Title:Commander (Ownership)

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Commander (Ownership) is a title in the Ownership Category.

At least 300 in highest Weapon skill.
Must own a boat

Older usage of the 'Commander' title

Sometime between during 2000, several player characters were appointed to be Commanders for Zoluren. Commanders were selected from among ~50 players that were chosen to run The Gauntlet.

Those that were selected to be Commanders were: Rayth Blackmoore, Hegemonic blessedbe, Deverlain Blesshart, Sondrine Bloodwench, Candidus Custos, Arathelle daCovale, Pureblade De'clon, Argot Dominai, Daython DragonEye, Ocelott Faulkerk, Baldric Houndstooth, Paragos Kerimo, Rikulf Klastex, Leandrae Koralise, Dvinn Leon'Hart, Salamae Maquarce, Jaiteme Misdemeanor, Mordiazi Neus, Joubeyrt Parfaitment, Dritzfury Quelthilas, Wildmann Ravvenhawke, Nightcrawler Tasselhof, Lundgaard Waering, Donol Waterbourne, Xailan Wyntershae and Galain Yancey.

Zoluren, Ilithi, Therengia, and the various islands of Qi would all later appoint Commanders during the Outcast War.

See Also