hunt for Relics of the Empire and for the storage and security of any Relics found.
3. Treasurer
The Treasurer will have total access to financial information concerning the Order. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to keep the Speaker, Vice-Speaker and the Council informed about financial matters. Only the Treasurer will be entrusted with the Order's books pertaining to dues owed by and loans outstanding to any member.
4. Council of Advisors
Guild Advisors: each Council member represents the guild to which they belong. It is the responsibility of the Councilor to act in the best interests of the Order as a whole first and then in the interest of his or her guild members within the Order.
5. Sub-Officers
a. Secretary
The Secretary is responsible for keeping all necessary correspondence between the general membership and the council, taking minutes at all Council Meetings, and maintaining and distributing the current member list.
b. Ambassador
The Ambassador is responsible for maintaining relationships with other Orders and will negotiate for the Order of the White Rose if such a need occurs. Since the ability to negotiate must carry weight, the Ambassador must be a Council member.
c. Team Leader
The Team Leader is responsible for meeting with and accepting reports from the individual Team Captains and for reporting to the Council the results of any actions the teams have accomplished.
d. Social Coordinator
The Social Coordinator is responsible for organizing all social events within the house, and organizing and distributing a house newsletter and calendar of events.
e. Historian
The Historian is responsible for collecting data concerning the Empire of the Seven-Pointed Star and reporting any such information to the Vice-Speaker.
f. Race Guides
All guides are responsible for studying the race their position specifies and keeping the Order informed on benefits and new findings of the specified race. These guides will represent the specified race at any forum the Order may present.
g. Master or Mistress of Ceremonies
This person Will be responsible for arranging initiation ceremonies, including arranging their timing with the greatest number of approved Applicants and with the Council, Officers and house as a whole. During months when Applicants have been approved, there will be one initiation ceremony per month.
1. Guild Advisors
All ten Advisors hold their positions for life unless they step down. The member vacating a seat appoints his or her successor. The right of the vacating member to appoint a successor shall not be abridged by the Order's Charter or By-laws. If a vacating member does not appoint a successor, the Council may vote in a replacement.
If a Council member cannot be contacted and has missed four consecutive Council meetings, the remaining Council may vote the council member's seat vacant and vote in a replacement member.
2. Officers and Sub-Officers
All Officers and Sub-Officers hold their offices for life unless they step down, with the exceptions noted below. The Council will have the authority to vote in the Officers and Sub-Officers of the Order. The Council has the authority to move a vote of no confidence in an Officer or Sub-Officer. If the motion of no confidence passes, the Council will have the authority to vote to remove that Officer or Sub-Officer from office. The vote to remove someone from Office requires only a simple majority. The person removed from office does not lose membership in the Order.
3. Limitations on Appointment
A person may not hold more than one position as an Officer or Advisor. An Officer or Advisor may hold one Sub-Office with prior approval by the remaining members of the Council.
All members are required to attend a minimum of four official activities per month. Members will be provided with a calendar of events, including but not limited to:
a. House Meetings
b. Trauma Teams
c. Teaching Teams
d. Recruitment Teams
e. Special Events
All members will remain true to their profession and self during day-to-day behavior.
No non-consensual combat with other citizens of Elanthia.
Consensual combat with fellow citizens should be kept to a minimum. This includes tourneys.
All members must pay monthly dues as determined by Council vote.
All members must live by the oath they took upon joining.
The Order will tolerate no acts of the following:
a. Grave Robbing
b. Murder
c. Rape
d. Other Travesties along these lines
Members must attend the monthly house meeting or notify their advisor if they cannot attend.
Members of the Order of the White Rose are members for life with the following exceptions, which can result in loss of membership.
a. Repeated failure to attended activities and meetings without proper notification.
b. Any breaking of the aforementioned rules.
c. Deliberately refusing aid to those in need.
d. Voluntary Resignation.
All actions and talking should be stopped. Only those acknowledged by the person in charge of the meeting should be speaking.
Council Meetings
The Order Council must hold an official Council meeting every two weeks. The meeting will be declared official when convened with a quorum of councilors as determined by the presiding officer. A quorum is defined as a majority of seated councilors. Times for these meetings will be decided amongst the Council. Meetings will begin with a call to Order by the presiding officer, followed by reports from the Secretary, Treasurer, Ambassador, standing committees, special committees and house members, in that order.
General Order Meetings
A general meeting will be called once a month. Attendance will be mandatory. Anyone who cannot attend MUST advise the Secretary or his or her advisor. Induction of new members to the Order will take place during these meetings. Any issues of importance to be discussed by the house should be sent to the Secretary to be put on the agenda.
Each Guild Advisor will meet with their respective guild members at a time of convenience for all involved.
Council Voting
Council votes will be secret. Only three votes are possible: Yes, No, or Abstain. A majority of Yes votes means the motion is carried a majority of No votes means it fails. If there is no majority vote then a NO VOTE situation is declared. A majority is defined as more than half of the convened council.
All Officers and Council Members will have access to the current Treasury report.
Loans: No loans will be made to any member of the Order at any time.
Circle 1-5 | 5 silver kronars |
Circle 6-10 | 2 gold kronars |
Circle 11-20 | 4 gold kronars |
Circle 21+ | 8 gold kronars |
Any member failing to pay for one month will be contacted by his or her Advisor to discuss the matter.
Any member failing to pay for two months without discussing the matter with his or her Advisor will have their membership temporarily suspended pending contact with the appropriate Advisor.
All Applicants must be:
Willing to promote the unity of the races, and show an interest in reuniting the Empire of the Seven-Pointed Star.
Willing to better the etiquette and traditions found in Elanthia and focus on and maintain a life that is true to oneself, one's guild, and the Order.
Willing to read and understand the Order's History and By-Laws.
An Applicant must first find a sponsor who has been a member of the Order for a minimum of three months.
The Sponsor will notify the proper Guild Advisor, who will then send a copy of the Membership Application Sheet to the applicant. Once the application is received, the Guild Advisor will conduct an interview of the applicant, copies of which will then be distributed to all Council members for review.
The council members will discuss the new applicant and a vote will be taken on whether to accept the applicant.
The Sponsor will notify the applicant of his or her acceptance or denial.
Accepted applicants will go through the Initiation Ceremony where they will take their Oath and receive the Order's badge.