Post:Riftal summons - 2/2/2011 - 16:56:36

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Re: Riftal summons · on 2/2/2011 4:56:36 PM 9408
The decision was passed down from me to Armifer and Bursaal that shifting moonbeams to players was to be eliminated.

Unfortunately, this resulted in a misunderstanding since the intent of my statement was that all methods of remotely opening a moongate to a far away player needed to go, but I did not actually know that Celestial Beacons existed to talk about them.

Thus, a new use for celestial beacons is going to have to be found in the New Worlde.


This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages (24) \ The Lunar Magic Spell Books (10), by DR-ZEYURN on the forums.