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ItemSource isRare item
Black ankle pouch stitched with a tyrium-hued donkeyHollow Eve Festival 428/Raffles
Black licorice donkeyTrader Guild , Gathering Room
Brass carnyx with the bell in the shape of a open-mouthed donkeyMegaSafari 413 game prizes Basket of colored darts
Brilliant red tabard emblazoned with Seamaus's donkeyTending the Fold (2) Tending the Fold (1)
Bronze anklet inlaid with a cambrinth avatarEntrail Toss Arena (3) Entrail Toss Arena (2)Entrail Toss Arena (1)
Bronze armband inlaid with a cambrinth avatarEntrail Toss Arena (3) Entrail Toss Arena (2)Entrail Toss Arena (1)true
Burnished silver cloak clasp molded into a cheerful donkeyBe'ort shrine
Burnt umber wool vest with tiny iron buttonsTaisidon Safari 420 Game Prizes
Cambrinth ankle cuff inlaid with tourmaline donkeys to spell SAEMAUSForever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)
Carved audrualm sackbut carved with whimsical donkeysWhimsical Winds (5)