Post:Tentative Magic 3.0 Spell List - 9/19/2010 - 18:06:24

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Re: Tentative Magic 3.0 Spell List · on 9/19/2010 6:06:24 PM 7553
>Could you define precisely what the sphere of influence covers? TM, obviously, but what else?

For every guild, the sphere of influence is - Every skill in your primary skillset, most skills in secondary skillsets, and a smattering of tertiary skills. Also, 3 statistics out of the 8.

>Oh, I missed the tingle bit. Suppose it was too good to last.

I'm not opposed to having a 'enemies drop weapons' spell, or adding it back into Tingle. The main thing to remember is that using spells/abilities to take items from other players is 100% mech abuse and we'll be building protections so that players auto-retrieve their items for any abilities like this that Magic 3.0 has.

Debuffs should be much more valuable in Combat 3.0.


This message was originally posted in The Warrior Mages (35) \ Responses to GM/Official Announcements (2), by DR-ZEYURN on the forums.