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ItemSource isRare item
Bloodstone egg ornamented with goldFocus on the Past (2) Focus on the Past (1)
Bloodstone wedding ring carved to resemble two outstretched handsTokens of the Heart (2) Tokens of the Heart (1)
Bloodstone-eyed cinder beast with golden topaz clawsDunshade: Echo of Tears/End loot
BraceletSister Imadrail's Emporium Mirglyn Sisters , Goldsmiths, Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels (obsolete)Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels
Breaking and Entering/Rooms and Loot/Material options
BroochGrisgonda's Gems and Jewels (obsolete) Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels
Cambrinth Be'ort tear roseCleric Shop (Muspar'i)
Cambrinth ankle cuff inlaid with bloodstone nightingales to spell PHELIMForever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)
Cambrinth ankle cuff inlaid with bloodstone panthers to spell DAMARISForever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)
Cambrinth ankle cuff inlaid with bloodstone shrikes to spell DERGATIForever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)