Weapon:Formidable green gold trident intricately carved with obscure symbols

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formidable green gold trident intricately carved with obscure symbols
Look: Running down the length of the weapon in a sloppy palimpsest, the faint marks overlap each other to the extent they are unreadable.
Type: Polearms
Range: pole
Puncture: extreme (15/28)
Slice: low (3/28)
Impact: somewhat moderate (6/28)
Fire: no (0/28)
Cold: no (0/28)
Electric: no (0/28)
Force of Impact: inadequately (4/17)
Balance: decently (6/17)
Suitedness: soundly (8/17)
Construction: rather reinforced (11/18)
Metal: Yes
Weight: 70 stones
Appraised Cost: 4,562,508 Kronars3,650,006.4 Lirums <br />3,292,305.773 Dokoras <br />4,562.508 LTBpoints <br />4,562.508 Tickets <br />4,562.508 Scrips <br />
Dimensions: 20 length x 3 width x 2 height
Sources: Source is Piralpa Tridents (3)