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Post:Rayureko, Claw of Eu - 04/10/2015 - 20:47

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Rayureko, Claw of Eu · on 04/10/2015 08:47 PM CDT 1568
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~ 6:30 pm CST Friday April 10th 2015

It has been 415 years, 368 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer. It is the 10th month of Nissa the Maiden in the year of the Golden Panther. It is currently winter and it is dusk. You're positive it's 3 roisaen before the Anlas of Tamsine's Toil.

[The Grove, Ancient Tree] Several fireflies dart about the limbs and branches, lighting this airy landing. An outline of a hide can be seen stretched between two branches. Scattered along the floor are several lumpy mounds and a shadowy string of skulls hang from a nearby branch. You also see a raw bear haunch, a tree trunk, a lifesculpted ironwood sideboard with several things on it, a dark hole and an ironwood drink cart with several things on it. Also here: Su'Gul Charlize, Stargazer Mistanna who is sitting, Grand Inquisitor Liurilias who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Gallant Tenike who is emanating a benevolent holy aura, War Healer Kerenelle who is sitting, Godsworn Sendithu, Thug Nurvembarr, Heartbreaker Shayana, Weapon Master Truix who is sitting, Skuraiav, Biomancer Kalyndara, Hub Storyteller Jhesili, Night Hunter Meganlique, Dafo Zamara, Lady of the House Kintalia, Navigator Gotinx, Rayureko, Safeguard Healper, Predator Linessa, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Kawtehppor who is sitting, Master Healer Kithrievarion, Jadetiger who is sitting, Black Widow Faehlan who is sitting and Holy Warrior Jofka.

You see Rayureko Sablefang, of the Claw of Eu, a Prydaen. Rayureko has cat-slitted grey eyes and a narrow nose. His red-gold mane is shoulder length and curly, and is worn in a careless, windblown arrangement. He has rust-colored fur, a slender tail and an athletic build. He is slightly under average height for a Prydaen. He appears to be young. He is in good shape.

He is wearing a carved bronze disc displaying three narrow rays, a worn hide sash heavily beaded with bones, a calf-length linen tunic belted with golden twine and a bronze armband inlaid with a cambrinth triquetra.

Rayureko says to Jofka, "I quite like being near easy food and drink while I share stories."

Rayureko ducks his head.

Zamara nods politely to Rayureko.

Rayureko says, "Reminds me of home, and all."

Rayureko smiles at Zamara.

Sendithu leans on Zamara.

Truix greedily says, "Oooo, tenderloin..."

Rayureko stands up.

Truix sinks his fangs into a slice of ram tenderloin and bolts down a bite.

Meganlique babbles something incoherent at Truix.

Rayureko says, "I suppose we have quite the gathering, so I should begin, I think."

Rayureko fidgets nervously.

Truix angles an ear toward Meganlique slightly, but otherwise ignores her.

Rayureko says, "Some of you already know me, and some of you heard my introduction earlier, but for those that did not, I am Yureko, or Voice in the Prydaenese tongue. I am a member of the Claw of Eu."

Rayureko says, "Primarily, the Claw aids in the teaching of our young, passing on our histories and religious beliefs."

Rayureko says, "Being only sixteen myself, you'll have to be a bit patient with me. Often times, I still get a bit confused when I'm trying to remember something."

Rayureko says, "Right now, I really only remember this life, and my most recent one. That's another thing about our Claw. We teach histories.. because we remember them as clearly as you all may remember the first time you killed a creature, or ate a cupcake."

Rayureko says, "As some of you are wont to say.. Most Only Remember Once. It's why you'll find so many Prydaen live their lives on the edge, not bothering overly much with if they'll greatly regret something."

Rayureko says, "Very few of you, perhaps only three or four know who I used to be, who I am, who I remember being."

Rayureko shifts his weight.

Kintalia appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Meganlique appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Jhesili ponders.

Rayureko says, "We're not often in the habit of name dropping, but since it's rather integral to the information I'd like to share with you.."

Rayureko says, "I was once, am, and remember the life of Vael ShadeSable."

Faehlan blinks.

Rayureko says, "The very same man that led armies against Lyras, aided in raising the barrier, and helped form new homes, and a Hub in the East."

Rayureko says, "For this rather.. unique set of memories, the Claw of Eu has sent me out to find a group of Prydaen we once new of that ventured to the far East. A group that has been cut off from the world ever since."

Jhesili beams at Rayureko!

Rayureko says, "Most often, I'm travelling between Hubs, and the land where they reside, hoping to gain their trust, and the Humans that seem to be living near them. They're all quite a bit skittish, though."

Rayureko appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Raikage leaps from hiding and ambushes Rayureko! Raikage thrusts a kertig thrusting blade at Rayureko. The blade lands an apocalyptic strike (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that skewers a perfect hole between the shoulder blades (Heart Burn!)!

  • Rayureko is slain before your eyes!

Truix inhales a great swallow of air.

Jhesili quirks her ears outward in surprise.

Nurvembarr laughs!

Faehlan blinks.

Kintalia blinks.

Tenike frowns.

Zamara just touched Rayureko, barely brushing his skin.

You mumble something unprintable.

Jhesili casually observes the area.

Kintalia lays her hand on Rayureko's arm.

[The Grove, Ancient Tree] Creaking limbs and branches intertwine to form a makeshift floor. Within this airy landing, the cured hide of some long dead beast sways between two leafy boughs. Scattered upon the floor, in several haphazard piles, lay mounds of various pelts. Dangling from overhead like some macabre wind chime, a collection of skulls sways in the shifting breeze. Also here: Gallant Tenike who is emanating a benevolent holy aura, Thug Nurvembarr, Dafo Zamara, Safeguard Healper, Predator Linessa, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Kawtehppor who is sitting, Godsworn Sendithu, Prankster Kartune, Master Healer Kithrievarion, Jadetiger who is sitting, Weapon Master Truix who is sitting, Navigator Gotinx, Lady of the House Kintalia, Night Hunter Meganlique who is sitting, Biomancer Kalyndara who is sitting, Lierian, Hub Storyteller Jhesili, Black Widow Faehlan who is sitting, Carme, Holy Warrior Jofka who is sitting and the body of Rayureko who is lying down. Obvious paths: none.

Jadetiger gasps!

Meganlique searches around for a moment.

Nurvembarr says, "You cannot cage all of that rage."

Sendithu sighs.

You hear the ghostly voice of Rayureko say, "I'm really not quite sure why you felt that was necessary."

Kalyndara just touched Rayureko.

You see Rayureko Sablefang, of the Claw of Eu, a Prydaen. Rayureko has cat-slitted grey eyes and a narrow nose. His red-gold mane is shoulder length and curly, and is worn in a careless, windblown arrangement. He has rust-colored fur, a slender tail and an athletic build. He is slightly under average height for a Prydaen. He appears to be young.

He appears to be dead! Other than that...

He has severely swollen and bruised back, minor scarring along the back.

He is wearing a carved bronze disc displaying three narrow rays, a worn hide sash heavily beaded with bones, a calf-length linen tunic belted with golden twine and a bronze armband inlaid with a cambrinth triquetra.

Ibakha frowns.

Kawtehppor lays his hand on Rayureko's arm.

Kalyndara just touched Rayureko.

Ibakha asks, "What happened to Yureko?"

Jhesili says, "He was attacked."

Tenike raises Rayureko from the dead after Zamara, Kalyndara and Kawtehppor heal his wounds and we return the tree.

Rayureko says, "Well."

Sendithu frowns.

Rayureko rubs his left ear.

Jadetiger takes a sip of her chocolate.

Rayureko says, "Thank you for the quick assistance."

Rayureko grins sheepishly.

Meganlique grins at Rayureko.

Truix says, "'least the episode added to the story's suspense."

Truix hums to himself.

Meganlique says something in Prydaenese.

Mistanna leans on Truix.

Rayureko says, "I suppose not everyone wants to hear stories, though that was a rather violent way of showing displeasure."

Truix takes a seat near Mistanna.

Truix perks his ears up happily as he gazes at Mistanna.

Mistanna takes a seat near Truix.

Jadetiger takes a sip of her chocolate.

Mistanna grins sheepishly.

Kintalia softly says to Rayureko, "Some might even call it rude."

Kintalia grins at Rayureko, her dimples flashing into view.

Jhesili nods at Rayureko, obviously agreeing with his views.

Rayureko shrugs.

Jadetiger says, "Indeed."

Rayureko says, "I suppose it's really just one more death to remember."

Rayureko appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Rayureko asks, "Now then, what was I saying?"

Zamara says, "There were others, you were sent to find."

Zamara says, "Who had come east."

Rayureko exclaims, "Oh, right!"

Rayureko says, "The ones with the Humans."

Rayureko says, "Well, the Prydaen are quite skittish and untrusting, too."

Rayureko says, "Even with me, at first."

Kawtehppor says, "Do you blame yourself? You just got murdered."

Rayureko says to Kawtehppor, "I suppose I upset him somehow. I imagine I will never know. It's quite okay."

Rayureko says, "I had my own days of being that way. I suppose we all go through our times of insecurities."

Rayureko says, "I've been able to meet with the Humans and the Prydaen a few times around the islands, and just recently, they've allowed me to enter their port city."

Rayureko says, "They're still a bit closested about letting me wander about without an escort, but it seems that the Humans keep to themselves within a port city, and past it.. this is where the Prydaen have made a home."

Rayureko says, "They've told me of two Hub so far, and I've seen such amazing trees, with great large and tall trunks and such tiny canopies full of rather colorful birds."

Rayureko says, "It's an incredibly beautiful land, and I've been trying hard to get them, and the Humans to consider allowing more than just myself to see it."

Rayureko says, "I freely admit I wanted to see the birds closer for more than just idle curiosity."

Rayureko gazes at his claws.

Rayureko chuckles.

Rayureko says, "I believe that we're still a ways off from my being able to bring outsiders to their little island, but I do hope one day, I can gather up a group and do just that."

Rayureko says, "Now then.. on the topic of Hubs."

Rayureko flashes a wide grin.

Truix wistfully says, "I rather enjoyed port life. If it's anythin' like Fang Cove..."

Truix gazes off into the distance.

Rayureko grins at Truix.

Rayureko says, "Fang Cove is a nice little place. I enjoy visiting it."

Rayureko nods to Truix.

Rayureko says to Meganlique, "Likely much more than just Prydaens. There is a Human city between the water and the Prydaen."

Rayureko chuckles.

Rayureko says, "Most of you know precious little about the Hubs of the west, or the Hubs that have sprouted up here."

Rayureko says, "Though, Rabbit has set an amazing first step in allowing outsiders into Sunfall."

Rayureko rubs his neck.

Rayureko says, "So, I'd like to tell you first, about the other Hub located on this side of the barrier, before telling you all about the Hubs that are now.. sadly quite destroyed."

Rayureko furrows his brow.

Rayureko says, "I'll do my best to tell you as I remember them, when they were full of Prydaen, full of life."

Rayureko says, "I had mentioned before, that I hold the memories of Vael, and that I aided in setting up a Hub in the east. In fact, I believe there's a book out there that mentions me, along with an old friend of mine that went on to become a Warrior Guild leader."

Rayureko says, "The Hub that I and my wife helped set up was one known as Silverclaw."

Rayureko says, "We moved it several times, as we were quite uninterested in being discovered, or really living among the Easterners much. No offense meant to you all, but we had just lost our home, and we were heart wounded enough that we could not bear dealing with much more."

Rayureko says, "The Hub still exists today, though they have settled on a more permanent location. Once, in which, I do hope to show you all in time."

Rayureko smiles.

Rayureko says, "Largely reclusive, even still, Silverclaw was a loose formation of Prydaen that formed following the raising of the Great Barrier."

Rayureko says, "The Hub was led by myself and Sensfrilor in the beginning. It is now led by another, who does not wish his name known just yet."

Nurvembarr asks, "When did you start the hub?"

Rayureko says, "Our Hub location, nor our territories were never revealed to outsiders, but as I said, we now have a more permanent location, neatly hidden away in the Forest of Night."

Rayureko says to Nurvembarr, "The same year the Barrier was raised."

Rayureko smiles at Nurvembarr.

Rayureko says, "Now.. for some of the more well known Hubs and territories of the west."

Rayureko says, "Amberglen."

Rayureko says, "Nestled in the expansive grasslands of the West, Amberglen was largely a territory filled with cattle, large animals of prey, and home to a central village comprised of semi-permanent wooden structures."

Rayureko says, "Usually sparse on population, the majority of Prydaen that roamed this territory, were highly anti-social amongst themselves, preferring more than any other Hub, to be off on their own."

Rayureko says, "Many of the goods that came from this Hub were wooden or woven from the tall grasses that permeated the area. Baskets and storage of all sizes were made in excess here and frequently taken to Sungrove City for trade."

Rayureko says, "And as I've mentioned it.. I'll explain about Sungrove City next."

Rayureko says, "Sungrove City was something of what you all may think of as a capital, or a main city within a province."

Rayureko says, "Such as Shard for Ilithi, Crossing for Zoluren, Ratha for Qi'Reshalia."

Rayureko says, "Positioned between many of the larger Hubs, the city started off as simply a place where many of us came together for spring festivals."

Rayureko says, "As time passed; however, many Prydaen chose to stay in some of the permanent structures that had arisen, making their homes here."

Rayureko says, "Soon enough, small farms began to spread out here, providing fresh milk and sometimes raw meats."

Rayureko says, "As any city is wont to do, Sungrove prospered as more Prydaen chose to make trade here and the city soon earned a name for being a popular place to get resources."

Rayureko says, "Becoming more of a capital for the Prydaen, many of the other races in the west, such as the Olvi, the Rakash, and the Humans were welcomed here for trading, as this was a great way to get materials the Prydaen themselves did not have access to."

Rayureko says, "I suppose that's also a thing not entirely wide known. The Humans and Olvi were definitely among those that populated the western lands."

Rayureko says, "Now of course, even with such bright and semi permanent places like Sungrove and Amberglen, we of course had much more nomadic groups, such as the territories of Sunmark."

Rayureko says, "A migrating Hub, Sunmark was home and meeting place for many Desert Prydaen. Temporary structures were frequently used and only favorite locations ended up becoming homes to permanent buildings -- of which were systematically abandoned as the Hub moved about the desert to follow food."

Rayureko says, "The life and culture of those within Sunmark was one of strict survival, leading others not used to them to often think of them as off-putting or flat out rude. And that's saying something for a Prydaen."

Rayureko says, "My last mate's family came from Sunmark. Impossible to get along with."

Rayureko flicks his ears back in obvious annoyance.

Jofka snickers.

Liurilias chuckles.

Tenike chuckles.

Meganlique flashes a quick grin at Rayureko.

Jhesili flashes a wide grin at Rayureko.

Truix smiles.

Skuraiav chuckles.

Rayureko says, "She was of course wonderful, but I digress."

Rayureko says, "They were not a very laid back community, to say the least, but they held a great respect for the desert, believing it to be an extension of the Triquetra unlike any other."

Rayureko says, "That is to say.. The desert provides life, but it will also just as easily rip it from you and return you to the Wheel if you are not careful."

Rayureko says, "As you can imagine, shelters were mostly tents and huts. Any armor and most of the tools they had were largely bone, glass, or hide."

Rayureko says, "They often dressed very lightly in billowy and lightly colored fabrics. Much like you see with the clothing of the S'Kra Mur in Muspar'I."

Rayureko says, "And last of the more well known Hubs from the west.. that is also to the great sadness of many that remember it, destroyed."

Rayureko says, "Windhowl."

Rayureko furrows his brow.

Liurilias's ears droop for a moment.

Jhesili's ears droop for a moment.

Rayureko says, "Windhowl was rather close to my heart. I had visited it often."

Liurilias shivers suddenly, seeming less secure.

Rayureko says, "Situated in the mountains of the west, Windhowl was a regional home to those of us that would be described as Mountain Prydaen."

Rayureko says, "The Hub itself was quite expansive and made use of a large system of caves and galleries through the mountain range, though it's center was quite something to behold."

Rayureko smiles.

Rayureko says, "The center of the Hub was a large, circular area in the interior of a long dormant volcano, with the most breath-taking view of the sky I've ever seen, especially at night."

Rayureko says, "There's something that makes you feel so entirely small about that particular view. I suppose along the lines of looking out from a tall cliff upon a large valley that stretches onto the horizon."

Sendithu gives a slight nod.

Truix's ears perk up happily.

Rayureko says, "Among these mountain dwelling Prydaen, the population was quite friendly, though very pious, and many of the young there showed early signs of being chosen to becom a member of the Claw of Tenemlor."

Rayureko says, "Frequently, this Hub saw travelers, as Prydaen from all over would journey to the caves to see.. one cave in particular."

Rayureko looks a bit wistful for a moment, as if he'd lost something rather important.

Rayureko says, "The cave they'd all come to see, was ensconced in white opal. Entirely, every wall and surface was glitteringly white, and just absolutely dazzling to behold."

Rayureko says, "Largely, we all believed this was a blessed place of Tenemlor."

Liurilias scratches one ear, looking bemused.

Rayureko says, "As such, it's particularly painful that we have no access to it anymore."

Jofka's ears droop for a moment.

Rayureko says, "Now, within the territory of Windhowl, the clothing worn was extremely varied. The seasons dictated rather strongly the need for this."

Rayureko says, "You'd often find the Prydaen here wearing cottons, wools, and hides, though, during the warm seasons, or especially during spring festivals, many brought goods and clothes from other regions."

Rayureko says, "And now, hopefully, I've sated quite a bit of curiosities about the Hubs of the past, and a bit about how we lived."

Rayureko says, "Though, if there are questions, I'm happy to try to answer them."

Liurilias knits his eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown.

Vianae gnaws on her lip.

Liurilias raises his hand.

Rayureko asks, "Or have I just dropped so much information on you all, that you need time to process?"

Rayureko appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Kintalia raises her hand.

Rayureko asks Liurilias, "Yes?"

Liurilias asks Rayureko, "When you speak of kits showing signs of being chosen to be in a Claw, where there certain signs that were looked for that would indicate the Three were directing you to them? Or other criteria that would indicate that?"

Rayureko says, "It's rather difficult for me to say much, as the secrets of the Claw of Tenemlor are still kept rather closely among their members. Generally, the signs that were felt to show they were chosen were a series of rather odd events that happened around The White Cave."

Liurilias cocks his head.

Rayureko says to Liurilias, "I recall a story about it, actually."

Liurilias says, "It was more in general about each of them, I would not wish to pry into Tenemlor's secrets if she sees fit not to share them."

Liurilias chuckles.

Liurilias smiles at Rayureko.

Liurilias says, "Stories are always nice."

Rayureko nods.

Rayureko says, "I can only share what I know."

Rayureko grins.

Truix rubs his nose with his linen handkerchief.

Truix puts his handkerchief in his hitman's backpack.

Kintalia ponders.

Rayureko says, "The story goes, though, that a mother woke to find her young kit missing. It wasn't an easy thing to have your young kit disappearing, especially before they were supposed to be entrusted to the Claws for instruction."

Rayureko says, "She enlisted several of the Prydaen within the central Hub to help find her son, and he ended up being located within The White Cave."

Rayureko says, "Though, a rather odd thing had happend to this young boy."

Rayureko says, "Rather than retaining his grey fur, with no markings, they found that several patches of white began to grow into his fur as he aged, the first beginning that very day, on his left ear."

Rayureko says, "The Claws and the Elders of course felt this was a definite sign, and as he aged, he was brought into the Claw of Tenemlor, becoming one of their most reknown members at that time."

Rayureko says to Liurilias, "There are other stories, of eyes turning white, a child's hand turning white, like blessed Tenemlor's."

Rayureko says, "And of stories of children speaking as if with Tenemlor's voice rather than their own."

Rayureko says, "The signs are quite varied."

Liurilias asks Rayureko, "Were similar signs seen with those of the other Claw?"

Rayureko asks Liurilias, "Does this answer your query?"

Liurilias nods.

Liurilias says to Rayureko, "Thank you."

Rayureko says, "The Claw of Eu members are usually picked out quite early."

Kintalia ponders.

Rayureko says, "It becomes rather obvious when we start becoming heavily confused about who we are."

Rayureko shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

Linessa grins.

Liurilias scratches one ear, looking bemused.

Rayureko says, "Most of us show signs around the early twenties in terms of the number of winters we see."

Liurilias rubs a small white button painted with "MORO" in black.

Rayureko says, "I was found when I was thirteen."

Liurilias nods to Rayureko.

Rayureko says, "And as for the Claw of Demrris.. that gets a bit more complex."

Rayureko says, "These members are generally not chosen until they are much older, and frequently chosen for specific qualities."

Rayureko says, "Usually, they're chosen from those Prydaen that -- quite oddly -- show a

specific talent for patience."

Rayureko appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Jhesili chuckles.

Liurilias chuckles.

Rayureko says, "Not something I possess, at all."

Rayureko lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Rayureko asks Kintalia, "I believe you also had a question?"

Jhesili scratches one ear, looking bemused.

Kintalia gives Rayureko a slight nod.

Rayureko grins.

Jofka chuckles.

Kintalia softly says to Rayureko, "Forgive me if I seem somewhat ignorant."

Kintalia hesitantly asks Rayureko, "So this cave of white opal, was it merely used for worship and prayer? Given that access has been lost, do objects made of white opal hold the same significance for you or was it specifically that cave?"

Kintalia peers quizzically at Rayureko.

Rayureko smiles.

Rayureko says, "Not ignorant at all. It's actually a good question."

Rayureko says, "The White Cave was a place believed to be blessed. We never harvested from it. It was not generally a place of worship so much as it was a place of homage, of thanks, and yes, for prayer at times.

Rayureko says, "In fact, throughout the territory of Windhowl, it was rather forbidden to mine white opals from the mountains."

Kintalia softly says to Rayureko, "So although the colour white may hold some meaning for you, there is no specific symbology or value to the stone from the cave itself."

Kintalia gives Rayureko a slight nod.

Kintalia softly says, "I see."

Kintalia ponders.

Rayureko says to Kintalia, "It's more the color, yes. Though you may see some people that make items out of white opal these days, as it's a reminder, and something of a connection to what we lost."

Rayureko says, "The material isn't strictly as important to us as say.. blue gold."

Kintalia softly says to Rayureko, "I was curious as I had come across some small statues."

Rayureko nods.

Liurilias's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Rayureko says to Kintalia, "I imagine you'll find some in white opal, ivory, or other materials of the same color."

Rayureko says, "I've even seen some rather intricate ones done in bleached bone."

Kintalia softly says to Rayureko, "I believe it was small white marble statues of Tenemlor."

Rayureko nods to Kintalia.

Kintalia softly asks Rayureko, "What is the reason that blue gold is special to the Prydaen people?"

Jofka gets a delicate white marble Tenemlor figurine from inside his enveloping pall.

Jofka says, "Like this one."

Kintalia softly says to Rayureko, "I have head this before but no one ever explained why."

Rayureko grins.

Kintalia nods at Jofka, obviously agreeing with his views.

Zamara just touched an engraved medallion wrought in blue and blighted gold.

Shayana smiles at Jofka.

Jofka shows Kintalia his Tenemlor figurine.

Kintalia softly says to Jofka, "Just like that one."

Kintalia grins, revealing her dimples.

Rayureko says, "Primarily, it is so important to us, because it is the only acceptable way to create a true shariza, which is the symbol we use for Tenemlor."

Rayureko says, "The material is also one that came from Windhowl's territories."

Rayureko asks, "Were there other questions?"

Rayureko casually observes the area.

Shayana asks in Prydaenese, "Will we soon be able to visit these other hubs?"

Rayureko says, "Most of the ones I have spoken of, are in the West, and are destroyed or filled with the undead."

Rayureko says, "Silverclaw, however, and the two Hubs I have found on the island, I do hope to one day bring you all to."

Kintalia softly says to Rayureko, "Far too many but I would not wish to bore everyone here with them."

Kintalia chuckles.

Rayureko chortles softly at some secret joke.

Kintalia grins, revealing her dimples.

Rayureko says, "Well, it won't be the only time I visit, I imagine."

Jhesili says, "No questions, jus thank ya fer da stories. I was a kit raised on da way here, maybe dat da reason fer me love of caravans...anyways, good ta hear some of da better memories."

Rayureko asks Vianae, "Are you quite okay? Is the height of the tree alarming you?"

Vianae blushes furiously!

Rayureko grins at Jhesili.

Jhesili flashes a wide grin at Rayureko.

Vianae sheepishly says, "I am fine, thank you."

Rayureko says to Jhesili, "I'm very happy to share the stories and the information."

Rayureko smiles at Vianae.

Vianae says, "I was just concerned."

Vianae fidgets nervously.

Truix smiles at Vianae.

Rayureko asks, "Concerned?"

Rayureko angles his ears forward in curiosity.

Vianae motions to Truix.

Vianae says, "He is getting a cold."

Linessa asks Rayureko, "Could you discuss the culture ofour forest dwelling kin a bit?"

Rayureko says to Linessa, "Of course."

Linessa smiles at Rayureko.

Rayureko says, "Silverclaw is one of the forest territories, and I believe one of the Hubs on the island is hidden somewhere in their forests, too."

Linessa says, "It's nice to hear about some of the traditional items both worn and crafted."

Rayureko flashes a wide grin.

Rayureko says, "Generally, you'll find that forest hubs are constructed high up in the trees, with several.. treehouses? and bridges and platforms running between them."

Rayureko says, "The culture among these groups is generally open, but there are not a lot of very old Prydaen in them, unless they never leave the Hub."

Rayureko says, "As for clothing.. well that largely depends on where the forest is located."

Rayureko says, "You'll find a lot of darker colors used as dyes though, and not a lot of lights are used. The primary objective within a forest hub is to remain hidden."

Rayureko says, "That, and no one wants to be the person that burned down the sleeping quarters."

Rayureko says, "Quite similar to grassland hubs, the forest hubs are also very meticulous about using everything from kills."

Rayureko says, "The less refuse generated, the better, as it has to be hauled out of the central Hub, and put somewhere."

Rayureko says, "So there's often areas for curing hides and skins, large baskets full of pieces and parks, teeth, claws, anything that can be used later by tool makers, jewelry makers, and so on."

Rayureko says, "Most of the more elaborate goods come from these hubs, as they're more likely to have the spare parts to trade."

Rayureko says, "Or to work with."

Jhesili asks Rayureko, "So what about da plains folk den?"

Rayureko says to Jhesili, "The grassland hubs are usually quite large, as they tend to be more permanent and there's less need to follow food."

Rayureko says, "They usually end up as rather sprawling areas with large territories."

Rayureko says, "They're also commonly close to areas used for sky burials."

Rayureko says, "As I understand it, the Hubs on the island still practice this."

Rayureko says, "Rather unique, as here in this land, we have the fear of necromancy."

Vianae gnaws on her lip.

Vianae raises her hand.

Rayureko nods to Vianae.

Vianae nervously asks, "What is a sky burial?"

Rayureko says, "A sky burial is a practice of the Prydaen in the west, largely unpracticed now due to necromancy, and because of what happened to our people."

Rayureko says to Vianae, "When one of us passes from this world and is returned to the Wheel, we construct a large platform."

Rayureko says, "Upon it, we'll place the body of our kin, usually wrapped, highly decorated, and we often leave symbols for our gods tied to the platform, for luck, for prayers, for best wishes, for hopes to meet again."

Rayureko says, "It's sometimes seen as gruesome to outsiders, as we leave the bodies in the open air, allowing nature.. allowing Eu to use the body."

Rayureko says, "Though in the west.. things not of Eu began to use our dead, turning them against us."

Rayureko lays his ears back and hisses angrily.

Vianae asks, "Would you stay with the body?"

Vianae fidgets nervously.

Rayureko says to Vianae, "Ah. No, generally, not. Some close to the fallen may visit or stay for several days, but we are not a race that wishes to hold our loved ones back from passing to the Wheel."

Vianae says to Rayureko, "Oh, I did not mean to interfere, only...perhaps to make sure it is not used in that wretched way."

Rayureko nods to Vianae.

Zamara asks, "Assume these grounds are guarded now, to prevent... any unfortunate events, yes?"

Rayureko says to Zamara, "The island folk seem to largely reject all outsiders, and they've not had any issues for as long as they have been there."

Rayureko says, "As I understand it, it is only recently that they began sky burials again. Recent being within the last twenty years."

Rayureko says, "For a long time, they were unsure of the safety of doing so, and burned the dead."

Tenike asks, "Wouldn't the increased activity of the, uh, fauna... birds, mostly, conflict with the interest to remain hidden, especially for those in the island forests?"

Rayureko says to Tenike, "The Humans have told me it is entirely impossible for anyone to land upon the island except at their port. The waters and landscape are rather unfriendly on all other sides."

Tenike nods to Rayureko.

Rayureko says to Tenike, "The Prydaen likely would not be trying to hide from the Humans terribly much though. As I understand it, they have something of an agreement."

Rayureko says, "The Humans allowed them onto the island, in exchange, none of them leave."

Rayureko furrows his brow.

Rayureko says, "It is likely, I will need to make a similar promise one day."

Jofka says, "Sounds... complicated."

Rayureko nods to Jofka.

Rayureko asks, "There are other questions?"

Rayureko asks, "Or shall I return your evening to you all now?"

Rayureko smiles.

Rayureko says, "Thank you all for being here, and allowing me to perform a part of my

function as a member of the Claw of Eu."

Rayureko says to Tenike, "Thank you again for returning my spirit to this body."

Rayureko lays his hand on Tenike's arm.

Rayureko asks Tenike, "Could I have your name?"

Tenike says to Rayureko, "It was my honor to do so, though I'm disappointed it had to

happen at all."

Tenike says to Rayureko, "I am Tenike."

Tenike smiles at Rayureko.

Rayureko says, "Such things happen. At least it was only a short interruption."

Rayureko says to Zamara, "And of course, my dear Zamara, thank you for healing this body."

(and Kalyndara and Kawtepphor)

Rayureko waves.

Rayureko glances at a raw bear haunch.

Rayureko picks up a raw bear haunch.

Liurilias says to Rayureko, "Thank you for the instruction and stories."

Rayureko idly picks at a silver serving dish of raw bear haunches.

Rayureko puts his haunch in his hide sash.

Rayureko flashes a wide grin at Liurilias.

Liurilias studies the ground for a moment.

Liurilias says, "I'm sorry I didn't arrive in time to hear them from the beginning."

Rayureko says to Liurilias, "I'm sure you have quite a bit of your own knowledge. I'm only too happy to add to it."

Rayureko says, "Oh, no need to apologize. This was very informal."

Rayureko grins.

Liurilias says to Rayureko, "Mm, I've learned as much as I can over the years but it's not the same as being able to be instructed by you."

Rayureko says, "I'm sure someone here will be able to share the parts you missed with you."

Rayureko chuckles.

Liurilias cocks his head.

Rayureko says to Liurilias, "I cannot begin to describe how both odd and natural it feels to hear that from someone your age."

Liurilias says, "Or one such as know what I mean."

Liurilias rubs his head.

Rayureko laughs!

Rayureko nods.

Rayureko says, "I should get going if I'm going to find a place to rest. You all have a good evening."

Zamara nods.

Rayureko waves.

Rayureko smiles.

Rayureko climbed down a tree trunk.

This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms \ Prydaen - The Hub, by FLINT-TIPPED on the forums.

Prydaen Rayureko