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Post:TT 254 - Something treewise darkly comes... - 12/31/2024 - 9:48

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TT #254 - Something treewise darkly comes... · on 12/31/2024 9:48 2120
Today's Tuesday Tidings (#254!) This week are tweaking the oft-requested character-eating-tree in the Darkling Wood near Shard. No longer will you need fear falling and injuring yourself if your athletics is above 280 ranks! The tree has been tamed after much sharp words and chastisement.

Mucho thanks to Paklin for QCs!

SGM Ulerith
Creature Goddess and general dogsboddy

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players / Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-ULERITH on the forums.