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Post:Shock Rewrite - 07/22/2012 - 01:44

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Re: Shock Rewrite · on 07/22/2012 01:44 AM CDT 1389
>>1) Is the plan, outside of horrible unforeseen bugs, for this to be released at the same time as X3 or sometime not long after. I could understand if anything that didn't -need- to come out with X3 being held off a few weeks to make things a little easier for the GM staff.

It all has to be released at the same time. The new spells are tied into new shock, to start. There are probably other entanglements that I am just not thinking off of the top of my head. New healing is also close to completion, and this one I am holding off on somewhat just so we don't pretty much have every single system in DR in a state of newness and bugitude.

>>2) You mentioned being able to do the quest several times while not fully insensitive. Would you be willing to explain a little more about how that's going to work? Does that mean we could run the quest over and over and over again to go from 100% shock to 0% shock? Is there a bottom limit like say 25% shock (made up number) where you just have to wait it out and the quest wont help anymore?

Once you're permashocked, you HAVE to do the quest at least once to start regenerating your empathy. Completing the quest leaves you at about 1/4-1/3rd capacity with a big chunk of shock still to wait out. So after that, if you want to, you can just wait out the shock and you'll eventually drift back up to full empathy again. Or if you want, you can repeat the quest a few more times to hasten your empathy regeneration. Each completion of the quest will bump you up that much more. There's a cooldown on the quest, so you can't run it back to back to back, but after the cooldown is up, you can do the quest again if your shock has not already fully worn off.

>>Oh I thought of a 3rd question. When an Empath is permashocked can we loose the need to use a critter's name while in combat? Actually can we use get rid of that or make it a toggle when this system comes out since it wont be nearly as big a deal anymore

I have pushed for the removal of the need to type out the full name, or if not that, at least a toggle. Whether or not this feature makes it into the new combat system isn't up to me, though.

>>I'd also like to think that there are Big Things coming down the pike related to empathy that we'd miss a lot more then being able to heal others and a few nice spells.

More Uses For Empathy is always a thing that is on my radar. I've backed off from this a little bit just to give X3 time to get released and settled down, but once it's safely out the gate and reasonably unbuggy, I hope to get the new healing system + new healing techniques released.

>>Will there be a way for Empaths to see how shocked they are (for example, "You are currently suffering from a 90% loss of empathic sensitivity")?

I don't plan for this to be something that the empath can assess for him or herself, but it's possible that there might be an NPC that can tell you, or maybe a sufficiently skilled PC empath.

>>We're still gonna be stunned when we attack things in the new system. Oh gee that's like suicide in my experience. Gee thanks. Great system.

Yep, you still get stunned if you're not permashocked. The stun is a lot shorter, though. Directly hunting stuff with a life essence is never going to be a great idea for a non-permashocked empath. We have constructs, manipulate, and the GS as other options to access the combat system. If that is still not satisfactory, you can always go the shock-lock route for a while and be able to hunt without worrying about stuns.

This message was originally posted in The Empaths \ General Discussions - Empaths, by DR-MELETE on the forums.