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Post:Scripting Policy Update - 12/7/2008 - 23:04:22
Scripting Policy Update · on 12/7/2008 11:04:22 PM | 37 |
After listening to the discussion and looking more into the situation, I'm going to make an adjustment.
Instead of matching the skill penalty with the stat penalty, we're going to take 1 point per Scripting Warning off your stats, starting with the second Scripting Warning. That way, once you get all your skills back to where they were before, you'll still have a penalty, because after all, you are blatantly violating the policy you explicitly re-agreed to follow after your first Warning, but it won't be unmanageable. So, the breakdown: First Scripting Warning: Slap on the wrist, must explicitly re-agree to follow the Policy regarding gain while unresponsive to the game Second Scripting Warning: 10% off all skills, 1 point off all stats Third Scripting Warning: 25% off all skills, 2 point off all stats Fourth Scripting Warning: 40% off all skills, 3 point off all stats etc....etc... Ultimately, we don't want you breaking Policy, but we also don't want to "break" your character. We want it to hurt and be a deterrent, but not be something you can't recover from, provided you don't make a habit of it. NEWS 5 17 and POLICY 16 will be updated shortly. Those folks who've already been penalized will have their stat points restored, minus however many points are applicable for their particular situation. | |
This message was originally posted in DragonRealms Policy Discussions (2) \ Policy Announcements (Staff only) (20), by SIMU-SOLOMON on the forums. |