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Post:Terald and company - 05/01/2001 - 22:46

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Post:Terald and company · on 05/01/2001 10:46 PM 4799
First off, the background.

Terald, a noted Artifact dealer and Professor, sold Shares at the Theren festival. These shares were an investment by the buyer, funding his upcoming dig. The investment was 100 platinum lirum. Nearly two years passed, and no word.

About two months ago, Professor Camella, an associate of Terald's, showed up with an interesting statue. Was a rather quick appearance, which involved her manipulating the statue, and it singing a spot on a map, marking the city of Mer'Kresh.

Roughly six weeks ago, two weeks after Camella's initial visit, she returned. This is when Joub, after hearing of the initial appearance, and being a Shareholder, sought her out. After a few minor words, we went to the Half Pint in. We gathered the shareholders that we knew of, and were available and had a small meeting. We set up in groups, to actively search for Terald, as Camella felt he was in danger. She hadn't heard from him in some time, and his last letter had detailed some trouble.

We split into four groups. Xip would head to Riverhaven. Candidus and a couple of others would stay in Crossing, and monitor things there. Joubeyrt, Baldric and a couple of others headed to Mer'Kresh. Idora and a few headed for Ratha. Baldric and I hit Ratha, and were waiting for our boat. We ran into a High Guard that relayed a quick story involving Terald, and confirming what Camella had heard happen to him.

Most of the Ratha group, then joined up with Joubeyrt to head to Mer'Kresh. Most of us then spent a full week on Mer'Kresh, with no hints at all regarding the Terald issue. We finally decided to head to Aesry. Down to Ysabeau, Baldric, Larran, and a few others we picked up along the way, we spent nearly a week and a half on Aesry. Again, not a single word.

Candidus' group had a minor talk with Camella's boss. Which to my knowledge didn't offer any new information, other than to try and cast doubts on Camella's motives.

Since that first night, six weeks ago, to my knowledge not a single thing has happened with this event. I havent' seen Camella, Terald, or any of the other players involved, nor heard of their being spotted. Now, with that all said....

Anyone having any information regarding Terald, Camella, Ishhkail, or Ylissa...Please get in touch with Joubeyrt, or one of the other Shareholders.


This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings (29) \ Events in General (1), by JOUBEYRT on the forums.