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Re: Elanthian Mile?  ·  on 4/26/2007 12:35:34 PM 	 Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 54719
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Here's a repost of some of the info Godrich compiled:

To determine populations I have tried to determine the amount of land that is contained in each province. For each square of the map grid, I have tried to determine the basic level of population density. To do this I have used a three-tiered guide that has been used to distinguish world population density historically. The tiers used are:

Below 38 people per square mile -- an area that has little or no development often thought of as a frontier or pioneer zone.

Between 38 and 51 people per square mile -- an area similar to Europe prior to the 12th century.

Over 51 people per square mile -- highly advanced civilization

(For comparison, Italy at around 1600 had a population density of 112 people per square mile while France and Germany had roughly 80 per square mile.)

Given that there are also populations of intelligent monsters in the same area, I have pretty much kept below the 51 people per square mile level in most cases. I would argue that given things like the Crossing Temple and the city of Shard, that portions of Elanthia would definitely qualify for higher ratings rather than lower. There may also be some adjustment to reflect the uninhabitability of certain areas.

Once the total population has been determined it needs to be broken down into urban and rural populations. The most common figure I have seen for the middle ages is that it required 7 people in the country to support 1 person who lived in the city, so I feel safe in saying that 12.5% of the population lives in urban centers, while the remainder are rural dwellers. Further, I feel that the "towns" we see on the map are the more major centers, either cities in their own right, or large market towns that serve as a primary population center for their area. These would most likely be supported by a number of small villages that do not appear as discrete places in game.

Zoluren contains approximately 120,000 square miles of territory. Adjusting for large areas that appear on the map as being very mountainous, we have roughly 100,000 square miles of inhabitable land. Zoluren is definitely on the higher end of the middle tier listed above, given its advanced agriculture and building projects. If we give an average population density of say 45 people per square mile, this results in the following population figures:
Total Population: 5,000,000
Rural Population: 3,937,500
Urban Population: 562,500
Crossing -- 250,000
Leth Deriel -- 75,000
Arthe Dale -- 25,000
Wolf Clan -- 9000
Tiger Clan -- 9000
Stone Clan -- 3000
Karna -- 1000
Dirge -- 1500
Knife Clan -- 1000
Unknown towns and villages -- 215,000 (some of this could be taken up by increasing the population of the towns listed above as well)

Therengia is a very extensive province, covering some 22 squares on the map grid, or about 220,000 square miles. Quite a good portion of this is mountains and waste areas, so only about 120,000 square miles would be really inhabited. Therengia is probably, overall, lower in population density than Zoluren, but given the construction of the Keep in Therenborough, the city of Muspar'i and so on, we would still be in the middle tier. With an overall density of about 39 people per square mile, we have population figures of:
Total Population: 4,680,000
Rural -- 4,095,000
Urban -- 585,000
Riverhaven -- 200,000
Langenfirth -- 2,000
Therenborough -- 40,000
Fornsted -- 2,000
Hvaral -- 3,000
Muspar'i- 175,000
Unknown cities/towns/villages -- 163,000 (some of this could be taken up by increasing the size of the cities/towns listed above)

Ilithi is a province that covers in excess of 150,000 square miles, of which approximately 30,000 square miles are mountainous, leaving 120,000 of inhabitable land. Just looking at Shard will tell you that this province is at the upper end of the scale. There are references in books in the game libraries that state that Shard is not the largest city in Ilithi as well. So, we'll give Ilithi a density of 51 people per square mile, which results in the following population:
Total Population -- 6,120,000
Rural -- 5,355,000
Urban -- 765,000
Shard -- 200,000
Fayrin's Rest -- 1,000
Steelclaw Clan -- 6,000
Horse Clan -- 7,000
Unknown cities/towns/villages -- 550,500

Qi is an extensive province made up of islands. While the overall area is quite large, some 140,000 square miles, only about 50,000 is inhabitable. Because of the nature of the islands, they most likely have a higher percentage of urban population, deriving some large measure of their food supplies from trade. They are also likely to have a somewhat higher population density, or about 51 people per square mile.
Total Population -- 2,550,000
Rural -- 2,000,000
Urban -- 550,000
Ratha -- 150,000
Mer'Kresh -- 150,000
Surlaenis -- 150,000
Hara'jaal -- 3,000
Fever Point -- 1,000
Penal Colony - 600
Ruih -- 2,000 (unreleased town on Ratha)
Unknown cities/towns/villages -- 93,400

Mileage Chart for Elanthia
(Mileage given is direct line distance, not the distance that would be traveled on the ground)

 *	Aesry	Arthe	Crossing	Dirge	Knife C.	Leth	Muspari	Ratha	Haven	Shard	Theren	Wolf C.
Aesry	*	469	469	430	520	529	925	180	516	837	647	543
Arthe	469	*	70	94	112	175	*	*	215	*	*	*
Crossing	469	70	*	142	121	102	710	319	247	401	493	101
Dirge	430	94	142	*	98	244	601	327	124	525	362	140
Knife Clan	520	112	121	98	*	202	591	399	143	444	387	51
Leth	529	175	102	244	202	*	788	361	340	314	587	161
Muspari	925	*	710	601	591	788	*	898	476	929	278	627
Ratha	180	*	319	327	399	361	898	*	440	662	630	408
Haven	516	215	247	124	143	340	476	440	*	580	247	193
Shard	837	*	401	525	444	314	929	662	580	*	803	393
Theren	647	*	493	362	387	587	278	630	247	803	*	434
Wolf Clan	543	*	101	140	51	161	627	408	193	393	434	*


"Experience will come, it's not a race or anything. The ones who kill themselves to get to the finish are the ones who tire out quickly."

GM[Anti-ESP] Pormithius just killed Caelumia's ESP!