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ItemSource isRarity is
Compact writing slate with a borderBreaking and Entering/Library lootcommon
Competition miniature flock of seagulls with beady yellow eyesHollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizesincidental
Dainty comb carved with blossomsBreaking and Entering/Bedroom loot
Dainty cowbell fit with a polished handleBreaking and Entering/Library loot
Drum stickTeshi's Instruments Nytingale's Instruments (9)Nytingale's Instruments (8)Nytingale's Instruments (6)Nytingale's Instruments (5)Nytingale's Instruments (4)Nytingale's Instruments (2)Nytingale's Instruments (10)Masquer Aid (1)House of Bardic BluesHotagi'rath Theater (shop)Gadelica's Riches for the Reverent (4)Gadelica's Riches for the Reverent (3)Gadelica's Riches for the Reverent (2)Gadelica's Riches for the Reverent (1)Elepaio's LuthierreDrones and Drums
Etched briquet marked with a simple blossomBreaking and Entering/Armory loot
FaenellicaTeshi's Instruments
Feathery seaweed fronds dappled with swirlsHollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes
Folding chair with a cushioned seatHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizes
Fragile cubeBreaking and Entering/Bedroom loot