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Post:Some SvS changes - 02/28/2015 - 15:05

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Some SvS changes · on 02/28/2015 03:05 PM CST 409
We've made a few changes to SvS related calculations today.

First, all SvS calculations now include a random fudge factor that is weighed toward the defender. The reason we weigh toward the defender is because nearly all global SvS factors aside from stats weigh the scale toward the attacker. Even with the greatest random score, attacker modifiers can still outclass defender modifiers.

Second, we've made modifications to how durations for status effects are determined. Prior to these changes the Duration score of the spell/ability was providing an equal share to determine the final duration of a status effect. Now, the duration of a status effect is more heavily weighed to the degree that the SvS contest was won. For spell users, more mana still have a great deal of influence, since increased Potency score will enhance the SvS win score and increased Duration score will still increase some status effect duration. For NMUs concentration, voice pool, and various other factors continue to factor into your Potency and Duration scores for an individual contest.

We think these numbers will strike a better balance between attacker and defender, especially when they are more evenly matched, as well as preventing excruciatingly long status effect lengths if the attacker only barely wins the contest but with high Duration. We will be keeping a close eye on how these numbers play out, and are ready to fine tune things if issues come up that are not our intention.

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic \ Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-RICINUS on the forums.