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Talk:Dancing rope
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This list of ranks is from my script that plays on zills, there's a lot of overlap so adjust it as needed for your purposes. 0-39 Ranks = SCALES (You'll struggle with scales until about 30 ranks, it's the easiest song there's no way around this). 40-49 Ranks = ARPEGGIOS 50-58 Ranks = DITTY 59-69 Ranks = BALLAD 70-79 Ranks = WALTZ 80-99 Ranks = MARCH 100-124 Ranks= LAMENT 125-179 Ranks = HYMN 180-219 Ranks = POLKA 220-249 Ranks = REEL 250-299 Ranks = SERENADE 300-349 Ranks = PSALM 350-449 Ranks = TANGO 450-474 Ranks = BOLERO 475-524 Ranks = NOCTURNE 525-549 Ranks = REQUIEM 560-??? Ranks = CONCERTO RAISER (talk) 06:27, 20 November 2017 (CST)