Post:The Big Post of Magic Techniques - 1/29/2011 - 22:15:42

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Re: The Big Post of Magic Techniques · on 1/29/2011 10:15:42 PM 12710
>>1) How guild-focused does a spell have to be to be signature?

We've tried different schemes to varying levels of success, and right now I'm going with the Magic Tyrant approach. A spell is a signature spell if Zeyurn, Grejuva and I think it should be.

>>3) What's the difference between Cautious and Efficient Harnessing?

Efficient Harnessing means it takes fewer Attunement points to make a point of held mana.

Cautious Harnessing means you have less of a chance to burn your nerves when that mana inevitably slips.

>>4) Will players be able to see past the alternative preps like they could see past subtle preps/legerdemain?

We need to distinguish between preps and spell recognition.

You cannot "see through" an alternate prep because there's nothing to see through. It's a preparation technique, and if a Moon Mage has learned to prepare spells by beating a drum you aren't going to somehow be able to tell he really wants to raise his arms and chant. The contest at this level is whether or not you see it occurring at all, and Subtle preps are easier to hide than others.

Assuming you see the prep, then you enter the contest of "Do I understand what that crazy moon language means?" which is where Legerdemain and the spell recognition techniques come into play.


This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic (4) \ Magic - Suggestions, Discussions and Thoughts (16), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.