Post:Re: Nomad Rut - 12/20/2012 - 14:51

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Re: Nomad Rut · on 12/20/2012 02:51 PM CST 767
>>How does one retain their belief that [the Nomads of the Arid Steppe] speak to spirits when the rest of the guild knows you are connecting to the plane of probability and see the web of fate (that we now are even learning to manipulate)?

Moon Mages deal with spirits all the time; including a kind that bears a striking resemblance to the one who came to Kir Dor'na'torna in his life-changing ordeal. The big question isn't whether the Shamans had spirits to speak to, but how in blazes they were speaking to spirits while the rest of the sects (and the guild modeled after them) is in endless conflict with them.

The only particularly problematic Nomad belief is that they can speak to their ancestors, which is less verifiably wrong as it is in conflict with the religion of the Immortals.


This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ The Moon Mage Sects, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.