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ItemSource isRarity is
Commemorative coin with rippled edgesHollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes
Competition miniature Merelew soldier wielding a tiny tridentHollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizesincidental
Competition siegery repair case composed of tel'athi and sandalwood panelsBesieged (2) Besieged (1)festival
Curved wood shaper painted with chevronsBreaking and Entering/Work Room lootcommon
Dainty tel'athi promise ring inland with emeraldsGreat Outdoors, Great Outdoors (5)
Dainty tel'athi wedding band inlaid with emeraldsGreat Outdoors, Great Outdoors (5)
Damascened throwing dagger with a tel'athi hilt shaped like a hooded cobraOphyr's Tent
Delicate bracelet of interlocking striped seaperchHollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes
Etched tel'athi tailbandMale Persuasion (4)
Exquisite haircomb twined in blossomsBreaking and Entering/Bedroom loot