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Post:The G'nar Pethian and Blindness - 08/10/2015 - 07:56

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Re: The G'nar Pethian and Blindness · on 08/10/2015 07:56 AM CDT 856
Since there appears to be considerable confusion, I'll give a brief sketch of the [G'Nar Pethan's] history.

Some time ago, in the early imperial era, there was the Prophet G'nar Peth who gathered followers to him and journeyed to the Blasted Plains, which they referred to as G'nar Peth's Garden. There they built Su Helmas and then something something, history becomes considerably blurred at this point.

By the Moon Mage era, the G'nar Pethians had changed dramatically. Some drama had cause them to lose Su Helmas, and the focus came to understanding and piecing together the esoteric wisdom of G'nar Peth. The sect came to be split between the "common" members (there is nothing common about a G'nar Pethian) who is occultist-slash-archeologist trying to find scraps of G'nar Peth's wisdom, and the advanced initiates who claim to have discovered the truth and now find their eyes to be a hindrance to learning more.

About half a century ago the ruins of Su Helmas were discovered and a major effort is underway to excavate the ruins and discover the juicy secrets of G'nar Peth. There is considerable political tension about whether the Guild writ large or the G'nar Pethians exclusively deserve access to said secrets. This has slowed excavation to a crawl (nobody wants to breach the vaults of Su Helmas and let the Other Guy learn all the stuff).


This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ The Moon Mage Sects, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.