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Post:Water Magic - 06/18/2012 - 14:37
Re: Water Magic · on 06/18/2012 02:37 PM CDT | 1251 |
Well, since I've been doing some of the WM spell conversions I figured I'd chime in on some of these questions. Keep in mind these answers may change while spells continue to get reworked, tweaked, and finalized. But bearing that:
>>Is the damage aspect of IP going away? Yep, IP is a SvS spell that causes a knockdown and stun. >>2)Are we losing the ice shatter aspect of shockwave and veil of ice? I see that there is a meta spell for a flame shockwave but nothing for the ice shard version? Yes and No. The standard version of Shockwave will be dealing cold damage without the use of additional spells as fodder, which means you'll be able to keep those spells up and running even while using Shockwave. There isn't a meta spell for ice for this reason. Whether or not the standard version will be using ice in its messaging is still up in the air. >>3)Rising Mists stuff It's fairly intentional that this spell not be for everyone. Circle reqs aside, though, stealth training is fairly popular among all guilds and RM certainly can help with that training once a player moves up in the critter ladder but might be light on their hiding because of the primary/tertiary gap in skill. That said, a few things have been added to RM that some may like. RM no longer fights with Zephyr, they can live harmoniously together. And RM works in water, which is fun cause it's a water spell. The roof support for FoI is handled by the FoI spell now, not by casting RM and Zephyr, so if you only wanted RM for the FoI roof, you could more easily pass that spell up. >>4)No esoteric Augmentation water form? Well not yet at least. >>5)Any updates on the magical weapons bit? Not from me, I'm not involved in that particular section of things.
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This message was originally posted in The Warrior Mages \ Magic Talk - Current Warrior Mage Magic, by DR-RICINUS on the forums. |