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ItemSource isRare itemIs incomplete
Item:Bloodstone-eyed cinder beast with golden topaz clawstrue
Item:Diminutive tin magma vipertrue
Item:Gleaming metallic-red cinder beast with glittering onyx clawstrue
Item:Large metallic carp with blackened eyestrue
Item:Jet-eyed gold salamander with a slender tailMorum Melgorehn/End loottrue
Item:Large metallic carp with blackened eyesUnsourced rafflestrue
Item:Maniacal flame faeQuest for Kanton's Daggertrue
Item:Mechanical phoenix made of firestained brasstreasure maptrue
Item:Oversized bee with a sharp steel stingerSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/End loot Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/End lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 439/End lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 436/End lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 432/End lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 428/End loottrue
Item:Ruby-eyed cinder beast with glittering black diamond clawsDunshade: Echo of Tears/End loottrue