Post:The TDP Post V2 - 12/27/2010 - 20:53:15

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Re: The TDP Post V2 · on 12/27/2010 8:53:15 PM 9198
>>Can we get some kind of NEWTDP calculator thingy?

When we're farther along, probably.

>I don't like this, why give tert skills the same weight as primary?

They actually have ~half the weight of primary and secondary. And the answer is, because primary skills have more weight by virtue of being learnable faster. Primary TDPs are weighted higher than secondary are weighted higher than tert due to the rate of learning of each skill - The fact that you earn primary skills faster than secondary skills means you'll earn more TDPs from a primary skill than a secondary skill over the same amount of time.

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic (4) \ The Experience System (11), by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.