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Post:Why is thrown so inaccurate? - 01/10/2015 - 17:33

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Re: Why is thrown so inaccurate? · on 01/10/2015 05:33 PM CST 1559
Yes, leaving the room during PvP is prime cause of unbalance. The ability to prevent your opponent from escaping during engagement is one of the goals of a future combat expansion.

But it needs to be handled carefully. One rewrite idea I've tossed around for PvP ONLY, is -

You and another player are in the room together. Either can leave at any time.

One player advances on another and both players' counters go to 1. Player A tries to go West, and has a 1-second pause before the move occurs.

If pole range is reached, the counter increases to 2. You can retreat to missile, acquire the OF penalty, then must spend 2 seconds leaving.

If melee range is reached, the counter increases to 3. You can retreat to missile, acquire the OF penalty, then must spend 3 seconds leaving.

Every attack/offensive spell increases the counter by 1. Counters over 5 prevent leaving the room entirely. Certain maneuvers will be able to influence this counter up or down. The counter will decrease for every few seconds spent not attacking or using magic.

While under the effect of a counter, moving rooms costs fatigue in addition to the time-delay before moving. The more counters, the more fatigue.

Having a high counter value will also make retreating more difficult. Players can always choose to FLEE to disengage and reset their counters. This is obviously not very easy and can be interrupted and will leave the escapee exhausted - but it is an acceptable method to try if all hope is lost.

A system such as this would solve a few issues. Once two parties were engaged and have traded a few blows/spells - leaving the room becomes impossible without the use of a spell or FLEE, or waiting for the counters to wear off.

However, people caught unaware or not wanting to fight, can attempt to retreat/leave without too much of an issue. It is harder than it is currently but not overly so.

People walking into a room and taking a potshot at someone will be locked there, giving the enemy time to retaliate. This might be a RUSH to melee followed by some blows. It might be hanging back themselves to stay at pole range while they mount a defense.

One question I do have.. is currently after attacking you cannot leave the area for 4 or 5 seconds. Is this not working? Or is it not long enough to make a difference?

This message was originally posted in Combat - Weapons and Armor \ Thrown Weapons, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.