Post:Skins, Hides, Pelts and you... - 02/12/2012 - 11:18

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Re: Skins, Hides, Pelts and you... · on 02/12/2012 11:18 AM CST 2168
>>1. Will different parts have different difficulties for a given critter? (I assume so)

>>2. Will different parts teach more and/or be more valuable? I would presume they would teach better given the model of more difficult = more exp + question 1, but what about value? If so...
>>3. Will we have a way of telling which is more valuable, aside from experimentation of skinning every part of a critter to find out? Leading into...
>>4. Will we even be able to see what all kinds of skin/organ/part there are? Part of DESCRIPTION? RECALL? Some extra parameters on SKIN?

Note that I am now leaning towards having "parts", "bones", and "skins", not organs at this time. At release "bones" won't really be an option for many, and things like eyeballs and talons will just be considered "parts". Over time this will expand and continue to be developed.

Parts will likely be easiest, followed by bones and skins. Easier to lop off a claw or talon than it is to extract a bone, or peel off a skin undamaged. This will just be a global modifier, as hand-setting 500 more difficulties would become difficult to maintain... More difficult parts will teach slightly better.

A small variation in value will exist. All skinnable products are valued based on the circle of the critter they came off of. This means a war mammoth might have tusks worth 2 gold, bones worth 2.2 gold, and a hide worth 2.5 gold. Once tanned, the hide may go up or down in value depending on how good its stats are with the tanning system. See, most people won't be skinning for the purpose of making stuff. It is just an outlet for coin.

Very few critters will have multiple arrange options at the onset. You'll be able to just ARRANGE something to get a list of what is possible, at which point it will scold you for not specifying a specific way to arrange it.

This message was originally posted in Lore \ General Discussions - Lore, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.