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I have a bunch of posts regarding the events that took place around the time Allum died. Most of them include visions and interesting information. I do not, however, have the time or patience to format them all nicely. So, I'm dropping them below and hoping that somebody will sort them out. --Basselope 12:31, 29 April 2008 (CDT)
vision of death · on 5/5/2003 3:09:53 AM 283
After being lured to the bog by the sharks tooth that had been left in Junzaa's hand from a previous vision we were met tonight by a bog full of undead. The spirit of allum kept appearing with each renewed attack along with the green mist. While i retreated to the swooping cypress for a few moments to remove a series of bolts i was enveloped by the mists and as my mind screamed for help via the gweth i received this vision........
Green mist fills your vision, and the smell of tar and brine overwhelms you. When your vision clears you feel somehow different, as if you are caught in a strong current...
"A'right, you sons of Drogor," barks Kendyll. "Half of you with me, and half with Dogren. Circle 'round towards the bank and then t'the Guild, there's crates in the library that Aedem's source tells us're ole Tusfaov's pride an' joy, an' we mean t'make 'em ours!"
"If we happen upon anyone who ain't one of ours, don't waste time, filet 'em fer bait and move on!"
Your voice joins with the drunken chorus shouting, "Aye aye, Captain!"
Taking one last pull from the bottle, you toss its carcass into the harbor and trot off after the Tog's retreating figure...
"Lively now, lads," says Dogren as the men struggle from the hut with the crates. As they slip quickly through the cypress door, a scrap of parchment slides through one of the slats and settles on the ground.
You hastily snatch it from the sand and shove it into your sash as you follow...
Outside is a mass of confusion as the drunken porters careen through the streets pursued by wild-eyed Rissans screaming for blood. Every corner you turn seems to point towards a mob. Suddenly, looming before you is a bizarre doorway framed by massive jaws. Shouting from both ends of the street makes you decide to slip inside.
A few steps lead down to a hot, brightly lit room packed with sailors in every state of consciousness from keen-eyed alertness to drunken collapse. Somewhere in the crowd, a reedy concertina accompanies one or another of several songs being sung in cheery disregard for each other. Ah yes, this is definitely a good place to hide...
No matter how you try, you can't make heads nor tails of the parchment on the bar before you, but then, reading never was your strong suit. Drogor's teeth though, it doesn't look like more'n a jumble of letters. You poke one end of it into the lamp on the bar and begin to light your pipe.
"That's one of them!"
You pause mid puff and blearily scan the crowded floor. A rather well-armed bunch of locals seems to be heading your way. Glancing towards the barkeep, you see his hand edging towards a large bungstarter and decide once again that discretion is the better part of valor.
Rushing headlong into the street, you notice that aside from the screams close on your heels, everything is strangely quiet. Slipping into the shadows, you begin to make your way cautiously towards the harbor...
Oh Allum, old son, you've gone an' buggered yourself good this time. You scan the empty harbor once again before ducking back into the shadows and skulking off. If you can make the desert, you may just be able to hide out...
Suddenly, there is a loud, crazed battle cry and you fall out of hiding, frozen by the incredible roar!
Without warning, a bespectacled man wearing a green and white checked cloak slams into you and you tumble to the ground. He quickly binds your hands and flips you onto your back...
The questions seem to last for anlasaen, and you can't seem to make sense of a damned thing. Books? Bloodfish? Finally, with a contemptuous nod, the bespectacled man releases your bonds, saying, "Do with him what you will." You rub your sore wrists gingerly and sit up, staring into the maddened eyes of the crowd as they decide your fate. One of them loads a bow...
Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your spirit and you struggle to remain tied to this world...
The water feels odd on your numbed skin as they drag you deeper into the canals. "Here's good," they say, and slosh off, leaving you to the current's whim. You wonder if the ship's are still close enough, when suddenly there's a faint disturbance: a dry insistent clacking, muffled by the water...
For a while it sounds like a clock's pendulum, though not so regular and you feel small tugs on your extremities. As the water around you turns a deep red, it begins to churn, and with a sickening gasp you realize the gobbets of flesh floating past are yours.
You sink lower, and as the water covers you entirely, your vision fills with crazily bouncing scales and teeth before going dark. Now, all that's left is the clacking, more like a distant boot-heel coming down on stone - again, again, again - until finally silence closes over you.
Suddenly the green mist parts and the current pulls the presence away, leaving you adrift in its wake. Your world returns to normal.
After i came out of this vision I was told that others saw this...
Deloria sings in a deep voice, "The skipper lay with his nob in gore, where the scullion's axe his cheek had shore. And the scullion he was stabbed times four..."
Kudos to whoever wrote this vision!!! Since I was not living on Mriss back when Allum was originally killed it filled in alot of the history of that night for me. I also want to thank the GMs involved in tonights event on the freeing of Allum's soul. We all had an exciting evening!!!!
Deloria.....Rissan War Witch
Allum ghost logs
SMOKIE Encounter with a ghost · on 3/2/2003 6:48:39 PM 177
I went to look around the Tomb of hero's and had a visitor Leave!" an angry voice shouts. You say, "I refuse" "Then find a way to release me from my pain," the voice begs.
A cloud of green mist floats above the stream, away from the ledge. "I don't know what he did. Please... find me peace." > The mist dissipates into the stream
My thoughts are we need to get Allums remains from Aedem and lay them to rest
Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia Qi Events BARIEN Brabs Aedem log - long · on 3/2/2003 11:43:37 PM 180
Aedem says, "All in good time."
Ternith puts his shovel in his soldier's pack.
Aedem winks.
Drachus bops Ternith over the head.
Kalyra prods a shallow trench with the tip of her finger.
You ask, "What use do you have for a trench?"
Taemorna nods to Aedem.
Aedem nods to Taemorna.
Ternith smiles at Taemorna.
[The Altanen River, The Island] A narrow neck of the island curves north to southwest, covered with high grass. The rapids must be close, judging by their noise, but the quieter channel to the east shows through breaks in the grass, with places where it would be possible to get into the river. You also see a peccary, a peccary, a white leopard who is sitting, a softly glowing skull hanging in midair, a shallow trench, and a low mist rising from the river. Also here: Savage Barimor, Arcane Lady Gizella, Taemorna, Daxlynn, Ternith, Drachus, Arcane Lady Kalyra, and Captain Aedem. Obvious paths: north, southwest.
Taemorna winks at Ternith.
Aedem says, "Glad ye made it."
Drachus asks, "digging a grave for your lackeys we were chasing in merkresh?"
You see Taemorna Sa'vina, a Human Pirate. She has dark amber eyes gazing out from behind thick black lashes and luxurious golden-brown hair cascades down her back, a wide red silk ribbon threaded through it in an attempt to keep it at bay. She is fairly young for a Human.
She has gaping holes in the abdomen.
She is wearing a black tri-corn hat, a sterling silver dagger pin adorned with a single blood red ruby, a fringed doeskin jerkin laced up the front with dark leather cord, a full-sleeved linen shirt, some cream leggings under a short black suede skirt, some high-heeled slouched leather boots, a black leather mask, a long mesh weapon harness, a deep blood red sash, a black leather pack, a tarnished silver ring and a black leather thigh quiver.
Drachus snickers.
Kalyra says, "you're new"
Taemorna says, "It was a bit of a hard one that, but I did."
Kalyra nods to Taemorna.
You see Captain Aedem Fyrsh, an Elven Pirate. He has elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears and piercing jade eyes. His thick brown hair is streaked with gold and tied back with a bejeweled shark tooth isael. He has deeply tanned skin and a lean build. He is tall for an Elf. He is in his prime for an Elf. He is clean shaven. He is in good shape.
He is wearing a long sharkskin vest trimmed with gold buttons, a blood red silk sash, an ewys and onyx scabbard, some soft black sealskin leggings, some slouched leather boots with wide cuffs, some sharkskin gauntlets, a beaded black silk lanyard, a wide gold hoop earring, a leather tricorne and a strand of shark's teeth.
Taemorna says, "naw.. not new, I am just sneaky."
Taemorna winks at Kalyra.
Daxlynn turns her poloh'izh hide cloak. Daxlynn fades from your very sight!
Kalyra grins.
Daxlynn fades in for a moment as she gets a nemmiro stone from inside a silvery-white velvet pouch.
Aedem says, "Twas well done, lass, gave me the needed time."
Drachus asks, "how did you manage to make this place...non violent?"
Genneron just arrived.
Aedem grins at Taemorna.
Aedem points at a softly glowing skull hanging in midair.
Taemorna bows to Aedem.
A nemmiro stone suddenly appears.
A nemmiro stone quickly melts into the ground.
Kalyra blinks.
Genneron begins to advance on Aedem.
Drachus says, "thats an ability reserved for paladins"
Drachus begins to advance on Aedem.
Drachus draws forth a razor-edged dueling iltesh.
Genneron closes to pole weapon range on Aedem.
Kalyra says, "it's a safe room "
Drachus stops advancing on Aedem.
Drachus nods.
Genneron closes to melee range on Aedem.
Drachus says, "cant do anything here"
Kalyra says, "forget it"
Genneron snarls.
Aedem cackles deep in his throat, his voice rising in chilling laughter.
Daxlynn materializes right before your eyes!
Drachus searches around for a moment.
Genneron asks, "what do you want Aedem?"
Taemorna nods to Ternith.
Daxlynn seems to be concentrating intently on something.
Drachus reaches up for a softly glowing skull hanging in midair but they are too high to touch.
Ternith nods to Taemorna.
Daxlynn points a crooked finger at Aedem and garbles an unintelligible curse. Nothing happens.
Gizella reaches up for a softly glowing skull hanging in midair but they are too high to touch.
Drachus ponders.
Kalyra reaches up for a softly glowing skull hanging in midair but they are too high to touch.
Aedem frowns at Daxlynn.
Drachus says, "try and bless the skull"
Daxlynn turns her poloh'izh hide cloak.
Daxlynn fades from your very sight!
Drachus giggles.
Genneron nods to Gizella.
Kalyra grumbles.
Genneron sheathes his onyx-hilted scimitar.
Genneron gets a severely recurved bow covered with the skin of some reptile from inside his axe harness.
Genneron reaches into his belt and gets one of his bodkin arrows to load his recurved bow.
Divine Soldier Mordril just arrived.
Daxlynn reveals herself.
Daxlynn gestures at a softly glowing skull hanging in midair. A brilliant silvery glow surrounds a softly glowing skull hanging in midair for a few moments, but nothing else seems to happen.
Drachus asks, "that wouldnt happen to be the skull of your pirate friend...his name?"
Taemorna smiles.
Genneron puts his bow in his axe harness.
Aedem says, "Very well, Taemorna, I shall begin."
Kalyra says, "Allum"
Taemorna nods to Aedem.
Kalyra shudders.
Drachus nods to Kalyra.
Genneron puts his arrow in his leather backpack.
Taemorna asks, "Need any blood?"
Aedem retreats from combat.
Barimor sheathes his bastard sword.
Aedem retreats from combat.
Taemorna moves over to guard Aedem.
Genneron paces back and forth.
Genneron begins to advance on Aedem.
Gizella gestures, and a strong warm breeze swirls around her.
Taemorna says, "I seem to be have a bit."
Taemorna grins.
Genneron closes to pole weapon range on Aedem.
Genneron snarls at Taemorna.
Aedem gets an eelskin pouch from inside his silk sash.
Taemorna protects Aedem from being engaged.
Genneron closes to melee range on Taemorna.
Genneron begins to advance on Aedem.
Taemorna gets a curved scimitar with a night back leather hilt from inside her mesh weapon harness.
Aedem begins walking around the shallow trench, pouring a fine silvery dust from his eelskin pouch and muttering strange words under his breath.
Genneron closes to melee range on Aedem.
Genneron kicks Aedem!
Drachus begins to advance on Taemorna.
Aedem puts his pouch in his silk sash.
Drachus closes to pole weapon range on Taemorna.
Kalyra frets.
Aedem gets a cut crystal vial from inside his silk sash.
Daxlynn comes out of hiding.
Daxlynn rakes her fingers over the crackling energy of a shadowy orb rippling with silver arcs of light floating near her.
Taemorna says, "goodness.."
Kalyra seems to be concentrating intently on something.
Aedem pours a dark liquid from the vial into the trench while continuing the strange chant.
Daxlynn retreats from combat.
Taemorna says, "there is no need for that."
Daxlynn retreats from combat.
Ternith ponders.
Drachus closes to melee range on Taemorna.
Kalyra seems to be concentrating intently on something.
Taemorna says, "honestly.."
Aedem puts his vial in his silk sash.
Ternith puts his bow in his soldier's pack.
Ternith retreats from combat.
Taemorna says, "I'd never hurt a fly."
Aedem gets a tarnished silver flask etched with a skull and crossbones from inside his silk sash.
Aedem pours some rum into the trench.
Gizella holds a dark cambrinth armband inset with a multitude of tiny gemstone chips in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.
Taemorna says, "I'm in to a bit of smooching."
Taemorna nods.
Ternith puts his arrow in his thigh quiver.
Aedem interrupts his chanting to take a long swallow from his flask.
Ternith gets a small shovel from inside his soldier's pack.
Taemorna says, "this.."
Aedem puts his flask in his silk sash.
Daxlynn gestures over the shadowy orb, muttering tones of enchantment! Taemorna waves a curved scimitar with a night back leather hilt around.
Ternith leans over and licks Taemorna.
Aedem resumes his strange chant.
Gizella nods to Barimor.
Taemorna says, "for show really."
Drachus gives Taemorna a smooch.
Daxlynn seems to be concentrating intently on something.
Taemorna just blew Drachus a kiss.
Genneron gets a grey wolf-shaped flint from inside his leather backpack.
Over the sharp fumes of spilt rum and the rusty reek of blood, there is suddenly a new smell like overheated metal.
Ships Lookout Vhaerihoop just arrived.
Genneron gets a skinning knife with a jade inlay of a dragon in flight from inside his leather boots.
Taemorna asks, "see, much more fun eh?"
Drachus opens his mouth wide as a thunderous belch rolls up from the pit of his stomach.
Ternith digs at a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it with a small shovel.
New noises join Aedem's strange chant to form an odd chorus: sounds like whispered giggling and weeping, the cautious rustling of branches, and a chitinous scraping like cast-off snakeskins being rubbed together.
Genneron reaches up for a softly glowing skull hanging in midair but it is too high to touch.
Daxlynn gestures over the shadowy orb, muttering tones of enchantment!
The shadowy orb is wreathed in a shroud of misty white light. Suddenly, the shroud begins to fray into wispy tendrils that seem to mimic the motions of Daxlynn's arcane gestures. Slowly the tendrils meld with it, sinking into its core as it sets off a luminous glow.
Kalyra gestures at Aedem.
Small sparks of electricity dance in the air between Kalyra and Aedem. Kalyra stares at Aedem's hands for a moment, but nothing happens.
Aedem stops chanting.
Ternith digs at a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it with a small shovel.
Mordril gestures at Aedem.
Mordril and Aedem stare at each other intently for a few moments.
Daxlynn assesses her combat situation.
Ternith digs at a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it with a small shovel.
Ternith digs at a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it with a small shovel.
Ternith digs at a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it with a small shovel.
Gizella sheathes her scimitar.
Ternith digs at a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it with a small shovel.
Ternith digs at a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it with a small shovel.
Aedem haggardly says, "Allum."
Ternith digs at a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it with a small shovel.
Ternith digs at a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it with a small shovel.
Drachus retreats from combat.
Drachus retreats from combat.
Aedem gets an ivory-hilted knife from inside his leather boots.
Drachus winks at Ternith.
Genneron moves a grey wolf-shaped flint to his left hand.
Genneron moves a skinning knife with a jade inlay of a dragon in flight to his right hand.
The mist roils forward, seeming to reach out for the mixture of rum and blood. Aedem fends the writhing shapes away with wide sweeps of his ivory-handled knife.
Genneron reaches up for a softly glowing skull hanging in midair but it is too high to touch.
Daxlynn turns her poloh'izh hide cloak.
Daxlynn fades from your very sight!
There is a coiling agitation in the mist, and a cobwebby form drifts to the front. "Aedem?" a hoarse voice intones, "How have you come here?" Aedem longingly says, "Allum."
Drachus winks at Taemorna.
Ternith says, "Bahh"
Aedem begins jabbing frantically at the mist with his knife, keeping back all the shadows except the one which spoke.
Ternith puts his shovel in his soldier's pack.
Ternith gets a polished ebony short bow capped in hammered silver from inside his soldier's pack. Ternith reaches into his quiver and gets one of his barbed arrows to load his short bow.
Kalyra paces back and forth.
Aedem yells, "The blood, Allum. Take the blood!"
Arcane Mistress Deloria just arrived.
Kalyra says, "Aedem don't do this"
The shadowy form approaches the trench, blurs and shrinks, then becomes clearly visible again, kneeling.
In a bright flash of light, Daxlynn is revealed! Fractals of pale light materialize in a cascading pattern around Daxlynn, outlining the faint beginnings of a complex gyre. With a bestial moan, shafts of brilliant white light erupt from the ether, illuminating the pattern as if it were lifeblood sustaining the vein.
The wall of light echoes outward rapidly, leaving a misty halo of white light to shroud Daxlynn in its wake.
Aedem barely manages to duck beneath the expanding ring of energy.
A whispered sigh echoes around Daxlynn as the ghostly light dissipates.
Ternith retreats from combat.
Genneron says, "join me"
Barimor growls low in the back of his throat.
The ghostly form reaches out towards the blood. As soon as it makes contact it becomes more opaque, less substantial. "Aedem," it says, its voice a bit more redolent now, "we shouldn't be here."
You join Genneron's group.
Drachus winks at Taemorna.
Daxlynn assesses her combat situation.
Mordril joins Genneron's group.
Suddenly, there is a bright flash and the ghostly form relaxes into smoke, funneling quickly into the skull.
Ternith joins Drachus's group.
Vhaerihoop assesses his combat situation.
The skull begins to glow a sickly green color and its dessicated jaw opens and closes a few times. A ghostly moaning fills the air.
Daxlynn retreats from combat.
Daxlynn retreats from combat.
Daxlynn turns her poloh'izh hide cloak.
Daxlynn fades from your very sight!
Taemorna winks at Drachus.
The skull begins to spin, rising and falling in the air. The moaning grows stronger, becoming a deep voice screaming the word, "Nooooooo...."
The skull makes a few more jerky leaps, and then plunges into the canal to the east.
Kalyra frets.
The red ruby on Deloria's forehead flares into flames, causing the air around Deloria to waver.
Gizella joins Genneron's group.
Kalyra asks, "what have you done?"
Genneron kicks Aedem!
Kalyra grabs Aedem by the shoulders and shakes him!
Genneron slaps Aedem hard across his leather tricorne with his chain gloved hand, making a nice crisp smack!!
Taemorna grumbles at Genneron.
>In the shallow trench you see a thick soupy mixture.
Taemorna says, "now now.. none of that."
Aedem chuckles.
Drachus says, "hmm"
Daxlynn materializes right before your eyes!
Vhaerihoop begins to speak in a series of yips and whimpers.
Drachus says, "that was peculriar"
Daxlynn gestures, muttering a quiet riddle.
Drachus coughs.
Gizella appears to be concentrating intently on something.
Daxlynn assesses her combat situation.
Genneron sheathes his skinning knife.
Allum fades into view.
Genneron puts his leaf in a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it.
Allum moans.
Kalyra blinks at Allum.
Mordril blinks.
Daxlynn shrieks!
Deloria gasps!
Aedem blinks.
Ternith says, "ohh boy."
Gizella shudders.
Genneron releases a deafening roar, filled with the bloodlust of a thousand crazed warriors!
Allum becomes crazed for battle. Mordril becomes crazed for battle. Ternith becomes crazed for battle. Barimor becomes crazed for battle. Gizella becomes crazed for battle. You become battle crazed by Genneron's roar! Drachus becomes crazed for battle.
Barimor squints.
Drachus ponders.
Kalyra says, "oh damn"
Daxlynn turns her poloh'izh hide cloak.
Daxlynn fades from your very sight!
Daxlynn begins to focus on Allum!
Kalyra says, "this can't be good"
Vhaerihoop fidgets nervously.
Allum rattles his chains.
Drachus says, "a spectral buccaneer"
Daxlynn reveals herself.
Daxlynn gestures at Allum.
Kalyra nods to Drachus.
the ghost of Allum just went north.
Ternith just went north.
Vhaerihoop gulps.
Drachus ponders.
Mordril blinks.
Mordril points north.
Drachus says, "wonder where he's off to"
Daxlynn just went north.
Drachus joins Taemorna's group.
Kalyra frowns.
Taemorna looks at Drachus and shrugs.
Daxlynn just arrived.
Vhaerihoop whimpers, "Dat supposed ta happen?"
Daxlynn growls at Aedem.
Mordril appears to relax. Drachus appears to relax. You feel the high of the barbarian's crazed battle roar finally drain from your system.
Daxlynn says to Aedem, "You are insane"
Arcane Lady Gizella just went north.
Kalyra rubs Vhaerihoop gently, massaging his muscles.
Arcane Lady Gizella just arrived.
Drachus asks, "you trying to free him or enslave him Aedem?"
Gizella appears to relax. Barimor appears to relax.
Aedem frowns.
Daxlynn turns her poloh'izh hide cloak. Daxlynn fades from your very sight!
Genneron puts his flint in his leather backpack.
Ternith just arrived.
Kalyra says, "foolish foolish mage"
Aedem says, "Now, that was a might strange."
Kalyra shakes her head at Aedem.
Deloria asks, "why ya want yer mate auntin the place aedem?"
Kendyll comes out of hiding.
Kendyll leans on Aedem.
Kendyll's body is still soaked.
Taemorna winces.
Mordril puts his bastard sword away.
Taemorna says, "You are all wet."
Ternith just nudged Taemorna.
Kalyra searches around for a moment.
Taemorna clucks her tongue and shakes her head.
Aedem says, "Kendyll, it appears.. somethin' happened."
Kalyra searches around for a moment.
Aedem frowns.
Ternith shakes his head.
Kendyll grins at Taemorna.
Vhaerihoop yips, "We get to kill Islanders? Got kilt Hoop did."
A shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it suddenly looks a bit wet.
Kalyra searches around for a moment.
Drachus asks, "this have somthin to do with them undead peoples I read about in forlorn hope?"
Kendyll asks, "Aye?"
Drachus peers quizzically at Aedem.
Taemorna smiles at Ternith.
Kendyll gazes at Aedem.
Aedem says, "He ain't alive, rightly."
Kendyll frowns.
Daxlynn reveals herself.
Daxlynn gestures at a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it.
A brilliant silvery glow surrounds a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it for a few moments, but nothing else seems to happen.
Deloria puts her talisman in her shadow-black cloak.
Aedem says, "But he's back."
Kendyll raises an eyebrow.
Aedem frowns.
Kalyra says, "and he isn't dead either"
Taemorna nods.
Drachus giggles.
Deloria says, "hes a ghosty aedem ya messed up"
Kalyra says, "he's a ghost"
The faint holy aura around Daxlynn fades away.
Mordril appears to be concentrating intently on something.
Aedem says, "As t'that, Deloria, we'll see."
Daxlynn puts her vial in her traveler's backpack.
Daxlynn gingerly rests both hands on a shallow trench with odd lines of dust and ash drawn on the ground around it and closes her eyes in concentration.
Aedem chuckles.
Taemorna says, "I suppose he won't be getting any smooches."
Taemorna hums to herself.
Taemorna ducks her head.
Kalyra laughs at Taemorna.
You say, "Like you would admit it if you did"
Kalyra says, "cute"
Genneron snarls at Aedem.
Deloria says, "well lets see that magic darlin"
Kendyll glances at Genneron.
Vhaerihoop lowers his head, bares his teeth and snarls at Genneron, sounding so much like a mountain lion it makes you uncomfortable.
Deloria winks at Aedem.
Mordril holds a blackened pewter epaulet set with a cambrinth crest of the Paladin Guild in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.
Genneron scoffs at Kendyll.
Genneron draws forth an onyx-hilted scimitar.
Mordril gestures.
Mordril's cambrinth epaulet emits a loud *snap*.
Mordril frowns.
Vhaerihoop removes a crude sailcloth sling from his belt.
Kalyra asks, "Dogren still dead?"
Vhaerihoop reaches into his carryall and gets one of his smooth river rocks to load his sailcloth sling.
Mordril casually observes the area.
Kalyra looks over her shoulder nervously.
Deloria says, "ya must have anticipated this"
Ternith's tail undulates lazily through the air.
Buccaneer Dogren trudges into sight, grumbling to himself.
Daxlynn glances heavenward a moment, and utters a desperate prayer.
Aedem appears to be concentrating intently on something.
Taemorna smiles at Drachus.
Kalyra says, "oopsie"
Kalyra observes Dogren with fascination.
Dogren sees Kalyra and brightens up considerably.
You see Buccaneer Dogren Thed, a Gor'Tog. He has brown eyes. He has green-grey skin. He is young for a Gor'Tog. He is in good shape.
He is holding an ebony short bow in his right hand. He is wearing a jadeite gwethdesuan, a tattered hooded cloak, a red and white-striped headscarf, a scarred leather coat, a braided rawhide armband trimmed with scarlet and green parrot feathers, a frayed canvas vest, a tattered red sash, some ragged breeches, a lightweight sailcloth quiver and a sea bag.
Kalyra says, "uhoh"
Daxlynn chuckles.
Genneron asks in Toggish, "Sold yerself eh?"
Kalyra says, "down boy"
Dogren asks, "Heya, gal. Ready ta stop this fidgetin' about?"
Kalyra turns her poloh'izh hide cloak.
Kalyra fades from your very sight!
Daxlynn turns her poloh'izh hide cloak.
Daxlynn fades from your very sight!
Ternith appears to be aiming at Dogren with his short bow.
Dogren laughs!
The barbed arrow lands nearby!
Vhaerihoop comes out of hiding. Vhaerihoop gestures at Ternith. Vhaerihoop's cambrinth armband emits a loud *snap*.
Gizella begins to advance on Dogren.
Gizella traces an arcane sigil in the air. Gizella begins to focus on Dogren!
Gizella holds a dark cambrinth armband inset with a multitude of tiny gemstone chips in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration.
Dogren jumps back, looking startled!
Gizella closes to pole weapon range on Dogren.
Drachus begins to advance on Dogren.
Gizella gestures at Dogren.
Gizella's cambrinth armband emits a loud *snap*.
Several elemental fire shards fly at Dogren!
The fire shard smashes full-force into Dogren, burning away the flesh of his chest. Dogren is lightly stunned! The fire shard completely blasts away his left leg, leaving a charred and smoking stump! Dogren screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg! The shard blasts into his abdomen and out the other side, leaving a wide smoking hole where vital organs once were. The shard smashes into Dogren, breaking his skull wide open and broiling his brain! A white leopard gets a sad look in its eyes before wandering off.
* Dogren is slain before your eyes!
Dogren's short bow falls to the ground.
Gizella stops advancing since Dogren is dead.
Water is quickly puddling on the ground nearby, but two spots in the shape of feet or shoes remain strangely dry.
Barimor says, "Heh"
Vhaerihoop comes out of hiding.
Vhaerihoop gestures at Gizella. A thousand tiny spiders crawl out of their hiding places and begin crawling over Gizella, trapping her in a cocoon of sticky webbing.
Genneron retreats from combat.
You hear the voice of Kalyra say, "och"
Ternith just appeared.
Vhaerihoop lands a solid hit that knocks Gizella's breath away with a loud *Whuff* as the stomach takes full force of the blow, barely stunning her.
The smooth river rock falls to the ground!
Drachus exclaims, "aha!"
Ternith reaches into his quiver and gets one of his barbed arrows to load his short bow.
Barimor grows suddenly quiet, his eyes dangerously calm as his limbs shiver like anxious leaves before summer's fearsome storm. A terrible roar of fury and bloodlust escapes his throat like the first crash of thunder, his body exploding into a berserker rage as his eyes retain an unsettling and deadly calm.
Gizella slowly tips over and falls down.
The body of Dogren suddenly slides north.
- Genneron was just struck down!
Aedem inhales sharply, then violently spits a bolt of churning flame toward Genneron! The incendiary spittle blasts Genneron in his abdomen!
* Genneron is slain before your eyes!
Genneron's onyx-hilted scimitar falls to the ground.
Vhaerihoop comes out of hiding. Vhaerihoop lands a heavy strike that shatters the left elbow and renders the lower left arm useless, lightly stunning her. The smooth river rock falls to the ground!
Barimor releases a deafening roar, filled with the bloodlust of a thousand crazed warriors!
Ternith becomes crazed for battle. Baltiziel just appeared.
Baltiziel is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Gizella is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Kendyll just appeared. Kendyll becomes crazed for battle.
Vhaerihoop is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Mordril is visibly shaken and doesn't appear as willing to fight.
You become battle crazed by Barimor's roar! Drachus becomes crazed for battle.
Kalyra just appeared.
Kalyra is stunned, with an expression of true fear.
Captain Aedem just went north.
Vhaerihoop comes out of hiding. Vhaerihoop lands a hard hit that breaks the right arm. The smooth river rock falls to the ground!
The body of Kalyra just slid into view.
Baltiziel grabs Gizella and drags her north with him.
Ternith releases a deafening roar, filled with the bloodlust of a thousand crazed warriors! Kendyll just appeared. Kendyll becomes crazed for battle. Barimor becomes crazed for battle. You become battle crazed by Ternith's roar!
Barimor closes to pole weapon range on Kendyll.
Kendyll retreats from combat.
Captain Kendyll just went north.
Savage Barimor just went north.
Ternith's body shudders violently!
Ternith pauses momentarily as a glassy look of rage washes over his eyes, but it soon fades, leaving him frustrated.
Dragging Genneron to cypress here
A revenant zombie claws its way through the mud to the surface. You grab Genneron's body and drag it with you . . .
A bit later:
>[Fala Inisharon, The Altanen River] To the north looms the cliff of Galduta Isharon; to the east beyond the river bank, treetops rise above the mist. A low island lies further west across the channel, an easy swim through the flowing water. Also here: Drachus and Captain Aedem. Obvious paths: south, southwest, west, northwest. >Aedem says, "Well, I ain't messin' wit' him n'more."
Drachus says, "whos responsiblity is he now"
Aedem chuckles.
Drachus asks, "your boss?"
Aedem says, "Whoever finds him next."
Drachus says, "I cant recall her name"
Aedem laughs!
Aedem rubs a beaded black silk lanyard.
A globe of shimmering blue fire flickers into being around Aedem.
Drachus says, "so ye just revive him to some spectral pirate and off he goes"
Drachus grins.
Aedem says, "Seems t'be the gist of it, aye."
Drachus says, "seems like a waste of recources"
Aedem chuckles.
Drachus says, "unless this was all just for fun"
Aedem asks, "Well, we'll 'ave t'see what he does, now won't we?"
Drachus says, "was this all your idea, or were you ordered to perform these rituals"
Aedem says, "Twere Sallador's idea."
Drachus cackles!
Drachus asks, "who?"
Drachus asks, "Sallador?"
Aedem says, "he give that mage over t'Ratha a ship in return fer workin' his magics on ole Allum's noggin'."
Drachus asks, "what Reshalian mage?"
You scratch your head.
Aedem says, "Some feller named Althiras."
Drachus asks, "Althiras?"
Aedem chuckles at Drachus.
Aedem nods.
Aedem says, "Aye."
Drachus says, "so let me get this straight"
Drachus says, "Althiras was given a boat in exchange for you doin some juju to Allum"
Aedem says, "Sorry lad, ye'll 'ave t'work yer brain on yer own time."
Aedem waves.
Aedem swims west, moving sideways to the light current.
Drachus ponders.
Drachus points at you.
Drachus says, "remember those names"
Drachus exclaims, "I got me a wench to find!"
Drachus grins at you.
Drachus swims west, moving sideways to the light current.
from DRApostles list?
Sat Sep 1, 2001
Buccaneer Allum came through a carved driftwood door. Allum takes a sip of his rum. look allum
You see Buccaneer Allum Beye, a Human Pirate. He has dusky brown almond-shaped eyes, a shaved head dotted with white stubble and deep brown skin. He is mature for a Human. He has a long goatee twisted into three bushy braids. He is in good shape.
He is holding some white rum in his right hand. He is wearing a garishly painted leather vest, a long red sash trimmed with gold coins, some loose white calf length trousers, some slouched leather boots with wide cuffs, a worn leather baldric, a broad-brimmed leather hat strung with bright parrot feathers and an oversized gold hoop earring.
Flayra smiles at Allum. You say, "hail Allum" Allum nods to Flayra. Flayra curtsies to Allum. You bow to Allum. Allum says, "Ahoy, there." Allum takes a sip of his rum. Flayra smiles. Flayra says, "Nice to meet you" You say, "we are new to these parts" You say, "and you right in" You smile at Allum. You ask, "any advice ya might have fer us tourists?" Allum says, "Aye, well, Tehya's got right nice wares, ye've made a good stop." You say, "aye" Flayra smiles at Allum. You say, "I love the assortment" Flayra says, "Me too" Flayra says, "I can't decided what to get" Flayra smiles. Allum says, "Oh, far as advice, no, just enjoyin' a bit of lberty." Allum chuckles. Allum nods. You say, "we are planning to purchase some fine items" You say, "ah...yes" You say, "liberty" Allum rummages around on a driftwood rack searching with intent, but it quickly becomes apparent he's not got a clue where to look. You ask, "from the sea?" look
[The Enclave, Tehya's Stitchery] No exclusive urban clothier, this shop is devoted to the taste of buccaneers and renegades both male and female. Bolts of bright cotton, patterned batiks, and exotic silks are piled in a glorious profusion in heavy oak cabinets lining the pale turquoise walls. The seamstress Tehya Garlane strides about the room, a length of scarlet homespun flung over one shoulder, flashing her brilliant smile and bantering with customers while adjusting the garments hung neatly on display. You also see a pine cabinet with some stuff on it, a driftwood rack with some stuff on it, some oak shelves with some stuff on it, a carved driftwood door, an immaculate pine workbench, and a woven basket. Also in the room: Buccaneer Allum and Flayra. Obvious exits: none.
Allum says, "Aye." Allum says, "Been shippin' out with Cap'n Kendyll." You sigh. Allum strokes his goatee in thoughtful contemplation. You say, "I long to sail the seas" Flayra asks, "Any adventures while at sea?" Allum chuckles. You say, "with me and my pirate princess" Flayra smiles at you. Humming quietly, Tehya sets to work stitching leather-wrapped buttons on a bright yellow tunic. Flayra blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue. You stand near Flayra. Allum says, "Ain't all romance. Yer constantly workin' aboard a ship." Allum chuckles. You rub your hands together. You say, "the hands get bit with salt and hemp" You say, "aye" Allum says, "As far as adventures, well, I've had a few recent-like." You say, "please tell" You beam at Allum!
Flayra exclaims, "You have!" Flayra smiles. Allum says, "Sallador didn't hire me on til after the fun over t'Riss..." Flayra says, "Oh yes please" Allum says, "But, I made a sortie wit' Aedem an' Kendyll a bit back, over Ratha way." (Highglenshire listens intently on Allum's every word) Allum says, "Weren't the most organized of folks... walked away wit' quite a bit of coin." You say, "coin" You say, "now I could use some coin" You smile. You say, "tell me how the sortie went down" Allum says, "I hear tell they wen't after Aesry next, but, I was sleppin' off a right good eve, an' missed the muster." You say, "ah" Flayra raises an eyebrow. Allum says, "Well, it went down like this..." Flayra says, "I heard Aesry was attacked" You nod to Allum. Allum says, "Cap'n Aedem an' Cap'n Kendyll sailed right into Ratha's harbor, bold as brass." You smile. Allum says, "Off loaded us t'the docks, an' we went off lookin' fer plunder." You ask, "ya had raiders with ya?" Allum says, "Aye, Aedem manned the docks, wit' a crew of raiders an' a catapult, the rest of us took of fer the banks, and the palace." You say, "aye" Flayra asks, "You raided the bank?" You say, "I heard Aesry got pummled good" Allum says, "Aye."
Allum grins. You smile at Allum. Flayra frowns. You ask, "who are ya a mate fer?" Allum says, "Didn't get t'Aesry wit' 'em, but I heard the same." You nod to Allum. Allum says, "Well, I ain't rightly the mate." Flayra asks, "Why are they raiding?" Allum says, "I'm a navigator." Flayra says, "Oh " You beam at Allum! Flayra smiles at Allum. Allum says, "Well, plunder o'course." You say, "sail by the currents and stars" Flayra frowns. Allum says, "But, that there Sallador's got some odd notions in his head." You ask, "like what?" Flayra asks, "like what?" You nod to Flayra. Allum says, "Says he's the chosen of Drogor or some such..." Allum strokes his goatee in thoughtful contemplation. >You gasp! Flayra asks, "Drogor?" You stroke your mustache in thoughtful contemplation. You say, "he is the aspect of Eluned" Allum says, "An' he's gonna make us a power t'contend wit'." Flayra says, "Oh" You say, "Eluned is my heavenly mistress" Allum says, "Return us t'glory, as it were." Flayra says, "To rule the seas" Allum nods. You nod to Flayra. You say, "it seems to be werking so far" Allum says, "Aye, we'll take tribute from them what needs sail it, an' live like kings." You ask, "what ya think his next step will be?" Allum strokes his goatee in thoughtful contemplation. Flayra frowns. You ask, "the mainland delta?" Flayra asks, "If you want to rule the seas why are you hitting the islands?" Allum says, "Ain't sure m'self, I been stuck here since I missed the last muster, fer Aesry... so I'm likely lookin' at a floggin' afore anythin' else." Allum grumbles. You say, "me sure they pick ya up on the ways back" Flayra smiles at Allum. Flayra asks, "How did you miss the boat?" Allum says, "Well, them people who'll be payin us tribute live t'the islands lass. Don't do no good just keepin' t'the seas." Allum winks at Flayra. Flayra says, "But Aesry is my home" Flayra frowns. Allum says, "I got too drunk." You stand near Flayra. You say, "rum" You nod to Allum. Allum says, "Woke up a'neath the bar wit'a much lighter purse, an' a very heavy head..." Allum winks. You chuckle. You say, "theres a tavern abouts here as well" You ask, "that one?" Flayra asks, "What can the island do to stop the raids?" Allum asks, "Oh aye, ye never seen it?" You say, "nae" You say, "or not that me remember" Allum says, "Start thinkin' about payin' us lass, an' Sallador may let ye be." You move over to guard Flayra. Flayra asks, "How much?" Allum says, "Join ole Aluum, an' I'll show it t'ye." Flayra peers quizzically at Allum. You join Allum's group. Flayra joins Allum's group. Allum says, "Oh, that ain't fer me t'say miss." You smile at Allum. Allum says, "I'm sure Sallador'll tell ye when he's of a mind t'."
Flayra nods to Allum. Flayra frowns. >Buccaneer Allum's group went through a carved driftwood door.
[The Enclave, Bonfa Jegu] A house built from mismatched planks of wood stands along this section of road. Colorful cloth of all sorts hang on a whitewashed slat fence that surrounds the building. You also see a telgi corsair and a carved driftwood door. Also here: Flayra and Buccaneer Allum. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southwest. A telgi corsair runs northeast. >Buccaneer Allum's group just went southwest.
[The Enclave, Raenaden Jegu] A small building, rising in the center of this dusty intersection, is surrounded by shabbily dressed guards. The building has iron bars on the windows and a fence of sharp wooden stakes. Also here: Flayra and Buccaneer Allum. Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest. >Buccaneer Allum's group just went southeast.
[The Enclave, Raenaden Jegu] A few rough looking warehouses line the road along this area. The buildings are surrounded with a tall wooden fence, topped with sharp spikes. You also see a telgi corsair and a heavy wooden door. Also here: Flayra and Buccaneer Allum. Obvious paths: east, southeast, south, northwest. >Buccaneer Allum's group just went southeast.
[The Enclave, Raenaden Jegu] The wharfs are visible to the southeast from this cobblestone crossroad. A suspension bridge hangs over the street connecting walkways that line the town's walls. Steady streams of traffic move in and out of a small tavern located on one of the corners. Also here: Flayra and Buccaneer Allum. Obvious paths: north, southeast, west, northwest. Allum points at a small tavern. Buccaneer Allum's group went over to a small tavern.
[Driftwood Tavern, Common Room] The floor of the tavern is covered with sawdust. Fish-oil lamps, burning dimly throughout the building, give off a rank scent that is only a smidge better than the lingering smells of puke and spilt ale. The bar, with plenty of stools lined up beside it, takes up a majority of one wall. A large booth, opposite the bar, provides a small bit of privacy for those in need of some. Also in the room: Flayra and Buccaneer Allum. Obvious exits: out. You grin. Buccaneer Allum's group went over to the bar.
[Driftwood Tavern, Bar] The proprietor stands behind his ramshackle counter. Sturdy, but altogether ugly, stools are lined up along the bar. Barrels of ale and rum along with a number of bottles of hard liquor are stacked up behind the bar. You also see a dirty menu tacked to the wall. Also in the room: Flayra and Buccaneer Allum. Obvious exits: west. read menu
Driftwood Tavern The Baron's Best
Drinks: 1 - Barley Ale.................... L100 2 - Dark Rum...................... L200 3 - Stumpy's Black Grog........... L200 4 - Hot Spiced Rum Punch.......... L350 5 - Baron's Best White Rum........ L425 Food: 6 - Cheese Bread.................. L100 7 - Sausage Roll.................. L150 8 - Spicy Fish Sandwich........... L150
Allum asks, "What'll ye have?"
Allum says, "I'm still a bit flush."
Allum grins.
You say, "the Baron's"
The bartender places some white rum on the counter.
Flayra says, "Hot spiced rum punch"
You get some white rum from atop a ramshackle counter.
The bartender places some black grog on the counter.
You say, "thank ye"
You bow to Allum.
Allum nods.
Flayra gets some spiced rum punch from atop a ramshackle counter.
>'whats the best plunder ya ever layed yer hands on?Flayra curtsies
to Allum.
Allum takes a sip of his rum.
You ask, "whats the best plunder ya ever layed yer hands on?"
Allum takes a sip of his rum. Flayra says, "Thank ye shir" You smile at Allum. Allum says, "Hmmm..." You take a sip of the rum. Flayra takes a sip of her punch. Allum says, "Ain't none of it finer'n coin lad." Allum gets some black grog from atop a ramshackle counter.
You say, "aye"
Flayra takes a sip of her punch. You say, "but me like to find some fine weapons" Allum says, "Tho', carryin' off a nice wench er two's a close second." Allum winks. You laugh! You take a sip of the rum. Smooth and pleasant ... warms your throat! Allum says, "Bah, weapons is weapons, to easy t'break er lose, I use whatever handy's." Flayra takes a sip of her punch. You say, "and raidin a tavern's basement too" You wink at Allum. You take a sip of the rum. Smooth and pleasant ... warms your throat! You say, "the Baron has some fine rum" Allum says, "Oh, aye, them fat merchanters wit' a hold full of brandy's a thing t'see as well." Allum winks. Flayra smiles at you. You laugh! You say, "aye" You say, "just dont fire lit bladders at em" You exclaim, "phoof!" Flayra is giggling at you. Flayra smiles. You take a sip of the rum. Smooth and pleasant ... warms your throat! You finish off the rest of it, and set the cup aside. Flayra asks, "Allum do you think they will hit Crossing or Riverhaven too?" Allum shrugs. Allum says, "Ain't fer me t'say." Flayra nods to Allum. Flayra ponders. You say, "I remember a long time back with undead pirate hit Riverhaven" Allum says, "Nasty bit, them undead." You say, "they were a hard lot to fight" You nod to Allum. You nod in understanding as Flayra fills you in on some of the obscure details of targeted magic you desperately need to know. Flayra takes a sip of her punch. Allum says, "Sea ought t'be keepin' it's own." You say, "aye" Flayra nods to Allum. You say, "tis likely what keeps the riaders finely honed in thier combat skills" You say, "hear the raiders are a force to be reconed with" Allum says, "Aye, they're a good bunch." Allum says, "Course, we reds was always the warriors." Allum takes a sip of his grog. You smile at Allum. You say, "seems Sallador likes his raiders" Allum says, "Aye, he's a canny one, t'be sure." Flayra asks, "Why do you follow him?" Allum says, "We've needed a leader like him t'come along." Flayra asks, "You did?" Allum says, "Aye, we been a scattered bunch." Flayra shows you an interesting facet of targeted magic, increasing your desire to become an accomplished practitioner of the skill. Allum takes a sip of his grog. Flayra says, "He has everyone behind him" Allum says, "Aye, he's winnin' us over wit' these victories and the plunder." Flayra asks, "You are all agreeded even thought you do not know what he is up to?" You ask, "how exacly does Sallador think he is doing Dragor's bidding?"
Allum says, "Says he's his chosen one, the one t'lead the Clan back t'glory." You ask, "what is yer clan's name?" Allum says, "Wit' victories like these, seems he's right." You say, "I see yer point Allum" Flayra says, "It seems we can expect alot more raides" You say, "aye" You say, "there is one thing I must warn ya though Navigator Allum" Allum says, "Most like, lass. Ain't seen much that'll be like t'gettin' in our way." Flayra imparts some of her targeted magic knowledge to you, and you feel that the precepts are slowly beginning to sink in. Allum raises an eyebrow. You say, "stay away from Therengia" Flayra smiles at you. Allum chuckles. You say, "its likely to far inland" Allum says, "Well, I ain't one fer marchin'. If I can't sail t'it, I'll be like t'leave it 'lone." You wink at Flayra. Allum grins. Flayra nods. You grin. Allum gets a silver orlog from inside his red sash. Allum looks at his orlog and gives a satisfied little nod. Allum nods. You ask, "what is that?" Allum puts his orlog in his red sash. Flayra asks, "What is that ?" Flayra whispers, "We think alike" Allum says, "Time keeper, good fer navigatin'." You say, "aye" You ask, "know where I can get one?" Flayra asks, "Are you expecting your boat soon?" You smile at Flayra. Allum says, "An' it tells me now, I'd best be navigatin' somewhere's where I can take myself back t'sea." Allum winks. You nod to Allum. Flayra nods to Allum. Flayra curtsies to Allum. You say, "was a pleasure to meet ya" Flayra says, "Nice to have met you" Allum says, "Twas a pleasure spendin' a bit of my liberty wit' the both of ye." You shake Allum's hand. Flayra smiles at Allum. You say, "thanks fer the drink" Allum says, "An' if'n we ever needs t'cross blades, tis nothin' personal, just business." Flayra nods to Allum. Allum stops you from following him. You say, "my werds exactly" You bow to Allum. Flayra curtsies to Allum. Allum says, "Luck t'ye both." You say, "sail safely" Allum bows. Flayra smiles. Flayra says, "Ye too" Flayra joins your group. Buccaneer Allum just went west.
Category Cities, Provinces and Other Areas (25) Topic M'Riss and Mer'Kresh (9) Message Re: We demand tribute from Sallador of 100,000 plats (3514) By GNOMICGYPSY@PLAY.NET (Mistress of the Webs of Fate) On Aug 25, 2001 at 05:14
I been watchin' the Pirate folks with my Mirror when I see them around, and now that I know a few more names, like Sallador, I'll have a few more to watch. I'm currently residin' on Aesry but the Pirate Problem extends to both our Islands so I'll be sure to pass on any new names I hear of as well, as Any info related specifically to ya'll out there on M'riss. Below is a copy of the post I made to the Aesry board as well as to the Qi events board.
Zelaide Nosey Gypsy Whelp, As I woke up in the realms today I thought I'd look about to see who I could find. The first person I checked for was Kendyll, for no particular reason. Lo and behold what do I see with that little mirror of mine. Ayup, you guessed it, I found Kendyll. More interesting than that though was the folks I seen her speakin' with. She was standin' at the Sumillo dock talkin' with Captain Sallador, and Bucaneer Allum. Some of you may know Sallador's name some of ya may not. What it looks like to me is that Sallador is the top Captain over both Kendyll and Aedem.
Allum, I have no clue about him except that he has taken a job with Kendyll and is know on his way to lodging on the Ornery Wench. Sallador said that he is thinkin' of tellin' Aedem to and perhaps Kartin to back Kendyll. What they need to back her on and who Kartin is, I never discovered.
For you Rissans out there readin' this IT looks like they may be headin' back yer way before to long, Sallador seems to think you need to face 'him' and not just his lacke... erm Captains.
At this point Sallador wandered off as well as Kendyll, so I recast the mirror on Allum and watched him shave with his dirk. :grin:: That's about it for this edition of... What can we do to irritate the Pirate folks! Also if anyone else has any info on Either Allum or Kartin, please post and share.
Zelaide Scared for her life now that the pirates made note of her name
Category Events and Happenings (29)
Topic Qi Events (15)
Message Re: The Zamati? (179)
On Sep 16, 2001 at 15:02
The Zamati belongs to Captain Jafe, M'Riss. The Lugpurr is NOT a Rissan ship, in fact it tried to sink the Zamati recently.
A few of us met with Jafe on Kresh wharf recently when he sailed his Zamati to our shore...he spoke at length but as usual it was full of is some of the highlights:
He mentioned ALL ships becoming unsafe soon. Said he has heard this as a rumor in his travels. He did say ALL, including ferries.
He does not know what Aedem specifically wants with Mer'Kresh/M'Riss but spent a lot of time disecting each member of his scurvy team: Garum, Kendyll, Vhaerihoop, Syeran....and speculating surnames. We talked trade, wealth, land etc. but he kept dismissing any indepth talk of such things with being "a simple captain" and not knowing of such things.
He made issue of his own surname not being that of his father (Keltsen) or of his mother (Garner); His surname is Sellem. He issued this information to us as an interesting "riddle" we should ponder.
He told us the name of the clan is Shark Clan...not much more information there other than Aedem badly wants IN. He mentioned Aedem joining forces with Sallador as well.
He also spent time talking about where each of them is from and pondered those he didn't know. Allum:Hara, Kendyll:?, Syeran:mainland, Garum:crossing, Aedem:Ratha, Hoop:?, Kartin:Hara, Sallador:?.
He will be putting together a small group of fighters to sail with him "soon". He is very worried about Aedem's sailing prowess; saying he was one of the best out on the open seas.
He also mentioned his wife Maere getting very injured ringing the war bells for us all on Riss but she is now on the mend.
Maybe one of the others present (Starkad, Rikulf, Ileia) can shed more light and post their thoughts or highlights I forgot. (sorry, this all from memory didn't get to log it)
Category Cities, Provinces and Other Areas (25)
Topic Aesry Surlaenis'a (7)
Message Start scraping the barnacles off the Siren's Song (1544)
On Sep 18, 2001 at 09:33
Since town was largely deserted last night, I'm posting this, a partial log of activities perpetrated by pirates last night...might explain why your bank account were short, if it turned out to be...for some reason. Lots is ommited, just tried to keep the time flow, and essence of events in order.
>Your mind hears Kendyll thinking, "Allum? ::growls::"
(Apparently, Kendyll has Allum at her disposal she was uncommonly agressive, and commanding of him last night when The Ornery Wench, and another boat that's not one of the well known fleet associated with various members of the clan pulled into the harbor last night, and a raider attack ensued.)
Your mind hears Allum thinking, "Cap'n, I'm headin' fer the bank."
Your mind hears Kendyll thinking, "Ye best have an explaination fer that one oversight.."
Your mind hears Allum thinking, "Cap'n, weren't noone t'the bank, there weren't, twas almost too nice..."
(this comes into play later...this next tidbit...for a little laugh) Your mind hears Miabelle thinking, "They like to have their minions kill half of us then take all the treasure they can"
Your mind hears Miabelle thinking, "never see them fight a battle themselves"
Your mind hears Allum thinking, "Cap'n, these stairs is murder... speacially wit' a load of gold."
Your mind hears Kendyll thinking, "If ye'd give any intelligent thoughts to the entire events throughout the day.. perhaps ye'd nae be so quick to lay blame on one head." (This was referencing, most likely, the visions through a shadewatch mirror seen by some of the people that she's talking to. The mirror, on Sallador, gave away his presence in tonight's events on M'Riss, preceeding the attack on Aesry, even tho he never left his ship's safety during the latter. Was Rikulf's lack of hospitality on M'Riss that most likey had him wary of coming ashore, that or he hadn't been raised yet from said lack of hospitality)
Your mind hears Kendyll thinking, "There are many that will be accountable to me fer not followin certain of my orders. I shall leave it at that." (I'm think this was supposed to hint that perhaps her crew had attacked people that she had ordered to leave alone ie, empaths, defenseless, to remove herself from somme of the blame in the attacks on the town, and citizes, since she likes to proclaim her innocence on the gweth, of any acts of agression made by her personally.)
Your mind hears Miabelle thinking, "We know how to take care of pirates, their time will come Chriz...and we will show them the same amount of mercy" (can't you just hear John Donne's meditation 17's ending here? Never send to know for whom the bell tolls: It tolls for thee)
Your mind hears Allum thinking, "Allrighty Cap'n, I found the sip. Twas a long climb bein weighed down wit' that gold'n all."
Nearby in the water you see: the Lugpuur (very far), the Ornery Wench (not far), a wooden dock (close), the open ocean (distant). (The Lugpuur was the ship that I don't think had been in the harbour before, and probably was being Captained by Sallador)
Buccaneer Allum just arrived. Miabelle says, "Allum" Allum yawns expansively. Miabelle asks, "are you really really dim witted?" Taygar begins to advance on Allum. Allum chuckles. Buccaneer Allum just went south. <run, run, run, search search search, finally...we give up> You hear the voice of Celestica ask, "yout guys know Tazsin and Allum are at the other dock?" You notice Allum who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden. You point at Allum, ruining his hiding place. A sheet of slippery ice forms under Allum! Allum slips on the ice, falling on his rump and gasping as the wind is knocked out of him. The piercing screech of tortured air assaults your ears, punctuated by a sharp **CRACK!** Allum flinches as a thin red line appears across his back. The piercing screech of tortured air assaults your ears, punctuated by a sharp **CRACK!** Allum's cuirbouilli vest is destroyed! A bright line of blood stretches across Allum's chest. The piercing screech of tortured air assaults your ears, punctuated by a sharp **CRACK!** Allum's reinforced greaves is destroyed! Allum jumps as if stung, as a bright line of blood appears across his right leg.
- Allum was just struck down! >Celestica reveals himself. Celestica gestures at Allum. A brilliant moonbeam descends from the sky and shrinks into a tiny point centered on Allum's neck. The beam completely incinerates the neck!
* Allum is slain before your eyes!
The bit about a laugh later...The raiders, just a little while later, came in with a vengence, and took out several a few more folks to get Allum's revenge...while we waited on them to come up with their game plan a few more things were said of note...
You say, "You think it funny to goad us, when you've decided you've the upper hand." You hear the ghostly voice of Allum ask, "Ah, an' ye think we don't?" Waveshell says, "You didn't want to talk earlier when you came ashore shooting first." You hear the ghostly voice of Allum ask, "Ye sure about that, lad?" Waveshell says, "and as your captain knows.. several folks here will talk first" >You hear the ghostly voice of Allum say, "I didn't kill a soul." >Miabelle says, "I see, all those raiders just do whatever" Waveshell says, "They just an independant crew." You hear the ghostly voice of Allum say, "I didn't order a thing, I did what I was told." s>You hear the ghostly voice of Allum say, "Well, help ought tbe about here, I'll give ye that much warnin', best ye run off." Miabelle says, "of course YOU aren't doing it personally" HR>You hear the ghostly voice of Allum say, "best ye all run along wit' her." >You hear the ghostly voice of Allum say, "I figger I died once, how many of ye did the get, pub looked like it had a full floor when I popped in." You say, "I didn't die at I dunno, was never in the pub" H>You hear the ghostly voice of Allum say, "I'm tellin' ye, they'll be here fer me soon, may wish t'run off..." (I almost get "I didn't run the first two times" out of my mouth) Moving as one fluid extension of power, a raider fires a crossbow bolt at you. You fail to evade, taking the full blow. The bolt lands an extremely heavy hit that fills the left eye with blood from a deep cut across the socket, knocking you completely senseless. The crossbow bolt lodges itself firmly into you (...and so on...I die, buncha other people retrospect, I really should have listened to him I guess. He tried to warn me. )