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Rathan Carnival

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This festival took place in the province of Qi'Reshalia in the city of Ratha in 2000.


|              Jillisa's Applique Services             |
|     Salutations! Today, I'll be creating various     |
|    works of applique and embroidery for customers.   |
|           A few ground rules for my work:            |
|  1) I do not accept vouchers, unless they happen to  |
|     be from one of my associates. I determine who    |
|          is an associate of mine, not you.           |
|    2) I don't do armor. Period. There's a reason     |
|     that I'm a seamstress and not in the forges.     |
|            3) I don't do weapons. See #2.            |
|  4) I reserve the right to toss you out on your duff |
|    if you are difficult or can't manage to figure    |
|       out what work you wish to have done in a       |
|     reasonable amount of time. Time is money, and    |
|   I have yet to see a person who can pay me enough   |
|          to justify their being obnoxious.           |
|   5) If you want me to use some rare fabric that I   |
|     don't have, be prepared to cough it up. Same     |
|              with adding ANY gemstones.              |