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Post:Using the WARN Verb Properly (and Improperly) - 09/14/2006 - 14:55

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Using the WARN Verb Properly (and Improperly) · on 09/14/2006 02:55 PM CDT 19
Its coming to our attention that there are many people who are using, or rather misusing, the WARN verb and it might be a good idea if we took a moment to explain what the verb is for and perhaps more importantly, what the verb is NOT for.

Topic 1

Proper Usage

WARN COMBAT is intended to be used to advise your target that if they keep up with what they're doing, that violence will ensue. The same thing can be accomplished with whispers or with the OOC verb if you so choose, however, this option will log the matter should something happen and a GM gets involved while OOC/WHISPER will not.

WARN INTERACT is to be used to advise the target that you have attempted to explain to them that you are not interested in being included in whatever situation that they are including you in and that you wish to have no further interaction with them. Generally speaking, this is best used for role-playing situations where you no longer wish to be involved. You can also use the OOC or WHISPER verbs to make this known, but again, WARN documents your position whereas OOC/Whisper do not.

WARN HARASSMENT is to be used in situations where clear, obvious, and repeated harassment is occuring. Please note that "harassment" does not mean that they are just doing things you do not like (such as stealing, "being in The Crossing", speaking on the gweth, etc), but rather systematic and persistant torment, persecution, attacks, or badgering of you, personally.

In some situations, it may not be clear to the other individual that their on-going, in-character feud with you has crossed the line from something that might have been fun for a while, but has now become something that is significantly impacting your ability to play the game. This situation would be an excellent time for WARN INTERACT and, if it persists, WARN HARASSMENT, however, neither WARN variant should be your first reaction.

All flavors of the WARN verb are intended to be used merely as a way to clearly and plainly express your opinion of a situation with your target and document that opinion, should a need arise for a GM to become involved with a situation. In and of itself, the WARN verb has no binding authority. Its merely a tool to log your attempts to manage a situation on a player-to-player level without getting the staff involved.

Topic 2

Improper Usage

1) We see situations where Player A will run their mouth freely and openly or act in such a way in a clear attempt to antagonize Player B. Player B then uses WARN COMBAT, OOC, WHISPER, openly stated comments, or open aggression to advise Player A that a beat-down (or at least, an attempt) will follow shortly, unless they cool their yammering and stop their activities. Player A then uses WARN INTERACT on Player B, under the false assumption that this somehow protects them from Player B's response/reaction.

This is not the case and is improper usage of WARN INTERACT.

2) We see instances where players are using WARN INTERACT quite wantonly and feel that the target player is somehow required to cease and desist any and all activities that Player A disagrees with including such "unacceptable" activities such as "standing in the same room with me", "talking", "stealing from me", or other similar happenings.

WARN INTERACT is not something that should just be thrown around at will and its not something that is a "Magic Shield" meant to insulate you from unpleasant situations or unsavory people. You cannot WARN INTERACT someone to prevent them from stealing, to make them leave a room, or to make them pretend you don't exist, especially if you are the instigator of the problem(s) with that person or if you're unwilling to also hold up your side of the INTERACT bargain, namely, walking away or ignoring them.

This message was originally posted in DragonRealms Policy Discussions \ Policy Announcements (Staff only), by SIMU-SOLOMON on the forums.