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Ranger Guild Library (Boar Clan)

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Ranger Guild Library
Province Town Building Map Number of Books
Forfedhdar Boar Clan Ranger Guild RanikMap121a 16
'Book Categories'
(abbr. I)
Instructional or tutorial in nature, teach how to do certain things.
Fiction and Folklore
(abbr. F)
The written stories and traditions of a people or invented stories meant for entertainment.
Contemporary and Historic Accounts
(abbr. H)
Events or places from the past, from a current viewpoint or a historical analysis.
Myth and Religion
(abbr. M)
Mythical tales or religious ideas.
(abbr. R)
Written specifically to provide instruction or resource material.
(abbr. B)
A book detailing the life of an individual.
Performance Art
(abbr. P)
Books containing songs, plays, ballads, poems, etc


HxtDA Distortions: The Adan'f
RlvFAS The Flowers of Aesry Surlaenis'a
IssQR Quintessential Ranger
RwvtFR The Flora of Ratha Vol 1 (has different call letters of RwvtRF)
IstNRSA No Ranger Stands Alone
HRseHT Togball History
HoeTG Treatise to the Gathered
RrtGF A Guide to Forfedhdar
HRwvtBHA A Brief History of Alchemy (has different call letters of HwvtBHA)
HxxHGL A Historical Guide to Langenfirth
IxxA Alchemy
hraoaots Aunt Olma's Tog Story (has different call letters of FaoAOTS)
MagI The Immortals
MrwLWD Legend of the World Dragon
RbaHR Healing Reagents
HggTT Grumtup's Tog Tales