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ItemSource isRare item
Weapon:Blackened-steel war sword with icesteel-inlaid etchings along the bladeHollow Eve Festival 410/Raffles
Item:Blood-stained icesteel scissors with asini handlesSkyward Crafting (7) Skyward Crafting (6)true
Item:Brine shark clenching a huge Drogor's Wrath sapphire within its widespread jawsNatural Beauty (2)
Item:Bronze-hued razaksel yardstick marked with repeating icesteel rivetsSkyward Crafting (8)true
Item:Burnt umber kelpzyte sackbut decorated with icesteel and asini marine lifeWhimsical Winds (7)
Item:Cambrinth greatsword with a twisted icesteel spear wrapped around the bladeTieheq with the Thirteen (4) Tieheq with the Thirteen (3)
Item:Canvas sack pinned with an icesteel dragonTaisidon Mystery 439/Raffletrue
Item:Cascade of Eluned's glory blossoms dangling from delicate icesteel chainsTildi's Flowers (7) Tildi's Flowers (5)
Item:Cluster of darkly glimmering midwinter's sickle set upon an icesteel hair-claspFashionable Panda (2)
Item:Commemorative coin with rippled edgesHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes