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ItemSource isRarity is
Gloamstone statue arm broken off at the elbow for
Gloamstone wall inlaid with mother-of-pearl treesTrees Four Wallsfestival
Gloamstone wall with ebony baseboardsWally's World of Walls (3)festival
Grandiose white glaes circlet decorated with polished gloamstone lobesUwresari's Exotic Wonders (2) Uwresari's Exotic Wonders (1)
Heavy orichalcum charm bracelet set with polished gloamstone pebblesGhostly Galleria of Spiritual Souvenirs (2) Ghostly Galleria of Spiritual Souvenirs (1)
High-collared thornweave cotehardie embellished by a spray of mournbloomsLimited Treasures (7) Limited Treasures (3)festival
Hollow Eve 439 giftSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/End loot Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/End lootIcheaHollow Eve Festival 439end loot
Hollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes/Material options
Item:Cracked gloamstone pellets