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ItemSource isRare item
Item:Ayabere-framed window with a center medallionPane in the Glass
Item:Ayabere-handled forging mallet with a militant squid inlaid across the coralite faceSkyward Crafting (8)true
Weapon:Ayabere-handled macheteMob Mentality
Item:Blue-green oilcloth longcoat with carved ayabere buttonsItem:Electroweave carryall embroidered with a sinuous leviathan
Item:Brilliant azure ayabere scepterMisenseor Goods (6)
Item:Child-sized pinwheel on an ayabere stick carved with fanciful moons and stars
Item:Curved ayabere-hilted ankle knife set with a dramatic voilyne pommel stoneItem:Merchant's seasilk purse fastened by a glossy kelpzyte abacustrue
Item:Dainty seasilk shoes with polished ayabere heelsNigeyi's (4)
Item:Delicate ayabere lyre carved to resemble two mermaids holding a violaceous zuzaretMusiceum (8)
Item:Divination bones carefully carved from ayabereFuture is Now (5)true