Post:Spiteful Rebirth - 08/05/2011 - 22:42

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Re: Spiteful Rebirth · on 08/05/2011 10:42 PM CDT 1114
Your circle directly affects your DO by pushing the floor up. Using entirely made up numbers, let's say DO is a scale from 0 to 100. Normal people and Redeemed sit at 0. A 1st circle Necromancer will never go below 1. A 50th circle Necromancer will never go below 25, and so on.

In addition to making DO more of a Thing later on (since you have less room on the scale to err in), this also has the affect of making some of the lower end DO features permanent for non-Redeemed at higher circles. The classic example is that you will always be Forsaken before you hit 100th, because even if you manage to live a pristine spiritual life as a Necromancer, your latent corruption will eventually push past that threshold.


This message was originally posted in The Necromancers \ Spells - Necromancers, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.