Talk:Red-Gold scaled atik'et (1)

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Skill and stat appraisal (042215)
You are certain that it is not quite as strong as you are. (@ 40 Strength)
You are certain that it is about as agile as you are. (@ 30 Agility)
You are certain that it is about as disciplined as you are. (@ 30 Discipline)
You are certain that it is about as quick to react as you are. (@30 Reflex)
You are certain that it is rather less conditioned than you are. (@ Stamina)
Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a (shield) and a (melee weapon), you are certain that the scaled atik'et is a solid opponent.(@ 322 Shield, 319 Parry)
Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with a (weapon), you are certain that the scaled atik'et is a harmless opponent. (@ 220 weapon skill)
If you attacked with a (weapon), you are certain that the enemy would train somewhat poorly. (@ 220 weapon skill)
If you threw the (weapon) at the enemy you are certain that it would train acceptably. (@ 211 thrown skill)
If you defended by parrying attacks, you are certain that the enemy would train very poorly. (@ 319 Parry)
If you defended by evading attacks, you are certain that the enemy would train very poorly. (@ 330 Evasion)
If you defended by blocking attacks, you are certain that the enemy would train very poorly. (@ 322 Shield)
If you attempted to beguile the enemy with tactics, you are certain that it would train somewhat poorly. (@ 320 Tactics)
If you attempted to debilitate the enemy, you are certain that it would train very poorly. (@ 363 Debilitation)
The atik'et appears immune to fire.