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ItemSource isRare item
Demonbone burin grasping a shadow emerald in asharsh'dai bindingsGuildfest 445/Auction Item:Enormous wraith-bone skull strung with grisly straps of sinewtrue
Enaada harness with gleaming asharsh'dai bucklesSu Helmas 444: Make Haste!/Raffle Item:Sindon carryall pinned with a luminescent starshine ghosttrue
Engraved asharsh'dai medallionItem:Imperial weave backpack set with an etched burning goldfyre medallion Droughtman's Challenge 444/Raffletrue
Enshrouding starlight velvet cloak secured with a nightstone set in asharsh'daiSu Helmas 438: The Forbidden Temple/Raffletrue
Filmy unstructured grey shroud entangled with asharsh'dai venulesHollow Eve Festival 443/Auctiontrue
Glossy black asharsh'dai scorpion stinger crowned by a frostflare opal teardropItem:Shadowy backpack pinned with a midnight diamond scorpion Drathrok's Duskruin 448/Raffletrue
Imperial blood monkey wielding a tiny asharsh'dai spearItem:Miniature asharsh'dai palace with Imperial ruby inlay Drathrok's Duskruin 442/Raffletrue
Imposing asharsh'dai greatsword with majestic Zoluren white sapphire inlayItem:Imperial weave backpack set with an etched burning goldfyre medallion Droughtman's Challenge 444/Raffletrue
Inkmaster's asharsh'dai needle with a sianedra-wrapped shadowbark handleTaisidon Mystery 443/Raffle Item:Moleskin carryall pinned with a diacan needletrue
Malevolent asharsh'dai trident wrapped in strands of blackened moonsilverHollow Eve Festival 436/Auctiontrue