Post:Updates, Meeting and More! - 08/28/2012 - 01:23

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Updates, Meeting and More! · on 08/27/2012 01:23 AM CDT 448
Heyas folks.

We're not going to hold a meeting in game this month. Scheduling has been hectic for me, and we're running out of days to try and put it together. I apologize for the last minute notice. I also went ahead and closed the gift tent for now -- we may get another gift in and reopen it, but if not it'll be ready for next month! I did want to go ahead and toss out some updates and information, though.

1) Jisi has at last ended her vacation and finalized her move to Fang Cove with a pair of raffles this evening. She plans to run more in the future, so keep an ear out for her criers! (Plat will see her soon!)

2) The portals to Fang Cove are open and will remain so for a few days. We may have a couple of more things for folks to take advantage of this week, so tentatively they're open until Friday afternoon. This can change as needed.

3a) We'll be releasing a couple of "rings" and other jewelry pieces as LTBs in the near future -- designs are being finalized now and QCs being handled. The rings will cost 100 points and will be fully unlocked. Please be aware that when this happens, we're ALSO putting in an update that ties the teleport to the CHARACTER, rather than the ring. Having multiple rings (or other jewelry) won't allow you to teleport more often. I want this to be very clear. There will also be a note of some kind where you get the pieces that mention this as well.

3b) At some point (soon I hope), we will also have unlocked rings available to purchase for coins for those who want them. The current plan is to have them in one of Fang Cove's upcoming shops, though we may also put one in the Crossing clubhouse as well. For those who don't want to spend coins or LTB points, you will still be able to take existing rings to a merchant to be unlocked.

3c) We're also removing the mechanic where you automatically drop these if you downgrade from Premium. You will still be able to keep them and wear them, but they will not function unless you are a current Premium subscriber.

4) We are adding a second mammoth to Fang Cove. It will travel from Acenamacra (east of Leth) to the docks of FC like the other one. Travel time will be similar to the other (though not exact). No firm ETA on this, but it's being worked on actively.

5) Loriale is being nudged!

Again, sorry for the last minute notice on the lack of meeting this month. If anyone has questions or concerns, feel free to post here on the forums, and we'll respond to them ASAP.

SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate

This message was originally posted in Estate Holders of Elanthia \ Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-ZADRAES on the forums.